Submitted by Omrow on 15 September, 2008 - 12:36 #1
Is it the weather?
All members, please give your reasons why you love Britain.
And, if you do not like Britain, then say so and give you reasons.
I shall go first:
I love Britain because:
1. It is the best country in the world.
2. Its people are unique. No one else is like us, anywhere.
4. We are so generous and fair.
5. We are the freest people on Earth.
6. We the British people have the best brains.
Submitted by Seraphim on 15 September, 2008 - 14:08 #2
I like England because I was born and raised here. I was educated here, and I am the person i am today because of that. Plus the free healthcare and freedom to do as I please is also an added bonus.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Sumaiya on 15 September, 2008 - 16:17 #3
ive been brought up to have the mentality that Britain is a nasty country, with nasty people and a nasty government. this genrally comes from my mum and shes an english revert!
i love britain . it's where i was born and brought up and still live, of course i call it home!
but i get so annoyed coz when i go on holiday, to like morocco, i'm like proud of being british, but in the airport just coz ur asian, they stamp ur papers with'indian' :x . and everyone on the streets goes pakistan? pakistan? and wen u say 'no, english' they r like :? .
'Allah gives and forgives
Man gets and forgets' Baba Ali
i love britain . it's where i was born and brought up and still live, of course i call it home!
but i get so annoyed coz when i go on holiday, to like morocco, i'm like proud of being british, but in the airport just coz ur asian, they stamp ur papers with'indian' :x . and everyone on the streets goes pakistan? pakistan? and wen u say 'no, english' they r like :? .
I dont understand why they do it. What does it matter anyway.
Bad things about Britain
no.1 crappy whether
no.2 NHS
no.3 the lack of halal sweets in English newsagents
no.4 speed cameras & traffic wardens
Good things
no.1 variety of food ie you dont have to Mexico to have fajita wrap.
no.2 more practicing Muslims then any Muslim country that i have been to.
no.3 more freedom for women.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by Sumaiya on 15 September, 2008 - 19:02 #6
Naz wrote:
no.3 more freedom for women.
nice to know you think about others.
Submitted by Seraphim on 15 September, 2008 - 19:46 #7
Sumaiya wrote:
Naz wrote:
no.3 more freedom for women.
nice to know you think about others.
hmmm, not true.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 15 September, 2008 - 21:25 #8
Sumaiya wrote:
Naz wrote:
no.3 more freedom for women.
nice to know you think about others.
What makes you say that?
Seraphim wrote:
Sumaiya wrote:
Naz wrote:
no.3 more freedom for women.
nice to know you think about others.
hmmm, not true.
What isnt true?
Submitted by Ya'qub on 16 September, 2008 - 01:54 #9
Naz wrote:
Bad things about Britain
no.2 NHS
Are you sure this wasn't supposed to be in the 'Good things about Britain' list?
If you get run over in Britain and are unconscious, an ambulance will race to pick you up, put you in a hospital, mend you to the best standard that modern technology can provide, and furiously search for any ID and contact any family they can find for you.
If you get run over in, for example, America (or most countries for that matter), and are unconscious, the first thing that will happen is that they will look to see if you have a health insurance card, and will only give you a could standard of care if you have already paid for it. If you are're buggered. There was a Michael Moore documentary about the US health system, and one poor man had to decide which of his two missing fingers he wanted sewn back on, because he could only pay for one of them.
Sure, the NHS struggles to cope with the demand of catering for over 60 million people, but that is mainly because it is a victim of its own success.
If you work near a hospital you can get halal food in their canteen and, if there isn't a mosque nearby, use their prayer rooms, they also hold jummah prayer there.
It is not perfect, by far, but on the whole it is not only a good thing, it is an absolutely GREAT thing. I can't think of a more Islamic practice than providing free healthcare to anyone or everyone, regardless of who they are and whether or not you know them. Muslim countries should follow in their glowing example (most don't).
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by laila on 16 September, 2008 - 10:10 #10
I love Britain because of the weather. i love rain and i love the cold. I love its summers and its winters.
I like the people they are on the whole innocent.
I love to live in a country where Islam is not the only religion.
Unlike my sister I do not kiss its soils when I get back from Pakistan because I also love Pakistan - but only for a holiday.
I love the English language because its the only language I feel comfortable speaking.
I am in love with England.
I am in awe of any piece of ground that bears my weight, and because on these soils I have laughed and cried and sometimes prayed I owe it a heavy debt.
Submitted by Omrow on 16 September, 2008 - 10:24 #11
laila wrote:
I love Britain because of the weather. i love rain and i love the cold. I love its summers and its winters.
I like the people they are on the whole innocent.
I love to live in a country where Islam is not the only religion.
Unlike my sister I do not kiss its soils when I get back from Pakistan because I also love Pakistan - but only for a holiday.
I love the English language because its the only language I feel comfortable speaking.
I am in love with England.
I am in awe of any piece of ground that bears my weight, and because on these soils I have laughed and cried and sometimes prayed I owe it a heavy debt.
Whoa. That was truly beautiful.
The woman has passion.
What a feeling she has for this green and pleasent land.
Extraordinary !!
Submitted by Courage on 16 September, 2008 - 15:59 #12
Do I like Britain? Yes! Why? Becase this is where I feel at home, This is where I belong! This is where I feel my responsibility. There are some aspects of British culture which I don't like, but this is why I want to stay here and to my bit here. In a nutshell: Britain has potential.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Submitted by Sumaiya on 16 September, 2008 - 16:54 #13
Naz wrote:
Sumaiya wrote:
anonymous wrote:
no.3 more freedom for women.
nice to know you think about others.
What makes you say that?
as far as i know, naz is a guy
Submitted by Seraphim on 16 September, 2008 - 17:38 #14
Sumaiya wrote:
Naz wrote:
Sumaiya wrote:
anonymous wrote:
no.3 more freedom for women.
nice to know you think about others.
What makes you say that?
as far as i know, naz is a guy
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Naz on 16 September, 2008 - 18:15 #15
Sumaiya wrote:
Naz wrote:
Sumaiya wrote:
anonymous wrote:
no.3 more freedom for women.
nice to know you think about others.
What makes you say that?
as far as i know, naz is a guy
If you feel comfortable calling me a guy then do so. If you prefer girl then go for it. But not a he she please.
@ Seraphim
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by Sumaiya on 16 September, 2008 - 18:16 #16
sorry naz, i seriously thought you were a guy (jeez, what an insult), soz if i caused any offence.
Submitted by Funzo on 16 September, 2008 - 18:19 #17
Sumaiya wrote:
sorry naz, i seriously thought you were a guy (jeez, what an insult), soz if i caused any offence.
its hard not to cause offence when you say something like that but naz is a tough dude.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Submitted by Funzo on 16 September, 2008 - 18:19 #18
Sumaiya wrote:
sorry naz, i seriously thought you were a guy (jeez, what an insult), soz if i caused any offence.
its hard not to cause offence when you say something like that but naz is a tough dude.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Submitted by Naz on 16 September, 2008 - 18:22 #19
Sumaiya wrote:
sorry naz, i seriously thought you were a guy (jeez, what an insult), soz if i caused any offence.
No worries
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by Seraphim on 16 September, 2008 - 18:24 #20
Naz wrote:
Sumaiya wrote:
Naz wrote:
Sumaiya wrote:
anonymous wrote:
no.3 more freedom for women.
nice to know you think about others.
What makes you say that?
as far as i know, naz is a guy
If you feel comfortable calling me a guy then do so. If you prefer girl then go for it. But not a he she please.
@ Seraphim
lmao.... wat? shes the one who thinks you have a teeny weeny!
Go kick her.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Naz on 16 September, 2008 - 18:37 #21
Seraphim wrote:
Naz wrote:
Sumaiya wrote:
Naz wrote:
Sumaiya wrote:
anonymous wrote:
no.3 more freedom for women.
nice to know you think about others.
What makes you say that?
as far as i know, naz is a guy
If you feel comfortable calling me a guy then do so. If you prefer girl then go for it. But not a he she please.
@ Seraphim
lmao.... wat? shes the one who thinks you have a teeny weeny!
Go kick her.
Sumaiya was genuinely mistaken. You on the other hand knew and you laughed so im gonna kick you.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by Sumaiya on 16 September, 2008 - 20:49 #22
Seraphim wrote:
Naz wrote:
Sumaiya wrote:
Naz wrote:
Sumaiya wrote:
anonymous wrote:
no.3 more freedom for women.
nice to know you think about others.
What makes you say that?
as far as i know, naz is a guy
If you feel comfortable calling me a guy then do so. If you prefer girl then go for it. But not a he she please.
@ Seraphim
lmao.... wat? shes the one who thinks you have a teeny weeny!
Go kick her.
Submitted by 1R4M on 16 September, 2008 - 21:25 #23
Seraphim wrote:
lmao.... wat? shes the one who thinks you have a teeny weeny!
Go kick her.
I take it u watch friends??
I like Britain
What I DO NOT like is the crap weather!!!! It's always raining!!!
n the chavs
lord protect us from the chavs
Submitted by 1R4M on 16 September, 2008 - 21:28 #24
Ya'qub wrote:
Naz wrote:
Bad things about Britain
no.2 NHS
Are you sure this wasn't supposed to be in the 'Good things about Britain' list?
If you get run over in Britain and are unconscious, an ambulance will race to pick you up, put you in a hospital, mend you to the best standard that modern technology can provide, and furiously search for any ID and contact any family they can find for you.
If you get run over in, for example, America (or most countries for that matter), and are unconscious, the first thing that will happen is that they will look to see if you have a health insurance card, and will only give you a could standard of care if you have already paid for it. If you are're buggered. There was a Michael Moore documentary about the US health system, and one poor man had to decide which of his two missing fingers he wanted sewn back on, because he could only pay for one of them.
Sure, the NHS struggles to cope with the demand of catering for over 60 million people, but that is mainly because it is a victim of its own success.
If you work near a hospital you can get halal food in their canteen and, if there isn't a mosque nearby, use their prayer rooms, they also hold jummah prayer there.
It is not perfect, by far, but on the whole it is not only a good thing, it is an absolutely GREAT thing. I can't think of a more Islamic practice than providing free healthcare to anyone or everyone, regardless of who they are and whether or not you know them. Muslim countries should follow in their glowing example (most don't).
My friend went to Florida for a holiday n sprained her ankle
she had to go to the hospital with her mum because by the end of the day it was painful n the size of her head
they didnt have cash or insurane (obviously) so they couldnt leave until they paid! so her mum paid by credit card
wen they got back to england, her bill was £1600!!!!!
its not perfect of course, as recent govts are privatising some of its sectors every damn year, but at least I know that if I neeed medical help, it's there for me
Submitted by 1R4M on 16 September, 2008 - 21:30 #25
Ya'qub wrote:
There was a Michael Moore documentary about the US health system, and one poor man had to decide which of his two missing fingers he wanted sewn back on, because he could only pay for one of them.
I saw that!
I was shocked wen they went to cuba n that woman could buy her medication for five cents, which would have cost her hundreds of dollars back home!
Submitted by Sumaiya on 16 September, 2008 - 21:36 #26
Ya'qub wrote:
Are you sure this wasn't supposed to be in the 'Good things about Britain' list?
If you get run over in Britain and are unconscious, an ambulance will race to pick you up, put you in a hospital, mend you to the best standard that modern technology can provide, and furiously search for any ID and contact any family they can find for you.
If you get run over in, for example, America (or most countries for that matter), and are unconscious, the first thing that will happen is that they will look to see if you have a health insurance card, and will only give you a could standard of care if you have already paid for it. If you are're buggered. There was a Michael Moore documentary about the US health system, and one poor man had to decide which of his two missing fingers he wanted sewn back on, because he could only pay for one of them.
Sure, the NHS struggles to cope with the demand of catering for over 60 million people, but that is mainly because it is a victim of its own success.
If you work near a hospital you can get halal food in their canteen and, if there isn't a mosque nearby, use their prayer rooms, they also hold jummah prayer there.
It is not perfect, by far, but on the whole it is not only a good thing, it is an absolutely GREAT thing. I can't think of a more Islamic practice than providing free healthcare to anyone or everyone, regardless of who they are and whether or not you know them. Muslim countries should follow in their glowing example (most don't).
i think they should i invent a law that with any drug alcohol related accident, the patient should pay themselves rather than rely on the NHS for their self-caused situation, providing it was their fault.
Submitted by Courage on 17 September, 2008 - 09:28 #27
But wouldn't that hinder them wanting to change?
By the way, sorry Naz but I feel I have to say this. When I first came on the Forums Naz thought that I was a girl!
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Submitted by Naz on 17 September, 2008 - 11:48 #28
Ya'qub wrote:
Are you sure this wasn't supposed to be in the 'Good things about Britain' list?
Nope its in the bad. I was thinking about A&E when I typed that. Once I had really bad stomach ache. When I ate it hurt, when I didnt it hurt, when I stood up it hurt, when I sat/lay down it hurt. The only time it didnt hurt was when I held my breath. I thought this is it my time has come. My life was flashing before me and I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.
After about 3 hours of agony I went down A&E and waited for 5 hours before a doctor saw me. As I went into the room I could see 4 other doctors sitting in another room having a natter! The waiting room is full of people and they are having a natter! Anyway it only turned out to be heartburn (the worst kind) but thats not the point. If I had been dyeing by the time they got round to checking me I would have been dead. The NHS never use to be bad but recently standards are declining. My hospital (Tameside) has the second highest death rates in Greater Manchester. Bolton is first.
Iram wrote:
My friend went to Florida for a holiday n sprained her ankle
she had to go to the hospital with her mum because by the end of the day it was painful n the size of her head
they didnt have cash or insurane (obviously) so they couldnt leave until they paid! so her mum paid by credit card
wen they got back to england, her bill was £1600!!!!!
its not perfect of course, as recent govts are privatising some of its sectors every damn year, but at least I know that if I neeed medical help, it's there for me
Never ever make the fatal mistake of not getting travel insurance. The most I go for is a week but I ALWAYS get travel insurance coz you dont know whats gonna happen. The most it costs is like £7 and as long as you get the bare basics ie lost baggage, flight cancellation and medical expenses your sorted.
Alhumdulliah I have never been majorly ill abroad and thus have never had to make a claim on my insurance.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by Naz on 17 September, 2008 - 11:49 #29
Sumaiya wrote:
i think they should i invent a law that with any drug alcohol related accident, the patient should pay themselves rather than rely on the NHS for their self-caused situation, providing it was their fault.
I agree. The NHS is already stretched enough and ppl who really need the help dont always get it because of scum like George best!
Courage wrote:
But wouldn't that hinder them wanting to change?
By the way, sorry Naz but I feel I have to say this. When I first came on the Forums Naz thought that I was a girl!
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by YouShutup on 17 September, 2008 - 11:56 #30
Naz wrote:
Sumaiya wrote:
i think they should i invent a law that with any drug alcohol related accident, the patient should pay themselves rather than rely on the NHS for their self-caused situation, providing it was their fault.
I agree. The NHS is already stretched enough and ppl who really need the help dont always get it because of scum like George best!
Courage wrote:
But wouldn't that hinder them wanting to change?
By the way, sorry Naz but I feel I have to say this. When I first came on the Forums Naz thought that I was a girl!
Everyone thought Naz was a geeza.
Anyhow the NHS is not 'stretched' just Lazy. We need to outsource the NHS to South Africa, or a country where the people aren't overfed and arrogant.
Is it the weather?
All members, please give your reasons why you love Britain.
And, if you do not like Britain, then say so and give you reasons.
I shall go first:
I love Britain because:
1. It is the best country in the world.
2. Its people are unique. No one else is like us, anywhere.
4. We are so generous and fair.
5. We are the freest people on Earth.
6. We the British people have the best brains.
I like England because I was born and raised here. I was educated here, and I am the person i am today because of that. Plus the free healthcare and freedom to do as I please is also an added bonus.
Back in BLACK
ive been brought up to have the mentality that Britain is a nasty country, with nasty people and a nasty government. this genrally comes from my mum and shes an english revert!
i love britain
. it's where i was born and brought up and still live, of course i call it home!
but i get so annoyed coz when i go on holiday, to like morocco, i'm like proud of being british, but in the airport just coz ur asian, they stamp ur papers with'indian' :x . and everyone on the streets goes pakistan? pakistan? and wen u say 'no, english' they r like :? .
'Allah gives and forgives
Man gets and forgets' Baba Ali
I dont understand why they do it. What does it matter anyway.
Bad things about Britain
no.1 crappy whether
no.2 NHS
no.3 the lack of halal sweets in English newsagents
no.4 speed cameras & traffic wardens
Good things
no.1 variety of food ie you dont have to Mexico to have fajita wrap.
no.2 more practicing Muslims then any Muslim country that i have been to.
no.3 more freedom for women.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
nice to know you think about others.
hmmm, not true.
Back in BLACK
What makes you say that?
What isnt true?
Are you sure this wasn't supposed to be in the 'Good things about Britain' list?
If you get run over in Britain and are unconscious, an ambulance will race to pick you up, put you in a hospital, mend you to the best standard that modern technology can provide, and furiously search for any ID and contact any family they can find for you.
If you get run over in, for example, America (or most countries for that matter), and are unconscious, the first thing that will happen is that they will look to see if you have a health insurance card, and will only give you a could standard of care if you have already paid for it. If you are're buggered. There was a Michael Moore documentary about the US health system, and one poor man had to decide which of his two missing fingers he wanted sewn back on, because he could only pay for one of them.
Sure, the NHS struggles to cope with the demand of catering for over 60 million people, but that is mainly because it is a victim of its own success.
If you work near a hospital you can get halal food in their canteen and, if there isn't a mosque nearby, use their prayer rooms, they also hold jummah prayer there.
It is not perfect, by far, but on the whole it is not only a good thing, it is an absolutely GREAT thing. I can't think of a more Islamic practice than providing free healthcare to anyone or everyone, regardless of who they are and whether or not you know them. Muslim countries should follow in their glowing example (most don't).
Don't just do something! Stand there.
I love Britain because of the weather. i love rain and i love the cold. I love its summers and its winters.
I like the people they are on the whole innocent.
I love to live in a country where Islam is not the only religion.
Unlike my sister I do not kiss its soils when I get back from Pakistan because I also love Pakistan - but only for a holiday.
I love the English language because its the only language I feel comfortable speaking.
I am in love with England.
I am in awe of any piece of ground that bears my weight, and because on these soils I have laughed and cried and sometimes prayed I owe it a heavy debt.
Whoa. That was truly beautiful.
The woman has passion.
What a feeling she has for this green and pleasent land.
Extraordinary !!
Do I like Britain? Yes! Why? Becase this is where I feel at home, This is where I belong! This is where I feel my responsibility. There are some aspects of British culture which I don't like, but this is why I want to stay here and to my bit here.
In a nutshell: Britain has potential.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
as far as i know, naz is a guy
Back in BLACK
If you feel comfortable calling me a guy then do so. If you prefer girl then go for it. But not a he she please.
@ Seraphim![]()

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
sorry naz, i seriously thought you were a guy (jeez, what an insult), soz if i caused any offence.
its hard not to cause offence when you say something like that but naz is a tough dude.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
its hard not to cause offence when you say something like that but naz is a tough dude.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
No worries
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
lmao.... wat? shes the one who thinks you have a teeny weeny!
Go kick her.
Back in BLACK
Sumaiya was genuinely mistaken. You on the other hand knew and you laughed so im gonna kick you.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
I take it u watch friends??
I like Britain
What I DO NOT like is the crap weather!!!! It's always raining!!!
n the chavs
lord protect us from the chavs
My friend went to Florida for a holiday n sprained her ankle
she had to go to the hospital with her mum because by the end of the day it was painful n the size of her head
they didnt have cash or insurane (obviously) so they couldnt leave until they paid! so her mum paid by credit card
wen they got back to england, her bill was £1600!!!!!
its not perfect of course, as recent govts are privatising some of its sectors every damn year, but at least I know that if I neeed medical help, it's there for me
I saw that!
I was shocked wen they went to cuba n that woman could buy her medication for five cents, which would have cost her hundreds of dollars back home!
i think they should i invent a law that with any drug alcohol related accident, the patient should pay themselves rather than rely on the NHS for their self-caused situation, providing it was their fault.
But wouldn't that hinder them wanting to change?
By the way, sorry Naz but I feel I have to say this.
When I first came on the Forums Naz thought that I was a girl!
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Nope its in the bad. I was thinking about A&E when I typed that. Once I had really bad stomach ache. When I ate it hurt, when I didnt it hurt, when I stood up it hurt, when I sat/lay down it hurt. The only time it didnt hurt was when I held my breath. I thought this is it my time has come. My life was flashing before me and I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.
After about 3 hours of agony I went down A&E and waited for 5 hours before a doctor saw me. As I went into the room I could see 4 other doctors sitting in another room having a natter! The waiting room is full of people and they are having a natter! Anyway it only turned out to be heartburn
(the worst kind) but thats not the point. If I had been dyeing by the time they got round to checking me I would have been dead. The NHS never use to be bad but recently standards are declining. My hospital (Tameside) has the second highest death rates in Greater Manchester. Bolton is first.
Never ever make the fatal mistake of not getting travel insurance. The most I go for is a week but I ALWAYS get travel insurance coz you dont know whats gonna happen. The most it costs is like £7 and as long as you get the bare basics ie lost baggage, flight cancellation and medical expenses your sorted.
Alhumdulliah I have never been majorly ill abroad and thus have never had to make a claim on my insurance.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
I agree. The NHS is already stretched enough and ppl who really need the help dont always get it because of scum like George best!
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Everyone thought Naz was a geeza.
Anyhow the NHS is not 'stretched' just Lazy. We need to outsource the NHS to South Africa, or a country where the people aren't overfed and arrogant.
Nurses and Doctors are not infallible.