The BNP scaremongering against Islam and Muslims?

Allahu Akbar – The enemy within

Events in the United States of America at a military base in Texas show how dangerous the wrong kind of policies of the so called politically correct elites can be. Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a psychiatrist working for the US Army, shouted Allahu Akbar (God is Great) and opened fire and killed thirteen people who were caught totally unprepared.

The British National Party opposes the illegal military intervention of Western forces in Islamic countries. We have rejected the said intervention from the very beginning because we see it as neo-colonialism and by the same token the British National Party reclaims the fundamental right of the British peoples of being the masters of their own destiny in Britain.

The tragic events I refer to took place in Texas, the birthplace of a now former American President who launched a war under false pretenses – an oil war – and disguised it as war against weapons of mass destruction that never existed and with the sole purpose of regime change.

Today, it happened in America and tomorrow it will happen in Britain where military bases will come under attack from the enemy within. Just hours ago, we saw it in Afghanistan when somebody who was supposed to be an ally opened fire injuring and killing British soldiers.

It does not require a lot of imagination to think that the placards we saw in Luton, raised against British soldiers returning from the battlefield, can easily be replaced by guns that will destroy lives. Many of those who raised the placards were born and bred in Britain and do not see themselves as British and will never be British – not because they will not be allowed to be British, but because they really do not want to be British and have no loyalty towards Britain.

Read more @ The London Patriot

Agree? Disagree? is it scaremongering or are Muslims something real to fear? Is the article not simply stating facts?

A muslim army officer has killed 12 fellow soldiers in Texas.

Its terrible, but that is nothing new, nor is it unique to muslims.

Soldiers kill fellow soldiers all the time.

What he meant is that since:

1. Rape cannot always be proven
2. Adultery/fornication is forbidden

if a state does not recognise anything between those two positions, then the victim may be punished for #2 as the act of intercourse has been admitted and the question is wether it was consentual or forced.

However here is where common sense comes and a state should recognise this and have the ability to follow the necessary avenues.

Saying that, there are many people who lack common sense, and in pakistan, when under Musharaf, there was a change in the law to stop the unprovenness of rape to always lead to a provenness of adultery, there were many "scholars" who were opposed to the changes.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Just one point to say: The four witnesses need to be ultra reliable and must show that the rape happened and was consented to.

There is a Hadith where Muhammad (pbuh) made it clear that getting raped was not a crime. Answers it all doesn't it. Islam's position is that these penalties exist only to make you think twice and they were only used in exceptional circumstances, most cases some mitigation allowed for mercy and leniency.
Unfortunately, many people, including Muslims find that hard to grasp.

Peace Out Salam Alaykum!

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

I was reading the other day that there is also hadith evidence - and also evidence from the caliphate of Hadhrat Umar (ra) where rape was punished for upon just the evidence of the victim, without the need for any other witnesses.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.