❤ ♡ Peace & Love - A Greetings Thread ♡ ❤

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Yep. Biggrin

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

I love it when people use :D, makes me happy Biggrin

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Joie de Vivre wrote:
Yep. Biggrin

Dude, thats totally awesome. I see the focus ur talking about, good stuff! Biggrin (for feefs lol)

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

[color=darkorange]HAPPY WEEKEND Biggrin [/color]

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
[color=darkorange]HAPPY WEEKEND Biggrin [/color]

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

I like ur advice Xena princess warrior Blum 3

But what is Stirling? and how was it?

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

http://www.welephant.co.uk/ says you have to put the fire out to enter, but in Chrome the fire didn't load so I couldn't put it out. It is a shame because I thought Welephant might have had something to say about having a nice and safe weekend but there we are.

Anyway Jumu'ah Mubarak and Shabbat Shalom!

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

"Doctor doctor, do you treat alcoholics?"
"why, yes I do."
"Oh good, could you buy me a pint? I'm skint."

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ocean wrote:
bilan wrote:
I like ur advice Xena princess warrior Blum 3

Please don't call me that.

lol! What happened to 'Im gonna ask admin if he can change my name to Xena'??!

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

bilan wrote:
Ocean wrote:
bilan wrote:
I like ur advice Xena princess warrior Blum 3

Please don't call me that.

lol! What happened to 'Im gonna ask admin if he can change my name to Xena'??!

maybe it sounded to much like zina?

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ocean wrote:
Ya'qub wrote:
bilan wrote:
Ocean wrote:
bilan wrote:
I like ur advice Xena princess warrior Blum 3

Please don't call me that.

lol! What happened to 'Im gonna ask admin if he can change my name to Xena'??!

maybe it sounded to much like zina?

Yeah I'll go with that.

Alright, I shall refrain from calling you Xena cos it sounds too much like zina. lol

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"

Ocean wrote:
bilan wrote:
Ocean wrote:
Ya'qub wrote:
bilan wrote:
Ocean wrote:
bilan wrote:
I like ur advice Xena princess warrior Blum 3

Please don't call me that.

lol! What happened to 'Im gonna ask admin if he can change my name to Xena'??!

maybe it sounded to much like zina?

Yeah I'll go with that.

Alright, I shall refrain from calling you Xena cos it sounds too much like zina. lol

Plus that's not very original. It was original when the actual character used it but not now.

How about Hercules?

Or Lady Sovereign?

Or Apu?

(i'm just freestyling now)

Don't just do something! Stand there.

A froggy. One of the differences between a frog and a toad is that toads might try to crawl away but if you stop them they sit still as if you can't see them right there. Frogs just hop away, but this one sat still long enough and then I edited him like crazy:


[color=seagreen]Jumuah Mubarak & Shabbat Shalom![/color][/center]

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

Jum'ah Mubarak, Shabbat Shallom, happy weekend

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Rupert Murdoch is a frog and his son is a tadpole. It is social commentary. Mainly I made it all blurred around the froggy and warmed it up. It isn't really a good shot in the first place and it is the second time I have posted a common froggy in that pose. It is a cool pose but sorry again for my poor photography and the repetition again for my poor photography. Perhaps Murdoch is happy for a chance to shed a lot of newspaper staff because newspapers have underperformed and I recall he always punishes them when he is budgeting for his other media such as a few years back when he made it impossible for them to hire new staff and then introduced swingeing cuts but that isn't funny.

I don't know where we get world news from now on but Murdoch's BSkyB bid is in somewhat less jeopardy. He is offering hoarders free souvenirs. The rest of the site is haraam. Maybe this thread can be the new News of the World but with frogging instead of bugging. It was Britain's best selling newspaper. That's exactly like The Adult Channel being Britain's top news station. Maybe that's what Sky News is in for (but I have checked them all out and Sarah-Jane Mee is the only viable candidate).

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

News of the World would never have let this happen. Jennie Gow's biog only has two pictures in the frame so when you click it a few times she looks wrong. Maybe Murdoch is planning to make her his slave.

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

It will be interesting to see if their editor survives and what her next job is.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

She could be a pimp.

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

Ocean & Rupert sitting in a tree...

Ocean wrote:
He doesn't look like a frog to me...

And I don't like Frogs, I didn't say I didn't like the photograph.

tbh I'm not that into them but they are among the kind of cool things to look for and learn about. For not saying you didn't like the photograph tyvmi.

Question: I thought images were edited so you wouldn't notice that were edited and yet make them look good...

Generally I take my shots a little too out of focus or narrowly focussed ever to look good and when I edit them I am looking not for good results but for mixed results. Mixed results is what my editing is all about. It is social commentary.

OH I have to tell you about this patient well 4 years ago he decided to study photography and got a diploma after 3 years. Since then he's been travelling America and has been paparazzi-ing animals (crocodiles, birds of prey, giraffes and apes to name some) and landscapes. So he had a sight test and he was like an hour earlier and the practice was quiet so i ended up listening to his "adventures" like wrestling with the crocodiles and sleeping with the lions and camping in the forresty area in Tree houses etc etc I don't remember many of his stories or his advice on which cameras to compare except he did say that it's better to invest in a camera where the Telescope lenses can be inserted and removed.

His work is amazing. I liked his detail from a snowy day and the other was a panoramic landscape view, Absolutely brilliant. The real size of the final version after he had edited was 10 feet long apparently but he showed me much scaled down version and it looked FAB!

EDIT: I forgot to mention MY FAVOURITE out of his collection. It was of a butterfly, you could see the hairs, the TINY TINY hairs on it's body and the antennas didn't look like fine thread but rather structured... Loved the detail he had captured.

I am not a great photographer and he has a vastly superior setup. I think he sucks.

Here are some images I took this week. I forgot to tell National Geographic I was going for a walk.


[color=chocolate]Jumu'ah Mubarak & Shabbat Shalom![/color]


  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

Jum'ah Mubarak & Shabbat Shalom

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Ocean wrote:

Who invented questions?

Normally you just move the auxiliary verb to the beginning of the sentence, and the main verb of the sentence is usually untensed.

Of course, you just demonstrated a question which doesn't have an auxiliary verb and in which the main verb carries the tense. That's because the subject of the sentence is a relative pronoun. But that's just a handy way of showing that the rules in English aren't always strait forward.

Having fun yet?!

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ya'qub wrote:
But that's just a handy way of showing that the rules in English aren't always [color=red]strait[/color] forward.

Having fun yet?!

Oh my gosh, what is this?!

Oh, and the question was, who invented questions, not how are they formed.

Blum 3


Happy weekend, shab qadr mubarak, forgive my wrongdoings please, and have fun Biggrin

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Ocean wrote:


You're welcome, your photo bucket is pretty cool!

Thanks! I have started and dropped blogs before but this one has more of a purpose. I have had over 170 visitors since Friday afternoon!

I seeeeee. Why do you like to take your shots a little out of focus? The best thing about the eyes (that i find facinating) is its ability to allow that focus! So why do prefer it blurry? Or does it just end up blurry? And by mixed results do you mean you can't make your mind whether if you like it or not? Blum 3

I'm working on it. Blum 3

Who invented questions?

Might have been me. I used to cry until I got my milk.

Do you tear your tissue the night before shabbat? and prepare a proper liver pie? What do you get up to on your lazy day?

I think there was a moment in my teens when I cared about ripping the toilet paper and would do so before Shabbat, but I only do that if I have guests who might care. I wouldn't want them going smelly. And I am vegetarian. The main Shabbat meats tend to be chicken in soup or with the main course, and for lunch a cholent which is a slow-cooked stew of various cuts and pretty much what you like. My mother has a vegetarian cholent but I don't like the infusion of nearly burned flavours that you get from stewing it overnight. It is because the meal cannot be cooked on the day, although non-cooking food preparation is generally fine.

In all truth I am not keeping Shabbat to the letter. I don't have Orthodox beliefs but the community is where I am at home.

Generally it is not all that lazy because I am invited to meals and I walk fairly long distances, and generally wish I could have taken my camera or a bag for foraging. But I am kind of lazy either way.

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
Ya'qub wrote:
But that's just a handy way of showing that the rules in English aren't always [color=red]strait[/color] forward.

Having fun yet?!

Oh my gosh, what is this?!

i love how you made it red just to fill me with panic.

But i was talking about a strait of water, not a straight line.


Don't just do something! Stand there.

Smile I was always a bit veggie, and gave up fish in my teens to become totally veggie. Bread, eggs and milk are all fine. I eat a lot of pasta and try to experiment in between. When I was little I was some kind of genius for always cooking pasta or eggs. Now I still always cook pasta and eggs but it doesn't seem so genius. How to make a really good omelette in 4 minutes:

Turn on the grill and the stove. Fry something yum, like mushrooms. Or if you like comic books fry a comic book or whatever. Add some vegetable oil to stop butter burning. Chuck in some eggs and scramble briefly with the fried stuff at a high heat, but do allow it to congeal and be an omelette. Flip it with a spatula, put a layer of grated cheddar on top and stick the pan under the grill for a minute. That kind of thing is how you know you're a proper cook. The heat from both sides will make the cheese all puffy. Season to taste.

What is your job again Ocean?

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

Joie de Vivre wrote:
Smile I was always a bit veggie, and gave up fish in my teens to become totally veggie. Bread, eggs and milk are all fine. I eat a lot of pasta and try to experiment in between. When I was little I was some kind of genius for always cooking pasta or eggs. Now I still always cook pasta and eggs but it doesn't seem so genius. How to make a really good omelette in 4 minutes:

Turn on the grill and the stove. Fry something yum, like mushrooms. Or if you like comic books fry a comic book or whatever. Add some vegetable oil to stop butter burning. Chuck in some eggs and scramble briefly with the fried stuff at a high heat, but do allow it to congeal and be an omelette. Flip it with a spatula, put a layer of grated cheddar on top and stick the pan under the grill for a minute. That kind of thing is how you know you're a proper cook. The heat from both sides will make the cheese all puffy. Season to taste.

What is your job again Ocean?

is ur veggie-ness anything to do with cruelty to animals involved?

In which case how do you justify eggs and milk, which are only possible because some of us eat chicken and cow (who were responsible for the bombing of Hiroshima and therefore its ok to be cruel to them).

Also, how do you do poached egg without it falling to pieces??????????

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Smile Poached egg isn't something I do very well. Fry that egg!

A lot of people turn veggie after one visit to an abattoir, one open to visitors at that, but I was merely raised to be veggie. I have always been comfortable with vegetarianism as a noble exercise even more than I wonder if that is just stupid. I don't oppose all killing of animals especially if it is for consumption.

Cattle and chicken trucks on the road do look wrong. The way the live animals are jam-packed into cells with front ventilation to be driven on motorways is a very blatant abuse. Eggs and milk do implicate me - I prefer buying organic but can't claim to be a saint. I might strengthen that commitment in light of the question you asked.

There is something very wrong about the scale of the sum of the centralised production and distribution of foods. The best thing for the planet is if we end up making ourselves ill. The best thing for us is if we take a hard look and explore the alternatives. I do have a secret plan.

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

Joie de Vivre wrote:

There is something very wrong about the scale of the sum of the centralised production and distribution of foods. The best thing for the planet is if we end up making ourselves ill. The best thing for us is if we take a hard look and explore the alternatives. I do have a secret plan.

Yeah, I agree. Flying cherries halfway across the world because we want to eat them out of season is not ethical, especially from countries where people are starving.
But 'organic' doesn't always = better (and its not always affordable for us).

As far as I know, for meat to be halal the livestock are kept in not-so-bad conditions. Or officially it's meant to anyway. Whether or not this happens in practice, I don't know (and pretend to not think about).

I've just finished reading a book about a guy who lived for a year with absolutely no money (giving or receiving), and he also had the rule that food would be organic/vegan/locally produced as much as possible, and he managed to put on weight over the year, so it can't be too expensive.

He did root around in supermarket bins a lot tho, (apparently 1 third of all food in britain is wasted)

Don't just do something! Stand there.

Ocean wrote:

Ya'qub wrote:

Yeah, I agree. Flying cherries halfway across the world because we want to eat them out of season is not ethical, especially from countries where people are starving.
But 'organic' doesn't always = better (and its not always affordable for us).

I can't choose between -.- or LOL! as a reply to the comment above. Help?

how about: la hawla wala quwwata illa billah ?

Don't just do something! Stand there.
