A Member of The Revival Forums

[size=9]I am part of this community.
Everyone appreciates my presence.
Sometimes it is obvious why I am here is crucial to me.
Other times the conversation is a bit inane and I am just blowing off steam.
I love this community. I find a lot of the members particularly inspiring, and everyone is interesting in their way.
The discussion is open whether we like it or not, sometimes a Mod gets carried away but even then.
Sometimes I make an error and have to apologise.
Sometimes I will not apologise, when I think I am saying something important.
Sometimes it gets tense.
Sometimes I run away from the subject, usually when I don't think people are open to my comments. And that might or might not be cool, who knows? Sometimes I am up for a challenge, but I do have a naughty tendency to climax and quit.
Most of what I have to say is great, some of it is genius. Some of it is emotions getting in the way.
I am not invulnerable.
I am true to myself.
I want this community to grow with high values and spreading compassion in society.
I do not care for those values to be propagated in conjunction with dogma, but I do like to explain where I am coming from.
I want people to see the truth about having respect for somebody Jewish, that respect is cool and disrespect can go two ways.
I learn as I go, about some of my own prejudices.
Sometimes I read comments that provoke me to be prejudicial or upset, and I have to be careful.
I do not want to be misunderstood unless it is one of those inane discussions.
I don't always have the time to post and follow up but I seek to be dilligent.
Sometimes I am an idiot. Sometimes other people are idiots.
Sometimes I can see people are so cynical I will have to let it go.
Conversatuons can descend into politics and pride and when I pick up on it sometimes I get political or proud.
I don't say horrible things, but some of my boldness is misunderstood.
I am most gracious, most of the time.
Some people say horrible things.
But they are not plebs. Nobody is.
I am incredibly cool. It is a bit shameful how much time I spend in this place.
It is a cool place. I would like people to agree on this.[/size]


We be pirates here matey!

"Fatima" wrote:
lol someone seems hyper

I had this amazing drink!!!

It's a chilled double-shot espresso from Starbucks


It's like "Shiny" condensed into a drink!!!!

"Constantine" wrote:

It's like "Shiny" condensed into a drink!!!!

That must have made your day

"Fatima" wrote:
"Constantine" wrote:

It's like "Shiny" condensed into a drink!!!!

That must have made your day

Made my week!

This stuff is like liquid crack!!! - I've got enough energy to power Los Angeles for a month!

I'm going to take a shower and then i'm going to build a highway- by myself!

"Constantine" wrote:
"Fatima" wrote:
"Constantine" wrote:

It's like "Shiny" condensed into a drink!!!!

That must have made your day

Made my week!

This stuff is like liquid crack!!! - I've got enough energy to power Los Angeles for a month!

I'm going to take a shower and then i'm going to build a highway- by myself!

Um, Dave, I think that's the liquid crack. Starbucks is good but I do like an extra shot and I never built no highways.

"Constantine" wrote:

This stuff is like liquid crack!!! - I've got enough energy to power Los Angeles for a month!

Dave are you sure it wasnt a cocktail of radioactive subtances?

You might wanna check if ur turning green :shock:

Talking of Starbucks,

I read somewhere that coffee is like the third or second biggest international export or American import or something like that, I can't remember.

But I do remember thinking, America could be fighting wars over coffee in the not too distant future.

[size=6]It's already gone to war over bananas. [/size]

And war over burgers with fries.

"100" wrote:
And war over burgers with fries.

One of the first things they did after taking Baghdad was open a McDonolad's.

So, you never know...

"Enver" wrote:
"100" wrote:
And war over burgers with fries.

One of the first things they did after taking Baghdad was open a McDonolad's.

So, you never know...

Well sometimes fortune favors the foolish.

100... i agree ...

there there... there there.

Back in BLACK

"Seraph" wrote:
there there... there there.
A rooster crows only when it sees the light. Put him in the dark and he'll never crow. I have seen the light and I'm crowing.

Don't understand your point.

"100" wrote:
"Seraph" wrote:
there there... there there.
A rooster crows only when it sees the light. Put him in the dark and he'll never crow. I have seen the light and I'm crowing.

Don't understand your point.


Dont worry about it.

Your not the first and you certainly wont be the last.

Bottomline: I agree.

Back in BLACK


That's OK, but I took it offensively. It would be better if you explain it.

why do you take things offensively?

seraph is hardly the type to anger any1

....u a lil.......tense?

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


Hayder, I guess I am a bit with Seraph. Lately we haven't agreed on much, which is fine, but I don't get 'there there', it seems like it is a bit offensive and belittling. Don't worry, he hasn't upset me, all that rests on it is what I think of him and how we get on. Maybe I've misunderstood, it would be nice of him to say something else.

"100" wrote:
Hayder, I guess I am a bit with Seraph. Lately we haven't agreed on much, which is fine, but I don't get 'there there', it seems like it is a bit offensive and belittling. Don't worry, he hasn't upset me, all that rests on it is what I think of him and how we get on.

lol, having trouble figouring me out.

That makes two of us. Im not sure as to when your refering to above I-m so happy coz i certainly dont remember having a disagreement with you... you sure you got the right guy?

Your original post on this thread seemed a lil heart felt... 'there there' was my attempt at consoleing you... which obviously failed. :roll: But not to worry... im sure we all get emotional every now and then... unless your a vulcan.

In which case

Live long and prosper.

Back in BLACK

OK, understood.

Heartfelt, something like that. Not upset, or in need of consoling, Seraph. In fact it's quite a triumphant topic in its way. OTOH I'm sorry I somehow thought your consolation was a dig.

"100" wrote:
I am part of this community.

If I hadn't forsaken the word 'Damn' then this is the point where I would have said:

[color=cyan][size=24]DAMN STRAIGHT!!![/size][/color]

"100" wrote:

I love this community.

Aww we love you too, right guys...guys? Fine I love you.

Max's crazy stalker in 'Max and Paddy': "but not in a gay way."

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

100 man why is your posts writing so small my old eyes are watering neverthless its a good post never knew you felt this way - so there is a heart behind the 100

point about disagreements i think we have all had disagreements with each other and i especially found it difficult to understand your past posts they seemed so different to the way i write and your thinking clearly confuses me at times but our differences are our beauty arnt they

"100" wrote:
Thanks Dawud. Very good.[quote="[url=http://www.therevival.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?p=32799#32799]MuslimSis..."]Get a room guys :roll:
So I will just reiterate my general love for both the men and the lovely ladeez of The Revival, and most especially Dawud.[/quote]

Aww Thanks, HA! get that people I'm special and I got a reindeer to prove it remember:

[size=9] I am not a banana, I am inside the banana when its splits, I am the surprise inside, and when its skin turns brown still I hold out for you against the decay keeping my purity that you might remember me and find a surprise withing. Oh [i]I[/i] am not the Banana, are you?[/size]

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

Dawud, just asking, would you like to come and see the Tatton Flower Show with me, next time it's on?

I'm in two minds about this:

On the one hand I haven't climbed a tree in ages and I haven't visited 'the' park (not Tatton Park) in some time.

And on the other hand, I'm completely spineless, Tatton park is pretty far from where I live, My Mum probably wouldn't go for it (not joking this is a serious reason, I'm 18 if you were wondering, I haven't been to keen on learning to drive as cars pollute the environment) oh and did I mention I'm spineless?

I don't want you to think I'm blowing you off, but I think its a no, no.

However stranger things have happened so you never know, to quote miestro Titch " I'm growing a bit everyday, everyday, I'm growing a bit everyday."

Soz mate, but do you live anywhere near Stretford in Manchester?

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

I don't, I live in London, but I've got family in Manchester. I used live near Salford Crescent, working in Trafford Park. I'll come back to you anyway, Tatton's in the summer. It's a beautiful place, I don't know what your Mum's got against it. Just get the bus or Metro into Altrincham and it's a short walk. btw I didn't want to know about bits you're growing everyday, thank you Dawud. I just love you AS A HUMAN BEING. But I thought you might dig Tatton Park is all.

"100" wrote:
btw I didn't want to know about bits you're growing everyday,

Oh but you do!

"100" wrote:


Ah, rejected again Cray 2 oh well,


"100" wrote:

But I thought you might dig Tatton Park is all.

I like any park provided the dogs are okay with the no fouling.

oh wait I just got the pun, very clever.. Lol

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

OK, enough of this tomfoolery! You too, 100man, that was a beautiful post you wrote up there, don't spoil it.