Dumping toxic waste on Africa

Its been alleged loads of times that the rich western world dumps much toxic waste in/off the coast of Africa, and how after the asian tsunami many people in Somalia were struck by illnesses due to the toxic waste that got swept ashore.

It is the same case on the other side of Africa, but there is a twist - there may actually be proof of such detestable actions.

Papers prove Trafigura ship dumped toxic waste in Ivory Coast

Documents have emerged which detail for the first time the potentially lethal nature of toxic waste dumped by British-based oil traders in one of west Africa's poorest countries.

More than 30,000 people from Ivory Coast claim they were affected by the ­poisonous cocktail and are currently bringing Britain's biggest-ever group lawsuit against the company, Trafigura.

The firm chartered the ship, Probo Koala, which transported the cargo to Ivory Coast in 2006.

An official Dutch analysis of samples of the waste carried by the Probo Koala indicate that it contained approximately 2 tonnes of hydrogen sulphide, a killer gas with a characteristic smell of rotten eggs.

The documents have been obtained by the BBC. One chemist told BBC Newsnight last night that if the same quantity and mixture of chemicals had been dumped in Trafalgar Square: "You would have people being sick for several miles around … millions of people." ...

Read more @ The Guardian

wednesday wrote:

Endanger a million to keep safe a million somewhere else