Divorce 'cool-off' period urged

Couples should have a compulsory three-month "cooling off" period before they can start divorce proceedings, a Conservative think tank will recommend.

A report commissioned by ex-Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith will also propose a network of family relationship centres to advise before and during marriage.

Mr Duncan Smith said research suggested young people had "incredibly high expectations" of marriage.

He added that the idea of compromise by couples "seems to have disappeared".

'Strong encouragement'

The report - titled Every Family Matters - urges that estranged husbands and wives should be required by law to undergo a three-month period before launching divorce proceedings to reflect on their marriage and examine the possibility of reconciliation.

It suggests a range of measures to reform family law and "save saveable marriages", including tax breaks to promote marriage and reversing Labour proposals to offer rights to unmarried cohabiting couples.

Read more @ BBC News

So... are the Tories trying to become more Muslim? :shock:

(admittedly "islamic divorce" can be "fast tracked". At least, the end result can even if the time duration cannot be cut down.)

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.