
why do muslims, chritians and jews believe it is the "holy land" i wud look it up but i can't be arsed....

"Judda" wrote:
why do muslims, chritians and jews believe it is the "holy land" i wud look it up but i can't be arsed....

bcoz of Jerusalem

Back in BLACK

yea and whats so fricken good about chuffin jerusalem?

and y do all 3 of 'em want it?

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

I thought Judda was leaving. :evil:

judda you are incredibly stupid or ignorant

Jerusalem for muslims was place of the prophets(pbuh) decendance to heaven

It contains the dome of the rock and Al-asqa mosque the third holiest place for muslims after mecca and medina

It was also the place of the crusades were muslim heroes like salahuddin and nurrahuddin defeated the armies of christians

for christians it was were jesus (Isa (pbuh)) stayed and preached and contains church of holy scephulcher

for jews place of moses(pbuh) and the wailing wall or wan*ing wall plus other sinogogues may they all burn

may allah give us victory and give us back the holy lands where many muslims are suffering and have been martyred, may allah grant them all a special place in paradise

I read on google that they prayed that direction for a short period of time and it exposed the hypocrits.

I heard that was the place ibrahim was about to sacrifice his son, is that true?

Irf who said i was leaving?

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

"Judda" wrote:
yea and whats so fricken good about chuffin jerusalem?

come on judda - u act as though u WANT to be hated by everyone here. a little manners can go a long way.

u are asking a question - do u really think anyone would answer if u speak like that?


Raf replied :roll:

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

judda so which are you




probably both

yea both


What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

i answered it now do some research ,

i never heard that muslims prayed in that direction where you get this info from

google- not a great place to get info from :?

but i am sure i heard this imam in derby say it too :?

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

"Judda" wrote:
Raf replied :roll:

lol, yeh he's replying with insults in case u havent noticed Blum 3


well i do the same :roll:

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

"Judda" wrote:
well i do the same :roll:

no, u START it... judda i cant b bothered to go around in circles with u - u know wot i mean so just stop arguing and be polite.


who do ppl feel suacide bombing in israil is acceptable?

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

"Raf786" wrote:

i never heard that muslims prayed in that direction where you get this info from

They did it was the first Qibla of the muslims, but the jews started saying "see our religeon is superior to your because you have to face our holy city to pray" So through further revelation the Kaba became the qibla of the Muslims.

Other stories tell that the reason the Qibla changed from Al-Aqsa to the Kaba was because the ProphetSAW used look at the Kaba longingly and that was enough of a reason for Allah SWT to send revelation on changing the Qibla.

Also there's no need to insult the synagogues, if they idol worship..more fool them and may the practice die. If they worship Allah SWT alone and without partner then Alhamdulillah there is a little more hope. Smile

And regarding the Israelies (sp?) : "Hate the act not the person/people"

WShaykh Ramzan Al-Qadri uses the metaphor that the doctor must hate the illness not the patient (for treatment and cure to come about).

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes


Hadhrat Isa (Jesus) (as) was born in Bethlehem, near jerusalem. So it has religious significanec to christians.

For jews its a part of the promised land. They were promised a homeland if they could manage to keep their side of the bargain. According to the Qur'an that offer is still on.

For muslims Its the destination of Israa and the beginning of Mi'raj. Many Prophets are also burried there. The first qiblah was jointly the Kaabah and Jerusalem, then exclusively jerusalem, then finally exclusively Kaabah oin Makkah.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

well in that case we don't need it any more....

"Admin" wrote:

For jews its a part of the promised land. They were promised a homeland if they could manage to keep their side of the bargain. According to the Qur'an that offer is still on.

well i guess they have kept thier side of da bargain since victory comes from god [u]ALONE[/u] and da jews are always beating the muslims....

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

see you can be controversial without being rude.

Thats an interesting point you bring up...

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

And god gave us free will.

You see if they are granted the land again, its not exclusive to them.

Secondly the current occupation of the land is a part of the zionist movement which arose trying to pre-empt the promise, and force the next stage.

That is the main reason why alot of jews rejected the zionist movement, and some still reject israel.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

whats wrong wid the jews?

"Admin" wrote:
That is the main reason why alot of jews rejected the zionist movement, and some still reject israel.

is there an "Anti-zionist" organisation run by the jews?

Iraq has a lot "islamic" shirk committing, grave worshipping history, if kafir took over it would we have to fight back 4 it?

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

"Admin" wrote:

Secondly the current occupation of the land is a part of the zionist movement which arose trying to pre-empt the promise, and force the next stage.

That is the main reason why alot of jews rejected the zionist movement, and some still reject israel.

look what i found on google;

On Sunday, June 1, 2003 beginning at 11:15 am at 5th Ave. and 59th St. in Manhattan there will be a group of anti-Zionist Jews demonstrating against Zionism and the Zionist State that will be celebrated by marchers in their so-called Israel Day Parade.

The Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews will proclaim their loyalty to pure Judaism and their opposition to Zionist heresy, which violates every principle of the Jewish religion. These people shall proclaim that the idolatrous Zionist ideology has no role in the life of an Orthodox Jew, and that Jews are obligated by Judaism to live in peace and harmony with every other people throughout the world, including of course, the native Palestinian People.

Pure Judaism proclaims that we are to accept the decree of Exile of G-d and live among the nations in every corner of the Earth, and are not to establish a State and attempt to end the divinely ordained Exile.

Pure Judaism forbids the uprooting of the indigenous people of the Holy Land, it proclaims its principles of humanity and justice that demands the total restoration of all human, civil, economic and political rights of the Palestinians, including the right of return of all Palestinians to their homes in historic Palestine, thereby enabling Palestine to be governed by its original native inhabitants.

These principles are essential ingredients of Judaism, and no amount of Zionism brainwashing of many Jews throughout the world and Zionist media propaganda can ever do away with these eternal principles. We declare to all non-Jews who believe that support for Zionist idolatry and ethnic cleansing demonstrates sympathy for the Jewish People that this is a grave error!!

We beseech all well-meaning non-Jews to understand the truth of what Judaism teaches, and we encourage our fellow Jews to resist the incessant hysterical and paranoia-filled propaganda of the Zionists, their heresy and their xenophobia, and learn the truth of what Judaism is and what Zionism is.

Those of us who oppose Zionism express true compassion for the Jewish People because we address the ROOT CAUSE of the suffering in the Holy Land inasmuch as Zionism is the cause of bloodshed in the Middle East and hatred of Jews throughout the world.




i know its dead old but i dont care....

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

i is not a fan of al-jazeera.

but duz anyone know da payne palastinians have to go thru in there day to day life?

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

they do have to go through alot.

A 13 year old was murdered by the Israeli army a few days ago for holding a toy gun.

to move around you must queue at checkpoints, land has been confiscated, you must avoid the air raid targetting millitants, ans well as the normall raid that bulldoze 'suspected' buildings with no warning to occupants.

water is rationed. Farm land is on the wrong side of the berlin wall. hilltops are occupied by settlers... You must queue for hours to get to and back from school/work.

Its a desparate situation. As Ehud Barak (former PM of israel) himself said if he was born Palestinian, he would have become a terrorist.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

anything else?

is there a [u]reliable[/u] site on da subject that i cud go on?

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

on palestinian suffering or anti zionist jews?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Ypu can try any humanitarian site, such as amnesty International. Their job is to expose strife whereever it be.

[url=]Amnesty International[/url]

or for a more palestine centric view:

[url=]Palestine Monitor[/url]

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"raf" wrote:
for jews place of moses(pbuh) and the wailing wall plus other sinogogues may they all burn

may allah give us victory and give us back the holy lands where many muslims are suffering and have been martyred, may allah grant them all a special place in paradise

y aint this post edited :shock:

is arial sharon a fool?

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

"Jihad Soldier" wrote:
By the way Judda, tht jack in the box insult u made 2 me or something like tht on another thread, was VERY lame. If ur gna cuss me or any1 else on this forum do it right.

actually i called u somthing else but the mods rephrased it to Jack-in-the-box.

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

I think it's a negative thing that muslims have adopted the Palestinian national cause. The nation state isn't an islamic concept.

As for oppression of muslims this is also happening in China but I rarely here muslims talking about it.

When you hear muslims talk about Palestine they hardly ever mention Jerusalem and ownership of it. If Palestine is to be given more attention than these other areas then I assume this would be the reason.
