[color=darkblue]Growing up in a non-Muslim society is a challenging task. It gives us an opportunity to prove that we can live as Islaam asks us. We live in Great Britain which is a non-Muslim society. Here we come across many things which are against the beliefs and teachings of Islaam. A Muslim is also a lot different from a non-Muslim in many respects.
Muslims should follow Allah's commands as has been explained and exemplified by Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. These commands guide all our actions in this life. Our attitude to this life is very definite and clear. We have a distinct set of values, a set of rules. We believe that we are Allah's agents on this earth. This means we must do as He commands in order to achieve His pleasure in the life after death.
Muslims and non-Muslims are all human beings. So as humans we have a lot in common. But our way of life is entirely different from theirs. We look at this life as a test and a preparation for the life after death. Non-Muslims take a different view. To them life is a sort of a game or adventure with which they can do anything until it comes to an end. They do not seem to realise that they have to account for their actions in the life after death. They lead a sort of uncontrolled life.
People in a non-Muslim society consider our way of life as strange and difficult. They find it peculiar that we have to do many duties in life. They think we have no freedom. But we take exactly the opposite view. To us, our way of life gives us order, peace and happiness. Real freedom is in the total obedience to Allah.
To grow up as a Muslim we should learn Islaam well. Good knowledge leads to firm faith which is essential for good practice. We cannot expect to be good Muslims without a sound knowledge of Islaam. A firm belief in the greatness, beauty and practical lesson of Islaam will give us strong faith and confidence in ourselves.
Some of our actions may appear strange and funny to our non-Muslim friends. We should do what we think is right. For example, we do not eat pork and meat of animals not slaughtered in Allah's name. We also do not drink wine, dance and play music. Young Muslim girls should not go to physical education lesson with a dress which keeps their legs uncovered. They should dress modestly and cover their whole body, except hands and a part of face when going out or meeting a stranger. There is nothing to feel ashamed about in dressing as a good Muslim girl.
Dress of Muslim girls is a particular problem which we face in a non-Muslim society. We should be very careful in observing Islaamic principles about dress. Some of us may not like to do as Islaam ask us. But we should know that we can never be great if we give up Islaamic practice. Imitating others we will loose our identity as Muslims and gain nothing.
We know that to grow as a Muslim in a non-Muslim society is not easy but we should accept it as a challenge. We young Muslims should consciously adopt this attitude. Our non-Muslim friends will respect us if we practice what we believe. We must keep in mind that belief without action is meaningless.
It is like a tree which does not bear fruit. Firm faith should guide our actions. Once we are totally convinced of our way of life, every thing else that we are required to do will become easy. If we are weak in our faith, things will be pretty difficult indeed.
Another thing is that in a non-Muslim society, we young people meet many young non-Muslims who can learn about Islaam by our own examples. So a non-Muslim society gives a chance to act as the ambassadors of Islaam for the non-Muslims. We would never have got this opportunity in a purely Muslim country. I hope, the Muslim youth will keep this in mind.
Islaam is for practice. It is not a way of life just to be praised with our lips. We must aim at growing up as a practising Muslim in this society. If we can succeed in growing up as a real Muslim in this non-Muslim society, we will be rewarded immensely by our Creator, I am quite sure of that. [/color]