Sooo, have you guys got any ideas on who you want to win for the Apprentice 2010?
I'm Liz & Stella all the way...(actually I wanted Jamie to win, until he started becoming a little too 'big headed'!)
So that's my two, who's yours? :?:
Sooo, have you guys got any ideas on who you want to win for the Apprentice 2010?
I'm Liz & Stella all the way...(actually I wanted Jamie to win, until he started becoming a little too 'big headed'!)
So that's my two, who's yours? :?:
Yes yes Liz! Has to be one of the females :O
I would agree, except I think Jamie gets a worse rap than he deserves, his kind of charm would suit Sugar to a T. Still he has screwed up a little too much and showed some very immature emotions in at least one task. Liz was my favourite at the beginning but I don't like her tactics now and she was totally wrong to side with that bitch in last night's episode. She also negotiates like an idiot, saying "I was hoping to start at xyz and we'll work our way up." lol. Teaming with the bitch and then, back at the house, with the little pig was a very bad move. She should have noted that, when Sugar ignored the case and fired bitch. I haven't seen the aftershow yet but I suspect they'll mention it, nobody likes the little pig. He actually has an affable side to him but it isn't much. And posh guy's air of deep thinking is a total nonsense. Stella has also been a favourite of mine but, although she was somewhat victimised in the boardroom, she shouldn't have gotten drawn into the infighting. She remains a pretty hot tip but actually Joanna is looking more impressive every week. Liz is now officially evil so I am backing Joanna, Jamie and Stella in that order. I might change my mind again, on this vital issue.
Havent been following all the episodes, but the girl that went out yesterday, the 22 year old, thought it would be btw her and liz.
"The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all directions.." - unknown
No, I figured he probably is Jewish and a little Googling confirms that. Alex is clearly Jewish. He wasn't great on the show. The other Jewish candidate was Melissa, who was godawful. I can't recall ever meeting any of them.

Yep yep.
There are several lookers in this series, girls and guys.
It's interesting that in the last couple of weeks Sugar has shown he was just aching to fire those candidates, because they weren't necessarily obvious choices based on the most recent task.
You know the week Stella was leading, I think the crisps task, and she asked Laura for an opinion, and right there I think Laura showed that she was unable to set aside petty self-interest for the sake of professional success, refused to give an opinion and preferred just to emphasise that Stella would be liable. So that accounts for some of the lingo, it is hard to forgive that kind of backstabber. But I will give that she is young and probably personable enough. Same goes for Stuart really, but he does the same thing.
woah! lol
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
For a moment I thought Sugar was going to find Chris more dynamic or something. Normally the whole thing seems a bit of a pompous indulgence for Sugar, but this season there were some really strong candidates and he chose wisely.
Wise decision indeed!
Now next series they'd want a guy right? or the right candidate because I don't know why but Sugar was being slightly sexist at times and not just Sugar.
Sugar would have been MAD to reject Stella. wise indeed.
Stella was the best candidate
Chris was def good tho
It was so close in the end I wasnt sure who would win
Joannas so annoying at times
look at me stella why u lookin at paloma why whats paloma doing why u making that face paloma
I bet shes a nagging wife
Jamie was awful
he came out with cliches all the time
That last bit is true. I'm not sure they'll just be looking for a male winner next time, although I imagine audience demographics do encourage Sugar to drop any lingering prejudices - he seems to have become a lot fairer, I think giving everyone a fair crack. Anyway enough from me about this TV show.
I think Liz was the best candidate persoanlly. should have got to final easily and then would have probably won it
At first i liked liz she looked promising, and even appeared to be a decent character too. But after one huge win she got a little bit too big for her boots. Then i think she started getting bitchy with stella simply due to envy i think. I mean stella is highly accomplished, and she achieved a lot more than liz and others with few qualifications. Liz also hated her because she didnt open up and become one of the girly gang in the house. Well i think stella was wise. She wasnt there to have girly nights in, she was there to win.
Liz seemed to like being popular and particularly liked the male members goading her on. After the red head whose name i forget got kicked off, (she should have gone in week 2), she said to stella well you should have gone, not her. If that wasnt personal, typically bitchy and unprofessional what was it. In my eyes she went down the pan right there and then.
Also she spent 2 hrs picking a dress to wear for the "retail" task that the store manager came and complained, how embarassing!!
Stella deserved it all along. I did like jamie, but after first few weeks the board room interrogation got to his confidence levels. im surprised he made it so far.
Everyone loves to hate stewart but i liked him. he has passion and a never ending enthusiasm to suceed even when kicked in the face he gets back up. i think they were very harsh in the manner they fired him. ok he exaggerated with the licence but he didnt lie, i mean he isnt running an illegal business. The dude has a field of ponies at 22 how many guys have got that lool.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]