How to celebrate Eid?

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I feel that there is a lack of Islamic alternatives for the youth…as a Muslim community we have little to offer them…

It’s easy to condemn those people who doss on Green Street or Southall but we need to understand where they’re coming from….

Its easy to say that, they should stay at home with the family etc….but this can be boring-especially if you’re a teenager… my own family consists of only six members…my extended family all live up north…and I remember as a teenager when I used to get together with my extended family, I was always bored out of my head….

Yesterday I came across a poster advertising a “Chaad Raat” programme for the girls in my town…

It advertised a night of nasheeds/munch and offered “facial’s, pedicures, massages, hair cuts, mendhi” etc etc.

Now, what typical girly girl wouldn’t want to attend? A Muslim girl could mingle with Muslim girls her own age, instead of messing around on Green Street…

If there were more such events properly organised and advertised…for brothers and separate ones for sisters… I really feel that people attending Wilmslow rd etc would diminish…

It’s like what was pointed out on the radio the other night…some of people who go out and mess about Wilmslow rd are the ones who have fasted all Ramadan/attended Tarwaih prayer etc….its sometimes the girls who are usually in Hijaab all year round…but like, so many others they feel the pressure to follow the crowd…..cos they don’t really have anything else to do…


I agree.

There needs to be an alternative.

The more business oriented may even spot aprofit in providing a much needed service.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

There aint nowt wrong with goin TC as long as your intentions are good. If you go down wiv ur family watch a movie, bowlin and eatin then nowt wrong wiv it. However if you go around causing trouble then thats no right, coz thats not what eid is about. Yeah there are a few individuals that ruin it for us as coz of them we all get labelled for it. As for hiring a car you dont av to hire a limo or dead expensive car. A car that gets you there an back is good enough. Werent gonna go this eid but ben roped into it coz they al want a lift. LOL

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:
so u need a limo to get you there and back?

or a prestigous car?


btw LilSis.......... i cant drive, how am i gona hire a car!

who said anything about a limo? way out of my price range Sad

ne thing that gets me there and back in one piece will do Biggrin

can't drive either...Yet... Smile

"Admin" wrote:
I agree.

There needs to be an alternative.

The more business oriented may even spot aprofit in providing a much needed service.

i agree too-we wanted to make that point in the radio the other night but had the wrong number

i cant WAIT to attend that "chaand raat" programme-we'l get daddy to drop us off

i wish more such things were available

i always stay at home at Eid day-i don't even go out with cousins/sis on that day only cos so much crap is going on outside

We had a chand raat a couple of times but it gets really hard to attend coz its the night before eid and mum needs help at home! I spend eid the normal way, first day wait for people (mainly the boys) to come round and then in the evening do our 'rounds' to the relatives houses and then normally spend the second day visiting freinds or going for a nice meal etc.

Eid was so much more exciting when we were younger, i remeber even if we got one pound for eidi it was enough, having said that my little sisters dont get that excited about eid anymore either, its more to do with a day off from school for them!

anyway we still dont know when we doing but nevertheless Eid Mubarak to u guys!

yeah eid was so much better when you were kids (you got money but dad says too old now, no fairs Biggrin ). Me lil bros and siss only get excited bought eid coz they know they can take a day off skool (they were plannin on taken 3 days off if it was wed, but coz it isnt they taken only 2 days which me dad aint impressed bout Biggrin ). People in high skool an college use to take off a week which i dont see the point in, their excuse was its eid (yeah rite). I use to take off 2 days only. Now in uni i think i took off 1 day last yr and now it dont matter this yr coz got the whole week off, cant get any better than that :D.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

Yeah we do not get much money anymore coz we older, the little ones get more :evil:, i sued to love taking time off school but its different when u at uni or college. I rmbr for the last couple of years at uni my deadlines were always around ok this year the only thing i look forward to is washing the dishes and mopping the floor Sad

"flower" wrote:
Yeah we do not get much money anymore coz we older, the little ones get more :evil:, i sued to love taking time off school but its different when u at uni or college. I rmbr for the last couple of years at uni my deadlines were always around ok this year the only thing i look forward to is washing the dishes and mopping the floor Sad

lol! in my family, the older u are, the more money u get! Biggrin


can i join ur famliy! lol Lol

ive never had eidi.......besides from ma mum, but she takes it back lol

wen i was lil i was the missing generation - only 1 my age, the overlooked one - very quite

which all equals = no eidy!

now im hardly quite, but too old - but i dont have to give eidy yet, altho the kids have tried, coz my excuse is - im a student!!

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:
can i join ur famliy! lol Lol

ive never had eidi.......besides from ma mum, but she takes it back lol

wen i was lil i was the missing generation - only 1 my age, the overlooked one - very quite

which all equals = no eidy!

now im hardly quite, but too old - but i dont have to give eidy yet, altho the kids have tried, coz my excuse is - im a student!!

i dont have to give eidi yet either coz before i was a student know i am unemployed Lol

Hey Aasiyaah can i join ur family too? Lol

aseeyaaa.......theres a big que to join your family, are u not gona open the door? Smile

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


lol u are all already my family... in Islam. Smile doors wide open already. Wink

i dont hav 2 giv eidi yet either, so i jus buy prezzies.


Eid mubarak everybody whether your celebratin it tomoz or fri. Make sure u av a safe eid (dont do anything i wouldnt do) and i dont wana wake up fri morin to see any of u lot on the news Biggrin

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

"Naz" wrote:
Eid mubarak everybody whether your celebratin it tomoz or fri. Make sure u av a safe eid (dont do anything i wouldnt do) and i dont wana wake up fri morin to see any of u lot on the news Biggrin


khayr mubarak... staying home for Eid so wont catch me on da telly Biggrin

' Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me ' {2662}

We get eidi in our family, i am now 20 and still getin eidi from mum/dad and uncles/aunts.


Im the only person in my family who is doing eid tomorrow.

awwww, give me sympathy.

Eid is gonna be weird, go to madrassah, get it ready for the people, read the namaz, meet Ustaadji and some friends and other people, then go to my relatives and not get anything to eat.

then go home and just sit there staring at the four walls. im gonna be sooooooooo lonely.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

yea and what about meeting yr mate up north, wont he be disappointed?

"Med" wrote:
Im the only person in my family who is doing eid tomorrow.

awwww, give me sympathy.

Eid is gonna be weird, go to madrassah, get it ready for the people, read the namaz, meet Ustaadji and some friends and other people, then go to my relatives and not get anything to eat.

then go home and just sit there staring at the four walls. im gonna be sooooooooo lonely.

Huh, you and your FAMILY are doin eid on two diff. days? Nothin is right about that!!!

Eid mubarak and enjoy!

why is your family celebrating on diff days?

"naj" wrote:
yea and what about meeting yr mate up north, wont he be disappointed?

he might be, but I dont think his family like me. I wud LOVE to do eid with him, but looks like it aint gonna happen, pooor med.

I following madrassah, my family are following my grandad who is following his mosque. All in a days work.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
"naj" wrote:
yea and what about meeting yr mate up north, wont he be disappointed?

he might be, but I dont think his family like me. I wud LOVE to do eid with him, but looks like it aint gonna happen, pooor med.

awwwwww das bad. whateva med does his fam even know u neva mind liking u Wink

"naj" wrote:

awwwwww das bad. whateva med does his fam even know u neva mind liking u Wink

nah the dont knw me, but i doubt they wud like me, i aint a very likeable character. but my mate has such a beautiful character, cant believe im so lucky to know him.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

Hey Eid is almost upon us, or already upon some,

How r u gna celebrate?

The thread maker sed he's gna invite sheap n goats, hope no1 else goes down that route :evil:

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

"razor" wrote:
Hey Eid is almost upon us, or already upon some,

How r u gna celebrate?

The thread maker sed he's gna invite sheap n goats, hope no1 else goes down that route :evil:

cruize down wimmie road in ma pimped up ride (with no licence n no insurance) , blastin ma bhangra tunes n hopefully will pick up a couple of people on the way Wink

wot bout u?

doing anything interesting?

eating hopefully

roast chicken, note - no halwa on 2mrws menu i have been informed

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:
eating hopefully

roast chicken, note - no halwa on 2mrws menu i have been informed

Good things thers no halwa. Stupid Halwa conspirers must think we stupid :x

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

Down with the Halwa Power Conspiracy!!!

"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:
eating hopefully

roast chicken, note - no halwa on 2mrws menu i have been informed

chicken? i fort you had a thing for keema (with peas), what happened to loyalty???

when did chicken take its place? Biggrin

Don't worry about it Med just drown your sorrows in a nice creamy glass of milk.

You should really want to drink
The stuff they call milk
Cos when your heart starts to sink
It can really make you think
Bring you back from the brink
Just a cool pint of delecious milk!

Also lots of us halwa eaters will be celebrating Eid tommorow so why don't you take some halwa to eid Salat, Insha Allah SWT you won't spend the day alone after that.


Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
