Just a video that I came across promoting the Ta'Leef Collective - a non-profit organization (in America only?) dedicated to assisting new Muslims and emerging young adult Muslims.
While I do not know much about the organisation and this is a sort of promo for them, I do think this is a good video for other muslims to watch, to ponder over and to be aware of some of the hardship new muslims go through.
Hamza Yusuf!
Thats a lovely video!

that was a kinda sort of beautiful video (:
this video was so beautiful ... thanks for posting it ... it was pretty amazing ... i dont think we can comprehend how difficult it must be for new muslims ...
its a shame that its only in america (maybe?)... i think id benefit from going there myself
but thanks again for posting it ...
"Beautiful" was not the word I thought of when I saw that... apart from the fact that there is that organisation, what they are trying to address is not beautiful but tragic.
People wanting to learn about Islam or even accepting it and then having nowhere to turn, no help when they most need it. Which this organisation is trying to address in the US. Are there such organisations in the UK?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
the reasons may be trajic, but the aim is beautiful.