Do you believe that the creation of the zionist state would have been possible if the holocaust did not happen?

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This is a controversiol thread, firstly i would like to apologise if i offend anybody, that is not my intention. Secondly the following is not a genralisation of all zionists. Thirdly i am wholeheartedly FOR the existence of the Jewish state (but i am against them behaving like nazis).

This is a quite interesting tape by Jim Condit in which he explains that the cruelty against Jews by the Nazis and the Communists were parts of the attempts by the Zionists to make worldwide Jews feel unsafe and therefore rekindled their dream of a Jewish Nation in Palestine.

Google Video:

without the holocaust the creation of the zionist state would have been impossible.

Neturei Karta (a group of anti-zionist jews) were mainstream Jews around the time of the holocaust. many of them got killed in the holocaust. i remember watching an online-vid by an anti-zionist rabbi that said that many of the orthodox [u]anti-zionist[/u] rabbis / talmudic scholers / jewish scholers were killed in the holocaust. Besides if they had decided to invade the land then there would have been an uproar because the creation the the state prior to the arrival of the messiah was considered a great blasphemy to them. [u]The zionists had to get rid them[/u].

And at the same time use thier deaths as an excuse to do what they like to the Palastinians in the name of "self defense". Using the holocaust as an excuse to do what the like should be banned! they should come up with a better excuse. :roll:

there are 100,000s of anti-zionist [u]orthodox[/u] jews belonging to many diff groups. zionists ALWAYS go out of thier way to claim they are a minority. ask a zionist jew about them and watch him lie through his teeth!!

As for reform / reconstructionist / conservative (or any other heretical jewish movement that makes a complete mockery out of true judaism) are zionists (surprisingly). They make up the vast mojority of jews.

even the anti-zionist jews that live in the holy land protest that they don't want zionists to rule ANY part of the holy land. :shock: and in Israel they have become closer to mainstream with their former spokesman and his Zaka group resucing hunderds of people in terrorist attacks. There is a small faction of anti-Zionist because Uri Zvi Greenberg of the Labor Party stopped a deal with Eichmann to save 1,000,000 religious Hungarian Jews. Greenberg said, "A cow in Israel is worth more than a million religious Jews". For this many jews cannot stomach the Labor Party and the Left in Israel but the Netura Karta and some renegate Satmars or left over Shabbtai Zviniks are against Israel.

there are [url= Documents to prove Zionist Collaboration With the Nazis [/url]

something they forgot to tell me at school :roll: did anybody else miss this vital information?

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

since you yourself have shown collaboration between zionists and nazi's, I would say the holocaust has no effect i9n bringing them into existance.

As you yourself have shown they already existed.

that is if you buy the documents you link to. Either way it destroys your poll.

I have not read them, and this is not a subject that interests me so I will refrain from further comments.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

no, no, no i mean the [b]zionst state[/b] not zionism it self.

however only after the holocaust did zionism become "mainstream" in judaisum

that is if you buy the documents you link to.

its hardly the only source :roll:

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.

as I said it's not a subject I know much about, nor have any interest in.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

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