Does every1 have nightmares?
I used to have loads, i wanna know if other ppl out there have the same dreams.
Published by Shaz on 19 June, 2008 - 13:42
Does every1 have nightmares?
I used to have loads, i wanna know if other ppl out there have the same dreams.
I always dreamt about snakes of all sizes,all colours.
sometimes im killing them or they are after me.
life is for living, live it peacefully...
a snake symbolizes a person's arch enemy. the greater the snake the greater the enemy.
fighting a snake means a person will fight his enemy. overpowering it means he will gain victory over him and if he is overpowered it means he will be defeated.
the one who kills the snake will gain victory over his enemy.
taken from: dreams and interpretations by alamah muhammad bin sireen (ra).
Thanks for the interpretation.
Have you had nightmares too?
life is for living, live it peacefully...
no allhamdulillah. i pray before i go to bed so i'm ok.
I slso pray before i go to bed but i stiil dreamt about thoes things.
life is for living, live it peacefully...
I thought that the Prophet
told us not to ever talk about any bad dreams we have because they are from Shaitain.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Back in BLACK
I thought in Islam we're not supposed to talk about the content of any dreams we have, good or bad???
Used to have this one re-occuring nightmare when I was younger, which I still remember vividly.
But I never remember any dreams though, in fact for a long time I was adamant I didn't dream, lol.
i always dream. i have my dream interpretation book next to me so in the morning i'll quickly check what my dream meant before i forget it.
I don't think dream interpretation is possible. It's a cod-science aimed at fooling people and getting them to spend their hard-earned money.
Dreams are manifestations of our mind - both conscious and subconscious. They are personal and noone can ever say "this symbolises so-and-so" or anything like that.
Everyone's mind works differently, like for example if I were to dream of tomato ketchup, it would be a horrible nightmare, but if one of you were to dream about it then you'd love it, and you'd probably wake up wanting some chips.
Tomato ketchup doesn't symbolise anything.
Same with snakes. If someone worked in the snake enclosure at a zoo, then a dream about snakes would be a sign that they love their job - nothing about 'enemies' or anything.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
the prophet
would gather the sahaba around and ask them about their dreams so he could interpret it for them. he
would ask abu bakr (ra) to interpret his dreams.
the prophet
and ayesha's (ra) marriage took place because this was something that Allaah wanted, the prophet
saw ayesha (ra) wrapped in silk and was being carried by jibreal (as) in a dream twice. he came to the conclusion that Allaah wanted him to marry ayesha (ra).
dreams are either from Allaah, the shaytan or dunya orientated (if you have been thinking about something so much you’ll dream of it)
years before prophethood, the prophet
would see dreams which hinted that something was going to happen.
i havent read through it so there may be some mistakes.
Well, people talked to Yusuf (as) about their dreams. But that was before the 7th century.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
you can talk about your good dreams only to a person that you trust
"to allah we belong and to him we return"
In case it reveals too much about you.
Back in BLACK
it is harmful if the person interprets the dream wrong. keep your dreams to yourself and if you wana find out the meaning of the dream (yes, 100% dreams do have meanings, no doubt) ask a shaykh or someone with immense knowledge and wisdom and then stick to that one person.
if the person is interpreting the dream wrong and the malaikah say ameen, it will come true. the person may be interpreting the dream negatively.
no idea.
I doubt the issue is the angels saying aameen...
It may be more incorrect interpretation. where an ignorant person puts the dreamer through hell.
I have seen someone twist the seeing of the name of the prophet
from somthing good to it being a sign that the person must have done something really wrong and must repent and do this and then do that....
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
that too but one of the reasons is because of the ameen bit. i'll double check with ustaadah next week.
Thanks. For some reason I find it really hard to buy that reason.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
i don't do that anymore. just take it in and accept it now. don't like to dwell further.
I personally don't think there is. Even if the dreams were a "message" or a warning, abstract abstractions would be confusing. If you need it interpreting by another, you will not truly know what it means until the moment of truth is upon you.
On the other hand, if it tells you a truth (which may even be due to your pondering an issue for a long time), you need to interpreter...
So either way I think interpretations may not be the best of help.
I may be wrong though.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
@Weds: yes, the prophet
married sayiddah ayesha (ra) because of what he
in a dream. the prophet
wouldn't have asked the sahaba about dream interpretation if there wasn't a need. ilm is passed down through dreams... that may be touching on aqaid but dreams play a big part.
there were two men, had exactly the same dream. one got good tidings and the other was exposed as a robber and was arrested. if the dream hadn't been interpreted he would have got away.
if you don't remember you don't remember.
the dream interpretor will let you know if they have meanings or not. there are conditions. if Allah wanted you to take something from your dreams, He will make a way.
quran, ahadith, hikma bestowed by Allah, knowledge of various sciences etc
but guidance isn't given to everyone, Allah chooses people.
the qu'ran is for mankind. the prophet
was sent to mankind.
we belong to Allah, we are His, He can do what he likes.
who said anything about favouritism?
I think the forums need longer replies here.
Every thing with free will has the ability to be saved. Allah (swt) has given us the potential. if it was not there, free will would be meaningless. It would be so too if we did not have the ability to stumble.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.