Would you rebel?

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"yashmaki" wrote:
Your idea of seal is clearly different to what Allah has stated. Your seal becomes unstuck to pave the way for the number 19. :roll:

lol actually [i]I[/i] don't believe Muhammad sealed anything... i'm Christian, he's not my prophet.

Interestingly enough I have heard that numerical miracle used by orthodox muslims a lot... never really impressed me but I am surprised they are quoting a heretic to get their points across.

And why hasn't anybody mentioned anything about his rape conviction?

I'im sure i mentioned it in my very first post about this Rashad character??Maybe not in this thread though.

"Dave" wrote:
"yashmaki" wrote:
Your idea of seal is clearly different to what Allah has stated. Your seal becomes unstuck to pave the way for the number 19. :roll:

lol actually [i]I[/i] don't believe Muhammad sealed anything... i'm Christian, he's not my prophet.

Interestingly enough I have heard that numerical miracle used by orthodox muslims a lot... never really impressed me but I am surprised they are quoting a heretic to get their points across.

And why hasn't anybody mentioned anything about his rape conviction?

coz never knew the guy existed!! nor do i really want to knw

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


The miracle number 19.

This is a load of rubbish. No classical scholar has given mentioned it. The Mufassir e Quran fom amongst the Sahabah Karaam, the first cousin of the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, the nephew of the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, a Sayyid Sahabi, Hadrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas radiyallahu anhuma is that Sahabi who got dua direct from Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam in regards to understanding the Book. This Sahabi along with the Pious Predecessors who came later have never talked about this miraculoues mathematical prime number 19 being a miracle of the Quran nor has the verse in question EVER been understood to mean anything other than the angels of Hell.

The first person to talk about this 19 miracle was one of the deviants who founded the Bahai sect. Unfortunately Ahmad Deedat also believed in this completely wrong and unfounded explanation and his talks and videos on the topic have created confusions. Muslims this number 19 and its connection to the Quran was first suggested by a deviant of Bahai sect, how can we plce any importance to it?

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"yashmaki" wrote:
The two verses of Surah 9:128 and 129 spoil this calculation therefore they are removed from the Quran.

Scholers were always suspicious of them 2 verses, lets just say the koran is entertainment and i personally did not find those verses "entertaining".

As for the number 19 scholars came to a conclusion it meant the number of angels in hell, IT DONT SAY THAT. Read the Koran 4 ur self if u don’t believe me (i really hope u know arabic mate)

That is NOT the only mathematical miracle in the koran.

My brother rejected orthadox islam and became a khalifite, not coz he hated orthadox islam it was because that made more sense to him. I hate otrthadox islam NOT my brother.

So Dave my brother follows the teachings of a "convicted" rapist does he?

I agree with SOME of Rashads translations of the Koran, i know arabic so i can come to my own conclusion on this one.

Non of his teachings are evil, just weird.

I admire Rashad as much as Ed admires the Taliban. I admire his translations of the Koran as much as Ed admires the sharia.

Yashmaki tell me what "evil" beliefs u h8 about khalifites, and I will have it out with mi bro..... and will put it in Submitters Times Lol

As a whabi I is gonna kill him for saying the stuff i said on my first thread is not islam. How dare he rebel!!!

Guess what Yash.... they believe Zakat is two and a half percent of ur net income and not the stingey amount given at the end of ramadan. I always thought God was an idiot for making Zakat the stingey amount given at the end of Ramadan coz da poor need help all year round and not just at the end of Ramadan.


Y dont we all spend our money on scholers like Tahir Ul Qadri instead?

Scholers are only after ur money and if they make a mistake they refuse to admit it coz they wanna keep thier status.... wow did i just say that? :shock:

I is a little trick or treater innit?

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

Juddah give it up you're not a wahhabi, the wahhabis would literally kill you for the things you say lol. May Allah guide you.

How can you say God is stingey? Are ppl genernous? Many of them refuse to even pay this small amount of Zakat!

Besides Zakat, saddaqah is encouraged greatly upon all muslims. Muslims don't just give zakat, that's a pillar of faith, they give charity everyday. Whether it's in the form of money, in the form of voluntary works etc.

If you don't follow your brothers beliefs why are you highlighting them here. You seem to be promoting them!

LOL gr8 signiture Dave Lol

r u really an american?

[My signiture is there to remind me that I shud b a gud muslim boy]

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

When the ignorant people come and wish to argue with the people of knowledge, the people of knowledge reply with silence. It is a dignified and noble response.

Muhtarama I would advise you not even bother replying to Judda, he is kafir or if he was a muslim he is apostate. He only writes to illicit a reponse. Ignoring him is in line with a knowledgable persons honour and dignity.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

judda stop seeking attention by your unruly statements

why dont u go crawl back into your cave

u ought to be ignored

lol but thats just it, every body says that yet they have the nearve to put thier opinions on my threads....

notice how yashmaki always replies to my posts with good points and then later starts insulting me? i kinda noticed Ed duz that too...

NE way if u dont like me, ignore me, dont read my posts, don't even think about clicking on my threads....

Med The prophet SAW said who ever calls a believer a kaffir it is like he is a kaffir...

y'know it takes one to know one med.....

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

"Medievalist" wrote:
When the ignorant people come and wish to argue with the people of knowledge, the people of knowledge reply with silence.

What knowledge? no one else in this forum knows arabic.... :roll:

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

for a person who apparently knows arabic he doesnt know that the faa in kafir is not faa mushaddadah so there is no need to write it with two ffs.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

yo i spell everything wrong.... read all mi posts and C....

whats ur bloody problem....

Tlk to me on PM on transalations of the Koran, I dont want u 2 ruin my thread wid ur nonsence....

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

"Judda" wrote:
LOL gr8 signiture Dave Lol

r u really an american?

[My signiture is there to remind me that I shud b a gud muslim boy]

Yea Lee was a great man - God rest his soul.

And i'm as American as the the twenty dollar bill.

Wow that was clever - I need to use that more often.

We'll see how smart you are if you can figure the brilliance behind that one.

lol flags go as follows

Chi Ro, USA, CSA, Rebel, SC, Charleston.

Ironically enough they are in order of how I view myself

What knowledge? no one else in this forum knows arabic.... :roll:

Plz get off your high horse that you know ARABIC!!! because in order to interpret the Holy Quran correctly you need to know the background as to why that verses of the Holy Quran was revealed and in which situations, in your case from your comments I very much doubt you know anything about the background of the Quranic revelation.

So Judda, knowing Arabic does not mean you know what the Quranic verses mean.

And "Quran can be a means of guidance or a means of deviation."

this basically means: you can gain guidance from the Holy Quran if you know the true background of its revelation and if you don't (in Judda's case) you can be easily deviated.

So PLEASE!!! Don't discuss something that you have no knowledge of.

THROUGH LOVE all that is bitter will be sweet.
Through Love all that is copper will be gold.
Through Love all dregs will turn to purest wine.
Through Love all pain will turn to medicine.
Through Love the king will turn into a slave!

I thought the Quran was written in classical arabic...

Always told myself I would learn Greek - didn't happen. Prolly should though.

Pretty name incidentally! I know a girl named Amber back home.

Actually she owes me lunch.

"Dave" wrote:
I thought the Quran was written in classical arabic...

Always told myself I would learn Greek - didn't happen. Prolly should though.

Pretty name incidentally! I know a girl named Amber back home.

Actually she owes me lunch.


Thanx for the compliment.

See when the Quran was revealed, at that time the arabic language was evolved and currently each arabic word can have upto 1000 different meanings, so one word can be used in the negative sense or positve!!!

Therefore in order to interpret the Holy Quran you have to be an authorative figure who has the knowledge of classical sciences, and an expert in asool-ul-Tafsir (Principles of interpreting the Holy Quran), strong knowlege on ahadith (sayings of Holy Prophet (SAW)) and must hold a firm grasp of Arabic language especially the arabic grammar!

THROUGH LOVE all that is bitter will be sweet.
Through Love all that is copper will be gold.
Through Love all dregs will turn to purest wine.
Through Love all pain will turn to medicine.
Through Love the king will turn into a slave!

"Dave" wrote:
So it's entirely likely that when Muhammad called himself the seal of the prophet's he was using "Rasul" and not Nabi?


It doesnt matter whether Prophet Muhammad (SAW) called himself the seal of Prophets and not Messengers because what Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was referring to was that there will be no Divine Message coming after the message of Islam he brought to mankind, as Islam is the complete code of life.

As he (SAW) said in the last sermon: "Today I have completed your Deen."

Meaning thereby if the Deen is complete then what is the use of any Messenger or Prophet coming because both (Prophet & Messenger) preached the Divine Teaching.

So if someone is saying another Messenger can come is a disbliever, why you ask? Because when u say this then u infact believe that a better message than the one brought by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) can come and those who ask for proof of messengership is also a disbeliever because deep down he is not absolute on the messengership of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) as being final.

THROUGH LOVE all that is bitter will be sweet.
Through Love all that is copper will be gold.
Through Love all dregs will turn to purest wine.
Through Love all pain will turn to medicine.
Through Love the king will turn into a slave!

"Amber" wrote:


Thanx for the compliment.

See when the Quran was revealed, at that time the arabic language was evolved and currently each arabic word can have upto 1000 different meanings, so one word can be used in the negative sense or positve!!!

Therefore in order to interpret the Holy Quran you have to be an authorative figure who has the knowledge of classical sciences, and an expert in asool-ul-Tafsir (Principles of interpreting the Holy Quran), strong knowlege on ahadith (sayings of Holy Prophet (SAW)) and must hold a firm grasp of Arabic language especially the arabic grammar!

Interesting - here's one for ya (if you don't mind).

Muslims call Arabic the language of heaven because that is the language the Qur'an is written in and from what I gather there are a fair number of you (on the forum) that believe it is also the language spoken in heaven.

Which came first was arabic the language of heaven and then the Qur'an was written, or was it the other way around?

And what does God need with language?

"Amber" wrote:
"Dave" wrote:
So it's entirely likely that when Muhammad called himself the seal of the prophet's he was using "Rasul" and not Nabi?


It doesnt matter whether Prophet Muhammad (SAW) called himself the seal of Prophets and not Messengers because what Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was referring to was that there will be no Divine Message coming after the message of Islam he brought to mankind, as Islam is the complete code of life.

As he (SAW) said in the last sermon: "Today I have completed your Deen."

Meaning thereby if the Deen is complete then what is the use of any Messenger or Prophet coming because both (Prophet & Messenger) preached the Divine Teaching.

So if someone is saying another Messenger can come is a disbliever, why you ask? Because when u say this then u infact believe that a better message than the one brought by Prophet Muhammad (SAW) can come and those who ask for proof of messengership is also a disbeliever because deep down he is not absolute on the messengership of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) as being final.

Perhaps I misunderstand the meaning of Nabi - I was under the impression that [i]only[/i] Rasuls were risalah (Dawud brought the Zabur for instance) while Nabis were apostolic.

If a Nabi isn't risalah than how could they add or detract from your deen - they bring nothing?

I think I misunderstand precisely what a Nabi is?

A nabi does not bring a new message. He is sent to renew the message, and revitalise the faith.

A rasul is a Nabi who does bring a new ,message. This was either with scriptures or books. In history there were (I think) four books revealed and many scriptures.

(ang The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) is the seal of nabi's. thus also making him the last rasul aswell, as a rasul has to be a nabi.)

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Ahh - gotcha

"Dave" wrote:
Interesting - here's one for ya (if you don't mind).

Muslims call Arabic the language of heaven because that is the language the Qur'an is written in and from what I gather there are a fair number of you (on the forum) that believe it is also the language spoken in heaven.

Which came first was arabic the language of heaven and then the Qur'an was written, or was it the other way around?

And what does God need with language?

A religious book is revealed in the tongue of the people to whom it is sent.

Arabic is the language of the Arabs, and thus the Qur'an was written in arabic.

Arabic is an ancient language. the first? maybe.
The language of the heavens? maybe. Its not something I find myself preoccupied by. we will be able to understand each other, and Inshallah, I will be showered with the mercy to avoid the sauna.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Ambar an arabic word does not have a 1000 meanings to it, if it did noone could ever speak it, do u have any idea how rediculous that sounds????

I know there are many ways to transalate the koran, like the word "hijab". "Hijab" is the term used by many Muslims women to describe their head cover that may or may not include covering their face except their eyes, and sometimes covering also one eye. The Arabic word "Hijab" can be translated into veil or yashmak. Other meanings for the word "Hijab" include, screen, cover(ing), mantle, curtain, drapes, partition, division, divider.

Nabi=prophet (sum1 wid a scripture like Muhammad and jesus)
Rasool=messenger (sum1 without a scripture)

All prophets are messengers but not all messengers are prophets.

The reason submitters don't believe in a Muhammad being the last messenger (they believe he is last prophet coz koran is final scripture) and because no wear in the koran does it say Muhammed is final messenger, just final prophet....

"Muhammad was not the father of any of your men; [b]he was a messenger (Rasoul) of God[/b] and the last prophet (Nabi)." [ 33:40 ] This is also clearly stated in 7:35, 16:2, 33:40, and 40:15.


The hadith tell us he is final prophet and final messenger but they reject hadith and sunnah. IT JUST SHOWS THAT HADTH IS IMPORTANT FOR GUIDENCE coz if it aint written in the koran the submitters will ignore it completely....

Now this genious Rashad is not an idiot, no one has ever used koranic evidence to prove he was not a messenger from god and he told his followers to reject hadith and sunnah, sneaky eh?

They also twisted the meanings of certain verses to make Rashad appear to be a messenger from god. To be honest I don't know how to transalate those verese but I am gonna ask a proffessor of the arabic languige about them... of couse i is never gonna be a khalifite, i is just curious....

I look at his transaltion of the koran like i look at any other transaltion of the koran, i verify all info for my self!

Arabic is not a holy languige....

BTW stoning to death is NOT MENTIONED in the koran under any transalation.....

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

"Dave" wrote:
"Judda" wrote:
So Dave my brother follows the teachings of a "convicted" rapist does he?

It would appear that the man has a rape conviction from 1979 that he pleaded no contest to.


I don't personally believe he did it, he was found innocent afterall.

I'm not interested in the guy himself just his transalation of the koran.... even if he did do it it wouldn't bother me coz Muhammad was a [banned word].

They shouldn't have killed the guy, they should have emphasised the fact that we should use hadith for guidence, killing him makes them sound worried that he has got too many followers, he has only got a few million followers out of the 1.2 billion muslims in the world....

[b]EDIT: Judda, repeat after me: I will not be blasphemous, I will not be blasphemous. Repeat and memorise.

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

"Amber" wrote:

So PLEASE!!! Don't discuss something that you have no knowledge of.

no knowledge of what exactly?

thats rich coming from the girl who said a woman is equivelent to a diamond- BUKAHRY says women are inferior-END OF.

u ramble on about a load of rubbish which I assume u get off google coz it is so bloody bad... coz u is so "smart" JUSTIFY THE THINGS I SAID IN MY FIRST POST.

And explain to me why in muslim countries u need four witnesses to report rape? otherwise the perv gets away with it.... and if the woman gets pregnent they accuse her of adultery coz she failed to get 4 wittnesses 4 da rape, and then stone her to death!- u make me sick AND YOUR A BLOODY GIRL!!!!!!- its a myth that women are more emotional and kind hearted then men.... AND its only ever a women that can go through something as vile as that...


Of course I practicily disagree with everything in my religion, I know what i said in the "hijab and jeans" thread contradicts my religion and my culture and u wud never really hear a muslim or an arab say something like that but it was my OWN OPINION and deffo got nuffin to do wid islam...

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…

"Judda" wrote:

And explain to me why in muslim countries u need four witnesses to report rape? otherwise the perv gets away with it.... and if the woman gets pregnent they accuse her of adultery coz she failed to get 4 wittnesses 4 da rape, and then stone her to death!- u make me sick AND YOUR A BLOODY GIRL!!!!!!- its a myth that women are more emotional and kind hearted then men.... AND its only ever a women that can go through something as vile as that


Of course I practicily disagree with everything in my religion

Ooooooh!!! hit a sore nerve did we? And Mr know it all (I am sooo smart that I know Arabic!) Can not come back with a good answer and instead turns to abuse (touche) tut tut little boy, youR comments just show you are nothing but a lost kid and are in a desperate need of life!!!

And for your info little boy! A woman does not need four witnesses to report rape, if you knew Islam (which I know you don't, as you only voice your own opinion!!!) you need four witnesses inorder to trial somone for adultery. As Islam is a fair religion (which no doubt you have no clue about, I'm sure, AS YOU GET YOUR STUFF FROM GOOGLE, didn't your mommy ever tell you not to believe everything that you read on the net?) it has the law of four witnesses to punish a person for adultery (stoning to death if you are married (male or female) and 100 lashes if you are unmarried (male or female) and you don't need four witnesses to report rape (duh!!! I don't know where you get your info from is it dogpile by any chance???)

And I agree with the stoning of death (ooooh I am the BIG BAD GIRL NOW aren't I!!) why do you ask? Well if a person is married then Islam has given them a lawful way of having a physical relationship, so there is no way a person should go running about to other places, so therefore in order to protect this beautiful relationship (called marriage, which I doubt Mr Know it all has a clue about!!) so looking at the severity of punishment a person will not commit adulterey therefore preserving the santicity of the beautiful bond. I don't know why you look at everything so negatively.

"Judda" wrote:

(talking to ourselve now are we mr know it all, that is the first sign of madness but I guess in your case you have reached the final stages, and I dont know who can help you!)

And if you knew Arabic (which i doubt very much you know as you claim) Arabic language is so comphrensive and you yourself have given many meanings of the word 'hijab' so you have just contradicted yourself, (I REST MY CASE!!!!)

THROUGH LOVE all that is bitter will be sweet.
Through Love all that is copper will be gold.
Through Love all dregs will turn to purest wine.
Through Love all pain will turn to medicine.
Through Love the king will turn into a slave!

"Judda" wrote:
"Dave" wrote:
"Judda" wrote:
So Dave my brother follows the teachings of a "convicted" rapist does he?

It would appear that the man has a rape conviction from 1979 that he pleaded no contest to.


I don't personally believe he did it, he was found innocent afterall.

That's really strange... I read that very article just yesterday and it said he didn't contest the charges...

Is nationmaster one of those wiki affiliates?

mate i dont understand the last line of that post...

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…


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