The use of the label 'Ahlul Bid'ah' is causing sectarianism on this forum. Do you agree?

50% (3 votes)
50% (3 votes)
0% (0 votes)
0% (0 votes)
Not when when Med says it.
0% (0 votes)
Not when when Med says it.
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 6

Ok Med. Here's your thread. Don't know how long it'll last.

1- Name some scholars of the Ahlul Bid'ah.
[EDIT] I have added a poll.[/b]

thank you brother irfghan.

i will think whether or not it is wise for me to do so.

i dnt see any benefit in this.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

If it'll stop you from childishly throwing 'Ahlul Bid'ah' into every other one of your posts then I think it's OK.

ok, i shall make mention of some . . .

some people of Ahlul Bid'ah are:

Mufti Gul Rahman, of Bham,
Peer Ahmad Shah Noorani,
Peer Irfan Shah Mashadi,
Molwi Ahmad Ridha Khan Barelwi,
Hashmi Miyan of India.
Molwi Tahir ul Qadri
Molwi Faiz ul Qadri.
Molwi Hamza Yusuf
Molwi Zayd Shakir

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

You asked, I answered, now I wait for the whirlwind.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
You asked, I answered, now I wait for the whirlwind.


You judgemental.....




Okay I have no idea what yall are talking about.

What's a Ahlul Bid'ah

Ahlul Bid'ah means People of Innovation.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
ok, i shall make mention of some . . .

some people of Ahlul Bid'ah are:

Mufti Gul Rahman, of Bham,
Peer Ahmad Shah Noorani,
Peer Irfan Shah Mashadi,
Molwi Ahmad Ridha Khan Barelwi,
Hashmi Miyan of India.
Molwi Tahir ul Qadri
Molwi Faiz ul Qadri.
Molwi Hamza Yusuf
Molwi Zayd Shakir

Dont know most of those names but how did u come to that conclusion, actually why bother askin everythin we guys do is "shirk" and "bid'ah" according you and your "Ihle-sunnah-wa-jammah" scholars :roll: ....

Name all the Bidah's "committed" by the scholars mentioned above?

"angel" wrote:

Dont know most of those names but how did u come to that conclusion, actually why bother askin everythin we guys do is "shirk" and "bid'ah" according you and your "Ihle-sunnah-wa-jammah" scholars :roll: ....

Name all the Bidah's "committed" by the scholars mentioned above?

i see no benefit in this, i answered the qsn by irfghan, now ppl have a rough idea who it is I refer to when I mention Ahlul Bid'ah, yani I dont refer to the above people SPECIFICALLY, but which type of 'scholars' it is that I refer to.

You want me to list the bid'aat that are committed. I have already mentioned these ignorant practices before.

I have finished with this thread inshaALLAH.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
ok, i shall make mention of some . . .

some people of Ahlul Bid'ah are:

Mufti Gul Rahman, of Bham,
Peer Ahmad Shah Noorani,
Peer Irfan Shah Mashadi,
Molwi Ahmad Ridha Khan Barelwi,
Hashmi Miyan of India.
Molwi Tahir ul Qadri
Molwi Faiz ul Qadri.
Molwi Hamza Yusuf
Molwi Zayd Shakir

Got to say that very soft of you, you mention some great shaykh and scholars on there and I can say I respect every single name on there. It a pity :roll:

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


"Med" wrote:
Ahlul Bid'ah means People of Innovation.


"Med" wrote:
ok, i shall make mention of some . . .

some people of Ahlul Bid'ah are:

Mufti Gul Rahman, of Bham,
Peer Ahmad Shah Noorani,
Peer Irfan Shah Mashadi,
Molwi Ahmad Ridha Khan Barelwi,
Hashmi Miyan of India.
Molwi Tahir ul Qadri
Molwi Faiz ul Qadri.
Molwi Hamza Yusuf
Molwi Zayd Shakir

How are Hamza Yusuf and Zaid Shakir Ahl Bid'ah?

Probably because he is Californian.

That should be a sin in [i]any[/i] religion

"Med" wrote:
ok, i shall make mention of some . . .

some people of Ahlul Bid'ah are:

Mufti Gul Rahman, of Bham,
Peer Ahmad Shah Noorani,
Peer Irfan Shah Mashadi,
Molwi Ahmad Ridha Khan Barelwi,
Hashmi Miyan of India.
Molwi Tahir ul Qadri
Molwi Faiz ul Qadri.
Molwi Hamza Yusuf
Molwi Zayd Shakir

Bravo, got to admit it, I always knew you had no knowledge of Islam and this just proves it, you have named great scholars of their times, and you know call them Ahle Bidah, but I don't blame you for a second, I guess your [b]respected Ustadji[/b] :roll: must have enlightened you on the so called ahlul Bidah, you make me laugh, seriously you make my day. I read your pathetic so called answers, always avoiding the question..

By the way who is this respected ustadji or are you tooo ashamed to mention him, I gues if i had a teacher like yours I would also like to keep it hidden.

As angel asked you what Bidah did they commit, I know I think, they celebrate Mawlid-un-Nabi (SAW) oh but I thought you were the lovers of Holy Prophet (SAW) (i.e. my beard is bigger than yours, so I love Holy Prophet (SAW) more than you :roll: ), but why call people Ahlul Bidah if they do acts in rejoicement of the raising of Holy Prophet (SAW)?

You follow that guy don't you, whats his face, Wahabi or is it Wahab Najdi or something like that, now buddy he is Ahlul Bidah, but I guess our ustadji must have told your little mind that he is ehle sunnah wal jammat.

by the way are you wahabi or deobandi 'cause they always are too ashamed to admit who they are and instead call themselves ehle sunnah wal jammat and label the rest as berlvi, bidati, grave worshippers and god knows what else.

Only thing I can say to you is:

Holy Prophet (SAW):

"My ummah will be split in 73 sects, only one will enter heaven."

So we will wait till judgement day to see whose right and who's wrong, who's bidati and who's not, who is the lover of Holy Prophet (SAW) and who is just merely putting a display.

May Allah Almighty guide us to the right path and always make us submissive to our Beloved, Highly Esteemed Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and also submissive to the true followers and true lovers of Prophet (SAW).

THROUGH LOVE all that is bitter will be sweet.
Through Love all that is copper will be gold.
Through Love all dregs will turn to purest wine.
Through Love all pain will turn to medicine.
Through Love the king will turn into a slave!

oh yeah another thing

there is good innovation in Islam and bad innovation, I don't know if your ustadji has yet informed you.

THROUGH LOVE all that is bitter will be sweet.
Through Love all that is copper will be gold.
Through Love all dregs will turn to purest wine.
Through Love all pain will turn to medicine.
Through Love the king will turn into a slave!

"Med" wrote:
ok, i shall make mention of some . . .

some people of Ahlul Bid'ah are:

Mufti Gul Rahman, of Bham,
Peer Ahmad Shah Noorani,
Peer Irfan Shah Mashadi,
Molwi Ahmad Ridha Khan Barelwi,
Hashmi Miyan of India.
Molwi Tahir ul Qadri
Molwi Faiz ul Qadri.
Molwi Hamza Yusuf
Molwi Zayd Shakir


just when u thought he couldnt shock any further


"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"Med" wrote:
ok, i shall make mention of some . . .

some people of Ahlul Bid'ah are:

Mufti Gul Rahman, of Bham,
Peer Ahmad Shah Noorani,
Peer Irfan Shah Mashadi,
Molwi Ahmad Ridha Khan Barelwi,
Hashmi Miyan of India.
Molwi Tahir ul Qadri
Molwi Faiz ul Qadri.
Molwi Hamza Yusuf
Molwi Zayd Shakir


just when u thought he couldnt shock any further


Nah not really a shock, if you see from med's posts med's the one that is always right and everyone else is wrong.

Everyone else is bidati and med is not :roll:

THROUGH LOVE all that is bitter will be sweet.
Through Love all that is copper will be gold.
Through Love all dregs will turn to purest wine.
Through Love all pain will turn to medicine.
Through Love the king will turn into a slave!

"Amber" wrote:

Nah not really a shock, if you see from med's posts med's the one that is always right and everyone else is wrong.

Everyone else is bidati and med is not :roll:

thats tru

but I never thought that he'd go as far as dissing top famous scholars-

that was shocking-even by his own standards

I can understand DISAGREEING with a scholar-but to place the accusation of "biddah" on those who are working for the deen

thats just dangerous

"Constantine" wrote:
"Med" wrote:
Ahlul Bid'ah means People of Innovation.


Itys not as simple as that. It means someone who has introduced a new concept into religion.

A concept that alters the faith. changes values etc.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Yea Irf explained it to me once, I was confused by the Ahlul part

Hey atleast he decided to mention who he has beentalking about all the time.

I see it as a positive. No longer an almost accusation, but an actual accusation.

But that is his thought. I aint gonna argue with him...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Constantine" wrote:
Yea Irf explained it to me once, I was confused by the Ahlul part

Ahlul means People-I think

of ahlul biddah would mean people of innovation

"Constantine" wrote:
Yea Irf explained it to me once, I was confused by the Ahlul part

oh ok.

Ahlul means 'family of', or 'people of'.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

That's a pretty big slap in the face... dunno much about his theology but Hamza Yusuf seems like a pretty decent guy. I read his article after 911 and was really impressed.

Its a slap in the face followed up by a kick in the crotch.

The only insults worse for a muslim than that is cbeing called a kafir, or even worse a mushrik.

The term is used lightly but it is a deep insult.

That is the reason alot of small issues get blown up.

He uses the term as a weapon to defend his views.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Constantine" wrote:
That's a pretty big slap in the face... dunno much about his theology but Hamza Yusuf seems like a pretty decent guy. I read his article after 911 and was really impressed.

Sheikh humza yusuf is a top scholar,

very famous, fair, credible and well liked

(i really think u wuld enjoy his book "purification of the heart")

in fact most scholars he has named are very famous and credible

the list of top scholars that Med has quoted says a LOT about him and his own scholars-whoever they may be

"Admin" wrote:

Okay that doesn't even [i]sound[/i] complimentary... sounds like some sort of Orc from LOTR.

What is it?

A question was asked, an answer was given. Why u are acting so shocked is beyond me, can any1 say they expected me to write anything different?

By the way those people being from Ahlul Bid'ah does not mean I think they going to hell or that they are not sincere or that they are not doing a lot of work for deen. It means that they in my view engage in acts of innovation, it is not mutually exclusive that they are at the same time working hard and being sincere.

I dont need to say much more.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:

By the way those people being from Ahlul Bid'ah does not mean I think they going to hell or that they are not sincere or that they are not doing a lot of work for deen. It means that they in my view engage in acts of innovation,


and according to Islam those who commits acts of innovation should "TAKE THEIR PLACE IN HELL"

and I doubt ur not familiar with the hadith on Biddah :roll:


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