Where are the women scholars of Islam ?Why r there more men?

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thanks for the complement.

I still don't get the 'two down' bit...

I do have issues with both 'Ed and Med.

With Ed just always blamind Med, and with Med and his almost accusations...(ahlul bid'ah... IMO it is used as an accusation and a justification, but he is not willing to give it a valid definition...)

(And just noticed in 'Ed's post he suggested i am aso somehow sectarian...)

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
thanks for the complement.

I still don't get the 'two down' bit...

at that time Dave was gone and Mr Ed said that he was gonna cut down coming here

hence the "two down"

"yuit" wrote:
"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:
2 down.....

how many more to go?

I think some people are being abit of a drama queen. Ed you have to admit that you are some way responsible to making this a secetarian forum, you keep mentioning Taliban and deobandi as much as other are mention Brewalvi and Halwa. At the end of the day you only get into a agrument if you want too, look at the way Admin handle the Khatam jaiz thread, so simple one post all the fact and no room for agruments.

how dare you say i am responsible for making this a sectarian forum
dont you guys know what sectarianism is...
med is deobandi, he knows it, he admits it, he loves their ulema, he follows them, he refers to them. so if i say he is deobandi/tablighi...how is that in anyway sectarian.
if i say deobandi will all go to hell, they are this and that..that would be sectarian..but i dont that.
so , get your info right..please.
i know you love everyone, and dont want to say anything against anyone...good for you...i agree, disagree, criticise..analyse...and when likes of Med spread their sect..and accuse others of alot of rubbish..i have to speak my mind. if you want to call it sectarian, by all means , do so.

and dont call me a drama queen, mate!


lol, this is hilarious.

I am Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah, others can label me however it pleases them to do so.

Similarly I havent said all Ahlul Bid'ah are going to hell either. That is for ALLAH to decide, if I believe certain things are deviation then I think it is my duty to advise that I think this is a wrong act, nawt wrong with that I dont think.

Similarly, as people have said I am sectarian and have advised me away from my ''sectarianism'' it is because they think I am doing a rong/bad act. And they think it is their duty to advise me that what I am doing is wrong. So we are all guilty of advising others to some extent. But I think I better shut up before I am accused of instigating another argument.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
"yuit" wrote:
"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:
2 down.....

how many more to go?

I think some people are being abit of a drama queen. Ed you have to admit that you are some way responsible to making this a secetarian forum, you keep mentioning Taliban and deobandi as much as other are mention Brewalvi and Halwa. At the end of the day you only get into a agrument if you want too, look at the way Admin handle the Khatam jaiz thread, so simple one post all the fact and no room for agruments.

how dare you say i am responsible for making this a sectarian forum
dont you guys know what sectarianism is...
med is deobandi, he knows it, he admits it, he loves their ulema, he follows them, he refers to them. so if i say he is deobandi/tablighi...how is that in anyway sectarian.
if i say deobandi will all go to hell, they are this and that..that would be sectarian..but i dont that.
so , get your info right..please.
i know you love everyone, and dont want to say anything against anyone...good for you...i agree, disagree, criticise..analyse...and when likes of Med spread their sect..and accuse others of alot of rubbish..i have to speak my mind. if you want to call it sectarian, by all means , do so.

and dont call me a drama queen, mate!

hate the crime, not the person

not sayin med is guilty of commiting forum crimes, but you cant hate on a person as much as you do - thats jus baaaaaaaaad, unislamic manners

i dont aggree with the dude, but you go toooo extreme, to the extent you post stuff like that above!


Evry1 compliainin of the forum not bien the same....but if ur not here, and u go away, hows it supposed to get better? :?

the return of salaf, 100, dave, add in irfghan, admin and MuslimSis ......brings back proper discussions

the forum needs you!!!

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


er... yeh, things are getting pretty heated in here.

Ed, from an objective point of view, i dont think its right for a Moderator to be posting his heartfelt opinions on topics, it just makes ur job harder. which is partly y Big Brother had to leave i guess.

However i think everyone agrees ur posts are a valuable contribution to the forum. so mayb adding some anonymity and getting a seperate username for urself wud b better? just a suggestion... but either way, dont leave!


[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]

Its not about being a mod. I do not care what the opinions of a mod are as long as they moderate properly.

They are just people on the forums. They have views. They can and should express them. Being a mod does not make your opinions more worthy.

I would disagree with anyone who posted as 'Ed did.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I think its really hard for the mods NOT to post, it must get sad just sitting there deleting abuse/swear words (ie poor admin used to be a loner but now he has come out of his shell). So interacting on the forum is bound to happen as long as they abide by the rules and do their job right.


It is said that in Islam cleanliness is equated to half the faith.

Therefore, women have no excuse to not stay in the kitchen to keep it squeaky clean.


"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
"yuit" wrote:
"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:
2 down.....

how many more to go?

I think some people are being abit of a drama queen. Ed you have to admit that you are some way responsible to making this a secetarian forum, you keep mentioning Taliban and deobandi as much as other are mention Brewalvi and Halwa. At the end of the day you only get into a agrument if you want too, look at the way Admin handle the Khatam jaiz thread, so simple one post all the fact and no room for agruments.

how dare you say i am responsible for making this a sectarian forum
dont you guys know what sectarianism is...
med is deobandi, he knows it, he admits it, he loves their ulema, he follows them, he refers to them. so if i say he is deobandi/tablighi...how is that in anyway sectarian.
if i say deobandi will all go to hell, they are this and that..that would be sectarian..but i dont that.
so , get your info right..please.
i know you love everyone, and dont want to say anything against anyone...good for you...i agree, disagree, criticise..analyse...and when likes of Med spread their sect..and accuse others of alot of rubbish..i have to speak my mind. if you want to call it sectarian, by all means , do so.

and dont call me a drama queen, mate!

Drama queen was target more at lilsis, doesn't matter. :roll:

Got to say that even though you not as sectarian as some people, you still do cause some sectarian views. Why is that, because you equate deobandi/tabligh and taliban too Med views, i know many deobandi and they all nice enough people and very good muslims, now if they came onto this forum, i know for sure they would consider some of your post offensive because you piegon hole them into one caterorgy and you create a stereotype of them.

Also your post are coming across as very angry and at time aggresive. Also what other say they going to have to take responsibility for it, as it on their back. Personally i have heard many very offensive comment for a wide range of people on this forum, but when you let it affect you, you let them win, it only a internet site, i don't see the point of getting all emotional personally

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


Med came on this forum with the stated aim of 'sorting us out.'

This tiff between Ed and Med can be traced back to the 'Hijaab and Jeans' thread.

"irfghan" wrote:
Med came on this forum with the stated aim of 'sorting us out.'

lol, I was so naieve. I didnt knw that people couldnt accept truth when it was presented before them so clearly.

Wont be making THAT mistake again, lol.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
"irfghan" wrote:
Med came on this forum with the stated aim of 'sorting us out.'

lol, I was so naieve. I didnt knw that people couldnt accept truth when it was presented before them so clearly.

Wont be making THAT mistake again, lol.

you wouldnt know what truth was if it ran you over.
no one has bought your lies, rubbish, fatwas....
everyone can see through u
i feel sorry for ur 'teachers'...
u hav elet them down big time...
i have very good tj/deobandi friends... but u have gave them a very bad name...


Assalamu Alaikum,

I personally think there are fewer female scholars about because men don't encourage women to study their deen. Religious knowledge for a girl goes so far as learning to read the Quran and memorise a few short surahs, and the five daily prayers. This is deemed to be enough for a "girl". What need does a girl have for learning her religion in depth.

Afterall she's gona be too busy cooking and cleaning. Nevermind the fact that she will be the sole educator of the new generation of muslims, let's sweep that under the carpet, it's such a "trivial" matter.

Also when daughters ask their fathers for permission to study in a madrassa abroad, they are often given lame excuses such as, "you can't go alone you're a girl, you need a mahram". Then hello! Find them a mahram, as parents you should be willing to take her! If it's not the mahram issue.."dear daughter we have no money to send you to a boarding school. But we have money in abundance for our son" :roll:

"We have no money, but here daughter have a few grand you may go uni get your degree, but after that you must marry who we have ready for you, there's a good girl."

I can remember my brothers remaining in mosque to do hifz, but because I reached a certain age I had to leave. This was the reason I was given. I just think that's a load of nonsense. If they had wanted me to learn, the mosque would have said if ladies want to do hifz or further study you can learn from such and such lady here's her address. But that was never the case.

But nowadays there are many young girls who are asking their parents to admit them into madrassas, and local day alimah, and hifz courses. Even so in the grander scale of things women are still just looked upon as domestic hands.

They may lack interest for the deen, because their parents have failed to inculcate the love from the beginning. All these girls learnt was to do a set of ritualistic acts, with no reasons as to why.

I find it hard to believe that mosques don't even teach a basic seerah course, in line with learning how to read the Quran. Surely this is important? Through this we can understand why we are learning arabic, why we read the Quran. Why we worship Allah, and how we should manifest our love towards Him (swt).

Islam teaches the acquisition of religious knowledge is obligatory on every individual, male and female. The gender issue, will be no excuse for ignorance on judgement day. Men who hold back women from acquiring such knowledge will have to answer to Allah. So they may make sexist jokes now, and laugh about the wealth of opportunities given to them but held from women. But I doubt these men will be laughing when their grandchildren grow up and decide to leave the fold of Islam, because their mothers neglected to teach them their religion.

There are a few alimas in my town but I only got to know about them by accident. It's pretty hard to get the information. Most girls wouldn't know of them, so how would they even enter alimah classes? There's no harm in advertising their services in a local islamic bookshop or mosque, I don't know why they don't do this.

"yashmaki" wrote:
Assalamu Alaikum,

I personally think there are fewer female scholars about because men don't encourage women to study their deen. Religious knowledge for a girl goes so far as learning to read the Quran and memorise a few short surahs, and the five daily prayers. This is deemed to be enough for a "girl". What need does a girl have for learning her religion in depth.

I agree with you sis.

If a person think it is enough, tell them it is not according to hadith:

'Learn from the cradle to the grave'

'seek knowledge even if you have to go to china'

'seeking knowledge is a duty on every muslim man and woman'

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:

If a person think it is enough, tell them it is not according to hadith:

'Learn from the cradle to the grave'

'seek knowledge even if you have to go to china'

'seeking knowledge is a duty on every muslim man and woman'

Admin, that hadith: "seek knowledge even if you have to go to china" is classified as Mawdoo' (fabricated) by scholars. i know its really common, but i have heard this verdict out of the mouth of a Mufti.

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]

There are several ladies on this forum who would be fantastic scholars - i've asked one or two of the if they had an interest and generally it seems like the reactions are that they want to pursue other avenues and that Islamic studies are more like an interest they pursue for fun in their free time - or as an extension of personal growth.

On the other hand the guys i've asked seem to want the authority that comes with a title and training.

"Constantine" wrote:
There are several ladies on this forum who would be fantastic scholars - i've asked one or two of the if they had an interest and generally it seems like the reactions are that they want to pursue other avenues and that Islamic studies are more like an interest they pursue for fun in their free time - or as an extension of personal growth.

On the other hand the guys i've asked seem to want the authority that comes with a title and training.

funnily enuf, i may b pursuing such a course in the near future. one thing that puts me off tho, is the title that comes with it. its a big responsibility... :?

to answer the question, i think there are many female scholars but they dont preach in the public domain, as men do. therefore theyr not so well known. most of these female scholars go back to teach other girls at the institution where they studied, or teach women in the community.

also, i think its rare to find parents who actually encourage their children to pursue a full time 'aalim/a course.

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]

"Aasiyah" wrote:
"Constantine" wrote:
There are several ladies on this forum who would be fantastic scholars - i've asked one or two of the if they had an interest and generally it seems like the reactions are that they want to pursue other avenues and that Islamic studies are more like an interest they pursue for fun in their free time - or as an extension of personal growth.

On the other hand the guys i've asked seem to want the authority that comes with a title and training.

funnily enuf, i may b pursuing such a course in the near future. one thing that puts me off tho, is the title that comes with it. its a big responsibility... :?

also, i think its rare to find parents who actually encourage their children to pursue a full time 'aalim/a course.

Me too...thats my dream.

That's why I took up teaching course in Uni..so that in the future I can combine this knowldege with Islamic knowledge and be a qualified Alimah/Scholar...

My parents don't encourage me ...they want me to concentrate on my Uni degree and do Islam "part time"...but I'm very determined in what I wish to accomplish in life.

"MuslimSister" wrote:
"Aasiyah" wrote:
"Constantine" wrote:
There are several ladies on this forum who would be fantastic scholars - i've asked one or two of the if they had an interest and generally it seems like the reactions are that they want to pursue other avenues and that Islamic studies are more like an interest they pursue for fun in their free time - or as an extension of personal growth.

On the other hand the guys i've asked seem to want the authority that comes with a title and training.

funnily enuf, i may b pursuing such a course in the near future. one thing that puts me off tho, is the title that comes with it. its a big responsibility... :?

also, i think its rare to find parents who actually encourage their children to pursue a full time 'aalim/a course.

Me too...thats my dream.

That's why I took up teaching course in Uni..so that in the future I can combine this knowldege with Islamic knowledge and be a qualified Alimah/Scholar...

My parents don't encourage me ...they want me to concentrate on my Uni degree and do Islam "part time"...but I'm very determined in what I wish to accomplish in life.

inshaAllah ur determination will get u there in the end. ud make a great scholar! Smile

[size=9]I NEVER WORE IT BECAUSE OF THE TALIBAN, MOTHER. I LIKE THE [b]MODESTY[/b] AND [b]PROTECTION[/b] IT AFFORDS ME FROM THE EYES OF MEN.[/size] [url=http://www.adherents.com/lit/comics/Dust.html]Dust, X-Men[/url]


Does God ask women to spread His teachings ?

God sends 144,000 Prophets, and not one of them is a woman.

Does that not give you a clue ?


It takes a great woman to produce a great man. Something you seem to have forgotten.

Women don't have to be prophets to spread the teachings of Islam. In fact we ourselves aren't scholars but if a non muslim asked us about our faith we would answer to the best of our knowledge.

Never heard so much rubbish from you :roll:

Aisha (ra) was one of the greatest female scholars of her time and she turned out many a great male scholar. Something you seem to have forgotten most conveniently.

Prophethood is a completely different topic. Why men were prophets open a new thread. Stick to the topic!


"yashmaki" wrote:
It takes a great woman to produce a great man. Something you seem to have forgotten.

Yes. I agree.


[b]Edit. Dangerous remarks Omrow, carefull now ------- NewModOnTheBlock[/b]

That's a big thing with Catholics - they exalt her big time for the support she gave her son throughout his ministry and during the Crucifixion.

It's not always about carrying a message.

We all (Christians) look at her as sort of the mother of the Church.

An entire chapter of the Quran is named after Maryam (ra), she has a high position in Gods eyes. Both the Christians and Muslims would attack Omrow for what he just said. Such a flippant remark uff!

[b]Dealt with now----- NewModOnTheBlock[/b]

"Omrow" wrote:

Does God ask women to spread His teachings ?

And did God ask them not to?

use ur brains Dumbo :roll:

and for ur info Hadra Aisha used to preach

and she was better then every neally ALL the MALE scholars in her time

"Omrow" wrote:

"yashmaki" wrote:
It takes a great woman to produce a great man. Something you seem to have forgotten.

Yes. I agree.


[b]Edit. Dangerous remarks Omrow, carefull now ------- NewModOnTheBlock[/b]

I fear the 'New Moderator on the Block' may be getting a little over-zealous.

Isn't this censorship?

That is the job of a mod.

It depends on what he wrote.

From subsequent posts it isn hinted he may have insulted the mother of Prophet Isa (as)

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:

From subsequent posts it isn hinted he may have insulted the mother of Prophet Isa (as)

Oh, is that what what got deleted?

I thought it was something else.

Now I really should go to sleep.

[b]I can confirm, it was remarks many, including Yashmaki, found insulting
P.S. do not tell me how to do my job, i am fully capable ---- NewModOnTheBlock[/b]

"irfghan" wrote:

[b]I can confirm, it was remarks many, including Yashmaki, found insulting
P.S. do not tell me how to do my job, i am fully capable ---- NewModOnTheBlock[/b]

One could argue but not in this case.
