Salam brothers and sisters,
Does a convert have to make a choice whether to be Shia or Sunni and if so, is it obligatory to follow a school of thought?
Jazakallah khair
Salam brothers and sisters,
Does a convert have to make a choice whether to be Shia or Sunni and if so, is it obligatory to follow a school of thought?
Jazakallah khair
wa alaikum salaam.
I'm a convert myself, so could I just share my thoughts about this with you. I'm not sure if there is a clear 'wrong' or 'right' answer to this, and lots of people might disagree.
If someone is deciding to become a Muslim, they will surely have some reasons for doing this. It is usually because they sincerely believe that the Qur'an is the Word of God and that Muhammad (pbuh) is the last prophet.
NOW, whether they choose to become a shia or a sunni would depend on EXACTLY what they believe. Because even though BOTH Sunni and Shia believe that Muhammad (pbuh) is the last prophet and the Qur'an is the Word of God, there are other things which they believe which aren't exactly the same.
The best thing to do would be to read more about both groups, and then choose which you honestly believe in. I did this and I chose Sunni Islam, this is because I believe that it is a closer following of the message that Muhammad (pbuh) bought down to humanity.
Sunnis follow the Companions of the Prophet - his close friends/supporters, the people who knew the Prophet (pbuh) very well. The Sunni scholars get their legal rulings directly from the Qur'an and also the stories of the life of the Prophet (pbuh). This is called the 'Sunnah' of the Prophet - hence the name 'Sunni Islam'.
As far as I understand, the Shia follow the Prophet's (pbuh) descendants very closely - even going as far to say they are infallible (incapable of sin). They get most of their legal rulings from the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet too - but they have to follow the rulings of the descendants of the Prophet - called the imams - and can't argue/discuss the rulings - they have to accept them blindly.
Personally, I chose Sunni Islam, because I think it is more about the individual person's relationship with God. The way I understand Shia Islam is that the imams act as almost a bridge between the individual person and God. I may be wrong about this - but this is how it appears to me. In this way it is similar to Catholicism.
Hope that helps.
In terms of different schools of thought - it is not obligatory to follow one or the other or any at all. I think it is a good thing to do - it is certainly better than trying to work out what is halaal or haraam (permissible or forbidden) all by yourself!
But you can 'jump' between schools of thought; for example follow the Hanafi ruling about one thing and the Shafi'i ruling on another. Some people don't like this - but there is nothing 'obligatory' about sticking to only one. Read about them too - and decide what is best/your favourite - but in the meantime try to follow the majority opinions of all the scholars, because that is usually the safest path.
May Allah (swt) guide us all and enter us into Paradise. Ameen!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Prophet said that "there will be 73 sects among muslims. Only one will
be on the correct path and will go to Heaven. The other 72 will land in Hell."
This report about 73 sects is quite a scary tradition, and
it should give sleepless nights to any thinking person.
It encourages us to properly look into all the groups that are
claming to be the saved sect, and then decide which one represents
the true teachings of God's Prophet.
73! I only really found out about school of thoughts the other day.
So how do we go about finding out which is the correct path?
This is a really stupid question, but how important is this?
Assalamu alaikum,
Sunni and Shi'a are not "schools of thght or madhabs" they are "denominations" of Islam.
I agree with what most of what Yaqub said regarding your question, except the following:
Shia do not follow the sunnah as we know it, i.e we largely refer to Sahih al Bukhari, Muslim etc, but Shia whilst admitting Bukhari is sahih refuse to follow it. They have their own book "al Kafi". It is not regarded as "sahih". They also follow the ways of the Ahlul Bait (the ppl of the house, meaning prophet Muhammads
family). Ahlul bait to shia refers to Fatima (ra), Ali(ra), Husayn & Hasan (ra) primarily. It does not include the wives or any in laws.
They reject the 1st 3 caliphs of Islam, believing that Ali (ra) had rightful ownership to the role on our prophets (Saw) death.
There are major differences between sunni and shia which you should be very aware of, as these differences can lead to an individual committing major sins.
If you wish to adhere to the Quran and authentic sunnah of our prophet (saw), sahabah and tabi'een then you should follow the sunni way.
Whether you choose to follow one of the 4 madhabs or not is more optional, but it is highly encouraged for guidance especially whilst you are still learning about the religion.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
Jazakallah khair for all your feedback. Are there any websites that exist which directly compare the different schools of thought? I can find information on each madhhab but not a sinlge resource that I can directly compare them, side by side as an example.
All four think that all four are right.
I doubt there are any sites out there to compare them as its not that type of thing - besides they are interpretations in action only (generally, what is the better way to do things etc, but it can be more than that in some cases) - there is no difference in belief.
Madhabs are a convenience thing - you delegate the responsibility of interpreting the qur'an and sunnah to people you consider more learned than you because not everyone has he time or ability to study in great detail each and every aspect of everything.
If you want easiness of access to opinion, the hanafi one is the most followed in the world I think, but this is not something you have to decide on right now - being aware that differences of opinion exist may be enough.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
There is just such a wealth of information on the internet it is confusing at times. How can I find out the absolute basics needed to perform salah without getting involved inall the different ways and opinions of doing it?
Gor the hanafi method look at this site. For the absolute basics and structure information, only read the bits in blue. the bits in grey/grey-blue are more the sources/explanations for it.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
and an animated guide from youtube:
(and yes, that covers more than the fardh, and includes what is liked/preferred too)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.