Assslam... I was wondering wether anybody watched muslim driving school on bbc 2 last tuesday at 10... Whats the show's point??
Are the BBC trying to say that Muslim women aren't great drivers.. or are they just having a stab at muslims again? Why don't they show the insight of a educated Muslim womens life and why have they called it Muslim driving school?.. why not Womens driving school? They are trying to sterotype all muslim women as hopeless drivers, that cant read or write english very well..
What are your views?
Although you have got to admire the 16 yr old who concerted to islam aftera lifetime of drugs and drink...
Muslim Driving School
Published by Lioness of Allah on 6 February, 2010 - 15:27
yes, it was already being discussed here. (stopped being discussed is more accurate really)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.