Keep it, buy plenty of ice-cream and other such things
9% (2 votes)
Keep it, buy plenty of ice-cream and other such things
9% (2 votes)
Its not yours to spend, try and return it to the owner
14% (3 votes)
Its not yours to spend, try and return it to the owner
14% (3 votes)
Donate it to the mosque or other such charity
27% (6 votes)
Donate it to the mosque or other such charity
27% (6 votes)
Total votes: 22
God gave me £20.00
I was at uni today waiting for a friend. So to pass the time i jumped onto a computer for an hour or so... after which my friend told me i had to wait another hour before he would be finished. I wasnt gonna wait that long so i packed my things and when i was about to leave i discovered £20.00 next to my bag. My first thought was ... have i dropped £20.00 outta my bag? Turned out i hadnt... it didnt belong to the sister next to me either. So my first thought was: "Great... £20.00, I invoke the right of finders keepers Ice-cream on the me!"... then my consciounce came into play:
[color=blue]"But its not my £20.00"[/color]
[color=red]"True, but i have no idea who was sat here before me"[/color]
[color=blue]"What if you hand it in?"[/color]
[color=red]"Yeah but the guy at the desk will prob pocket it himself and what are the chances someone will come looking for it?"[/color]
[color=blue]"Theres a small chance... but a chance none the less."[/color]
[color=red]"But what if God wanted me to have it... coz ive been especially good."[/color]
[color=blue]"Dont pull that line on me, you've not done anything specifically good to merit God giving you money."[/color]
[color=red]"Maybe its because of my accumilated good deeds that i get £20.00"[/color]
[color=blue]"Oh please! would you prefer £20.00 or heaven after you die."[/color]
[color=red]"Can i have some Ice-cream to think it over?"[/color]
[color=blue]"Not with that money you dont! Besides what if its a test?"[/color]
[color=red]"test? you mean like the way god tested moses?"[/color]
[color=blue]"Im reminded of a story a molvi once told me about some guy who was really hungry and he found an apple bobbing in the river after eating the apple he realised it wasnt his apple to eat; thus he walked further along the stream until he found the tree where such apples grew and immediately went to meet the owner. After telling the owner the man said he was willing to do anything to repay his debt... and to cut a long story short he had to marry the owner guys daughter."[/color]
[color=red]"Soooooo what your saying is ive gotta marry the guys daughter who dropped this £20.00?"[/color]
[color=blue]"No fool, i mean its not yours to take and if you do spend it you will owe someone a debt which you may have to account for in the hereafter."[/color]
[color=red]"Damn it... having a consciounce sux!"[/color]
[color=blue]"Excellent... looks like my job heres done"[/color]
Bearing in mind thats the exact conversation that took place in my head. What do you guys recon i should do with the £20.00?? I was thinking maybe i should give it to charity or the local mosque or something... i dunno.
What do you think?
Back in BLACK
50/50 it.
Keep a tenner and give a tenner to charity.
errrmmmmm....tricky one!!!! :o
I think you should try and find the sister and ask her...I know it's a lil silly but at least you tried to find the right owner. If she says it's not hers (which is unlikely she will) then you jus keep it!!! Or you could donate it to.......THE REVIVAL MAG!!! hehe Lol
"Happy are those who find fault with themselves instead of finding fault with others"
Great post Seraph!
No dilemma.....
You definitely shouldn't keep it - it's not yours.
You've tried (kind of) to find the person it belonged to (which was the right thing to do), but with no luck.
So you should give it to a local mosque or a charity.
Like Saffy, I too say THE REVIVAL. (Lol, is Ed allowed to confirm it?)
money comes and goes!! Give it to charity.
Think about it!!! Is it worth keeping it?? proberbly not!
live and let live!!!!!!!
If you're having trouble deciding what to do, just give it to me.
I'll deal with it for you.
[color=indigo][b]Give it to charity, local mosque or whatever. In that way, you and the person who dropped the money can both recieve some barkah.[/b][/color]
Why do you say that?
I was considering giving the whole lot to charity... but im interested in your reasoning before i do.
Back in BLACK
Maybe I'm wrong, however.
I've been taught that if one finds some money and there's no way they can trace or find the owner, they're entitled to keep the money.
However, they MUST try to find the owner first, so obviously this doesnt work with stuff like, when your work overpays you or when the bank mistakingly gives you extra money.
I'm always losing money...I know that, this is from God. But when I find money (which is almost never)...I believe that its from God too.
I found a couple of hundred quid, a mobile phone in a purse on the bus a while back, luckily for the owner, I could return it to her cos the phone made it easy for me to trace her.
When its possible for me to return money, I've always returned it. But on the rare occasions I've found a fiver on the street, I've kept it.
Anyway, thats my understanding of the lost and found. I could be wrong.
Whenever someone finds something which doesn't belong to them, they are supposed to hand it into a police station. If the person who the item belongs to doesn't claim the item within a certain period then the person who found it gets to keep it.
Isn't that some fable we used to get told in primary school?
I believe that's what the law says.
How can you "prove" that you've lost some cash and that it belongs to you?
Even in schools this system doesnt work properly, you always get kids claiming stuff that isnt even theirs.
go to the bookies and put the 20 quid on a random horse…
if it wins then u know God wants u to have the dough….spend the money wisely, on good deeds and feel no guilt…
if the horse loses…..then u know God is punishing u….u stand condemned as a THIEF and a GAMBLER!!
hell fire awaits!!!!!
They Vote To Send Us To War Instantly.....But None Of Their Kids Serve In The Infantry...
If yopu don't think you can trace the owner then I propose the following possibly awesome plan.
Place said twenty pounds in an envelope with a note reading
"This twenty pounds is for you. Why? because you're such a cool person and I wanted to make you smile. I don't know who you are except that you can read, spread the love. I think twenty pounds for a smile is bargain, hope your smiling.
With love, your guardian angel"
p.s. leave the envelope where you found the twenty quid.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
I knew i always liked the way you think Dawud.
Thats crazy enough to work.... sounds like something id do anyway.
Thanx for that!
Back in BLACK
call me superstitious but my parents have always told me if you find something that is not yours a lost item or money leave it where you found it. If there's a "lost and found "take it there otherwise leave it, coz you're tempting fate, especially with money. Parents always said if you find say 10 quid and take it in the future you will lose a lot more than that, coz you took something that doesn't belong to you. Load of nonsense or not i hold on to that superstition i wouldn't take something that's not mine, won't even put it in the charity box
Now if i found a substantial amount of money or somethign valuable i would hand it in to the police and if it was not claimed i would still refuse to take it if it was offered to me, call me crazy if you like lol
I gave my advice to Seraphim because of how it might make someones day, but I thought that if no one claims it its yours.
Sersaph you're welcome.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Im gonna try in as soon as i go back in.
Back in BLACK
I read it somewhere that if a person finds something that doesn't belong to them then it is wajib upon them to pick the item up and return it to their owner, only if there is the fear that if he does not pick it up, someone else will pick it up and will not return it to it's owner. And if the owner cannot be found then the item should be given into charity, and if the person who found the item is poor, they can keep it.
I would return it if I could chase the person up, otherwise I would give it to charity coz if I kept it, I would have a very guilty conscious.
im always losing money
ive even lost wallets full of credit/debit cards and cash
so what u've found is most prob mine
i was in manchester only a while ago
mm muslimbro ill keep that in mind thanx for that info
So what happened to the 20 quid?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
erm supposing i had found it in the library was it?, like you had i would have handed it in at the desk. Whether the person behind the desk pocketed or not would not be an issue to me. Point is i had been honest enough to hand it in, thinking this person would give it to it's owner if they came looking for it.
Other situations id act differently depending on where it was found, but i'd never keep it, just how mummy and daddy taught me, never keep what's not yours even if you can't find the owner. i guess i can understand some ppl saying they would keep it if they did all they could to identify the owner, but i just wouldn't feel at ease doing that.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
i gave it to the mosque.
Back in BLACK
I think you did a good deed. Jzkk.
I would hand it to lost property/reception in that building. Or give it to charity.
Once i found 1p or 5p in the library
i gave it to reception in the library
Once i found £5 on the main road going to uni
i bought my mum a £10 presi and used that £5 towards it (but mum dint no i used it towards it)
then she said i should give it (£5) to charity.
then i also gave a £5 to charity.
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