Salaam, just found out about that recently and thought it'd make a good topic (anything to escape biology =P)
Ground Zero by the way is where the Twin towers used to be and the area around it
It's pretty hard to find unbiased links about it but here's the most unbiased i found here's one thats a bit more angry also this one which is hmm.."conservatives" as they call themselves and finally a little hateful youtube video
my questions, why would you want to do that as a Muslim? (build the mosque)
Why are people guetting SO angry about it?
What should we do with Ground Zero? a Park?
I don't think its actually on ground zero - just close to it. and when I read up about it a while ago I think there was a suggestion that it is an extention to/part of an existing centre and that the mosque had an all faith backing.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Yep, its going to be a Cultural Center "with a swimming pool" !!!!
but there still is going to be a musallah.
but the place was touched by some part of the plane or something, which make it very holy and ground zero material.
and from what you've said, why are people guetting angry about it? It's just a mosque and everyone knows that terrorists are NOT muslims and that Muslims all over the World have grieved (my dad wouldnt let me watch cartoons and was stuck to the News channel for a few days
) over the Twin Towers crash and condemned it.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?