Good morning, my smiley-faced friends! Hope you're all doing splendidly in the mind-blowing adventure otherwise known as life. I certainly hope I am, but Allah SWT knows best, of course.
So, here I am, collapsing with joy over the keyboard (slight exaggeration) at the fact that I have just finished my first month – yes, people, my FIRST MONTH – of full-on hijab wear.
And why, some might ask, am I bothering you lovely radiant people with such information? Well, do not fret, do not fear, and do not fuss, for I shall do my best to respond. The response is as follows:
Upon waking up this morning, I thought of the exciting, enlightening and downright excellent time I've had since placing that delicious piece of fabric over my head. I then considered how reluctant I'd been beforehand to wear it, and mulled over the amazing experiences I would have missed out on – had I chosen not to become a hijabi.
“Goodness gracious!” I gasped to myself. (Well, not quite, I must inform you. I was sat quietly by myself, around Fajr time, and screaming phrases such as “Goodness gracious!” at the top of my lungs would only have irritated my family. So, I suppose I shall re-phrase, and say that I THOUGHT to myself: “Goodness gracious..!” or something along the lines of it, anyway.)
Sorry, where was I?
Oh yes. “Goodness gracious!” I gasped/thought to myself. “There must be hundreds of other sisters all around the planet, contemplating whether or whether not to wear hijab, and who might make the wrong decision unless I share my story!”
So, here I am, sky-diving rather recklessly into this forum, (I hope I did not disturb anyone) and hoping to convince any hesitant sisters about the WONDERFULNESS of hijab.
(Ahem... That's me clearing my throat by the way)
BENEFITS of the beautiful HIJAB:
The first, foremost and most important benefit:
Allah SWT wants you to wear it. He says so in the Quran – and that should be reason enough! The Prophet SAW has also said so in Hadith. By wearing hijab, you're pleasing your Creator – surely that's the only reason you need! However, a few added encouragements for the modern day teen:
Hijab means you don't have to worry about doing your hair all the time. Who cares if it's a mess? Just whip on a hijab... And get going!
Who needs hoods on their jackets any more? Wet heads are history when you're wearing hijab!
If you wear hijab and do good things (even little things, like being polite to the bus driver, etc) then it reflects well on all other Muslims Because by wearing hijab, you might as well be carrying a sign that says: “I'm a Muslim!” and by doing good things, you might as well be carrying a sign that says: “I'm a good person.” Combined, the sign reads: “I'm a Muslim & I'm a good person.”
All the different styles! All the different colours! All the glittery hijab pins!
All the more reason to go shopping... Hahahaha And there's so many wild and interesting ways of wrapping hijabs, I may have found myself a brand new hobby...
Feel free to add on
PS – I'm a newbie to the forum, so please excuse me if my first ever post is just a bit rubbish
must say mashallah, dat was a relly intresting
i my self ave bin wering a hijab since i was a kid lolz
n i cnt go out wiv ou wering it u becum so attached 2 it
fnx alot for that it will help ppl who are bit unsure on wering da hijab
bu yhh you ave so mny choices nw all da fasinating colourz etc.. i stick ta blk ma fav lolz
nywayz ur post wasnt rubbish it werr gud
fnx alot 4 opening ma eyez
i wud ryt more bu gota dash got a drving lesson lol
Allah Hafiz
MashaAllah you sound so cute, and I love your nick-name, reminds me of sunny summer days :--)
Mabruk on wearing it for a month!
First month of many inshaAllah
I pray that Allah subhanahu wa Ta'ala continues to strengthen your faith and guide your path with it. Ameen. 
:oops: It seems that the feelings/thoughts leading up to wearing a hijab seem more traumatic than the actual wearing of it! :?
Like Zahira, Ive been wearing hijab since I was an ickle girl, so I suppose its about time I started a hijab pension or something lol
Since everyone is being more conscious of their carbon footprint, here are some (lame?) green reasons:
- less exposure to pollution and UV rays
- protection of the Ozone layer by using less hair spray
- protection from sun, so your hair ages less prematurely
- saving energy by using less heating facilities in winter
(ok, so I tried!)
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
Congradulations! Good job, man! It's a really good dawa tool. Plus people (especially guys) are forced to look at your personality rather than your attractiveness, whcih gives you self-respect. Hey why don't you introduce yourself on the New Members Thread?
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Thanks to all of you. I am most uplifted by your compliments.
I am smiling at Zahira's extremely cute picture
I am laughing at the lovely 'green' reasons as to why you should wear hijab
OMG, so true, so true... How about less waste plastic due to not using hair gel pots?
And I am thanking Courage for his/her ( :oops: ... sorry ... :oops: ) kind comments
Overall I am a very happy bunny
It's free
I'm a guy.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
A good guy or a bad guy?
Sorry, bad joke.
It's free
The mango has been covered up for a whole month!!
The sweet thing needs to be.
Imagine what the flies would do if it wasnt!!
Aww what a cute picture. Anyway congrats on wearing the hijab. May Allah(swt) give you the himat to carry on wearing it.
well done Mango!
I rember when i first strted wearin it, my bro thought id suddenly converted (dnt knw what he thought i was b4?), parents wernt too thrilld abot it but they eventually came round to my way of thinkin.
My mates wer quite cool abot it. Altho they did crack a few jokes at my expense :roll: but after that it was all good.
And your pic is really cute too.
When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it is not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.
aww congrats!
the benefits u wrote are so tru and inshallah wil encourage others to wear hijab too!
p.s im a newbie too! hi5!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
What happened to Mango Muncher? She wrote one of the best thread-openings in Revival history, then disappeared.
Please come back and bring your funniness with you!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Lol, that made me laugh. Maybe I should change my name to banana.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes