Muslim women avoid reporting racism

Shouts of 'Terrorist' and 'Osama Bin Laden' on the way into an Eid party. Being chased out of a park crying because a man thinks the way you dress is a danger to children. Both racism. Both to Muslim women. Neither reported to the police.

Catrin Nye of BBC Asian Network has been investigating after a charity set up to offer the women support claimed hundreds of racist crimes against Muslim women in Scotland are going unreported...

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assalamu alaikum,

ppl mutter things at me, but only on one occasion did i hear them distinctly saying look at what she's wearing its a disgrace in this country blah blah. They were council staff, i saw the number on the truck and reported them. They were disciplined coz my husband threatened to go to the local media. If it wasn't for my husband i probably would have let it pass, as something i have to deal with because I wear the niqab.

But as for verbal abuse in general i didn't realise it was a crime. Pppl abuse each other on the streets all the time, especially at night when they've perhaps had one too many to drink. What can the police do about verbal abuse, it's your word against theirs. Plus usually the person is not traceable so what's the point of reporting, just so police can get figures together?

Like other sisters i think it's trivial to report it, unless there is a threat of violence, or you feel like you could be in danger from this person because they live locally and you always pass by them.

the incident in the park as described in the bbc article, that lady should have reported it,because she had children with her, the man seemed very violent in his verbal abuse despite kids being with her. Also there would have been witnesses, and i'd like to think just one person would have maybe come forward to help her out.

“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]


It is wrong to mess with ladies, especially good ones.

They may not report crimes to the police.

But they will tell their sons.

And we all know what that can mean.

This is much worse for everyone.
