Lack Of Knowledge
6% (2 votes)
Lack Of Knowledge
6% (2 votes)
Increase in Uneducated Preachers
0% (0 votes)
Increase in Uneducated Preachers
0% (0 votes)
The Absence of the Islamic “Khilafa"
0% (0 votes)
The Absence of the Islamic “Khilafa"
0% (0 votes)
Increase in Secularisation
0% (0 votes)
Increase in Secularisation
0% (0 votes)
Lack of Unity-Getting bogged down with minor differences
17% (6 votes)
Lack of Unity-Getting bogged down with minor differences
17% (6 votes)
Islam being attacked by the “Westâ€
3% (1 vote)
Islam being attacked by the “Westâ€
3% (1 vote)
Punishment from Allah-because of our major sins
8% (3 votes)
Punishment from Allah-because of our major sins
8% (3 votes)
None of the above-it’s all good
0% (0 votes)
None of the above-it’s all good
0% (0 votes)
Mixture of the above
11% (4 votes)
Mixture of the above
11% (4 votes)
6% (2 votes)
6% (2 votes)
Total votes: 36
Of course, there’re a mixture of problems facing the Muslim Ummah today…but what to you is the main source of fitna?
I selected “Lack of Unity-Getting bogged down with minor differences”….all we can focus on is length of beards, who does/doesn’t celebrate Milad, the moonlighting, who should marry whom etc etc...we never look at the bigger picture …the increase in backwards “sectarian” mentality…being to quick to dismiss/condemn and insult people who do not follow the same scholar as you do….
Sometimes it’s like being back in high where there used to be so many groups…the “popular girls”…the “geeks/nerds”…the “Goths”…the “freshies” etc etc…its so unbelievable lame.
Every group has something good in them….some are great at the politics side of Islam, others may be good at guiding the youth who may be far away from Islam, some groups may be more spiritually inclined and are great at cleansing the heart/improving our dealings with others and restoring our relationship with Allah (swt)…
I’m all for working for an organisation….being organised/having a platform to work from and working together…but I’m totally against insulting those who may not follow the same scholar as you…and to me its the lack of Unity and being unable to work together is the reason why Muslims get attacked left, right and centre
Anyways IS lack of Unity one of the biggest problems facing the Muslim Ummah.
What do YOU is the most dangerous source of fitna negatively affecting the Muslim Ummah and what can be done about it?
And slightly off this topic…does anyone ever get aggressively asked by people “What have YOU done for the Ummah”? ….I get really irritated whenever I’m asked this question…the first thing that comes to mind is “What’s it gotta do with you what I have or haven’t done for the Ummah”…. It’s an irritating question…who would big themselves up to a complete stranger?
Anyways, vote in the poll above and share your thoughts please….
Top 3:
[list]Lack of knowledge.[/list:u][list]Lack of Manners.[/list:u][list]Lack of vision/Leadership.[/list:u]
In that order.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
1. i think what is wrong with us the Muslim Ummah is also a wrong in the whole of mankind - i generalise of course it is the inability to think for onesself
we are bombarded by images, news, teachings of scholars, views of family and friends - we have forgotten to think for ourselves
if only we took the time to come to our own conclusions
2. we have also lost the ability to really feel each others pain this means feeling for all nationalities and religions. we are no longer fair in our dealings and social welfare is far from our minds. i think we need to be humanitarian first then anything else. Allah has ordained for us to look after each other and be kind reagrdless of colour creed or religion
in conclusion first we need to fulfill our roles as humans then we can proceed to religious unity. Islam gives us the basis for this and once we become better humans/Muslims then unity will inshallah follow
in my opinion whether anyone reads salah or visits graves etc is not the issue. To me one who is a good Muslim is one who cares and is fair in his/her dealings with humanity
too many people thinking they know it all and that everyone else is "jahil" :roll:
that-and people making up their own Islam
so why didnt you vote?
it would be interesting to see what everyone thinks of this
i reckon its quite a few of em, but i voted for the attack by the West - its a no win situation (by west, i mean the media, gvernment and other influences)
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Hayder do you really think that the Ummah is suffering due to this current fear and attack on Islam.
Isn’t this a victim like mentality?
IMO attack frm west is the most insignificant issue effecting the ummah
most of the problem is from our ownselves
To quote Shaykh Ramzan Al-Qadri:
[size=18]"The muslim Ummah will continue to suffer until we reach that state where our sole intention is to be cool (pleasing) to the eyes of the Prophet SAW."[/size]
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
when/where did he say that?
I think three nights ago in a talk about Badr.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
The Saudis.
Until they came around, muslims had no hatred for the western civilisation.
For eons, they have been brainwashing us into believing that Jews and Christians are evil, and therefore, must be destroyed.
They produced most of the 19 hijackers of 9-11 that started all this mess.
Their twisted and extreme version of Islam is the source of modern fanaticism among young muslims.
Majority of Saudi ppl are Sunni's and not extremists, its the saudi goverment that is evil :evil:
Thanks God that an angel sees some sense.
I think the Ummah is the way it is now due to lack of knowledge, if ppl were truly following Islam and not getin hyped up by culture then problems amongst family and other Muslims wouldn't existie, caste etc. We have to get out of this view that certain muslims are better than others.
We should work on our similarities and avoid getin bogged down by differences, (easier said than done but its the only way), unity is lacking a lot, different sects equals different views which makes others think they are superior to another.
actually, The Ummah as such isnt suffering from that - its probably something on the outside
Internally whats attacking the Ummah is a lot of the options mentioned above, including lack of knowledge - many muslims act without thinking or knowing. but getting bogged down with diffrences is definetly one....
...its evident on this forum
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I agree with you.
And angel you're right. The Saudi's on the whole are Sunni's its the government who push their own agenda...
True. Shaykh Al Alawi Al Maliki Al Makki (is he still alive? I believe he passed on in the past year... if so may god illuminate his grave) would be branded a brelvi by many on these forums?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
koran says victory is garanteed to the believers.
None of us meet the expectation god wants us to meet.
Angle i dont know any saudi that commits shirk.... dead disgusted with the gov tho :x ... yea most ppl are sunni... i am too... every flipping sect in the ummah calls them self sunni too.... yo ans sum of them commit shirk and sum don't :!:
I reckon shirk is a BIG problem too, didn't realise how big it was until i came on here tho.... my old imam was right about u guys :evil: ... u guys banned him, u remember exHT right? he told me about this forum...
Shirk and terrorism are the two biggest problems we face....
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
speaking of too much "grouping/sectarian" mentality
racism is also a problem in our ummah
be it via the caste system/race etc
Its "angel" not "angle" :roll:
Did i say the saudi ppl commit shirk? the answer is no because majority of them are sunni's whom the govt. control so their views aren't heard. The Saudi govt. accuse the ppl of "shirk" when they dont even know the meanin of it, stupid ppl!
i wouldnt expect ppl who commit shirk to know what shirk is :roll:
people back home DO NOT COMMIT SHIRK!!!!!
if we did god wud have made us like u guys, totally stupid with no idea about what shirk is, we are blessed u aint, we rule u don't
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
:roll: eh i wasnt talkin bout the ppl that commit the so-called shirk, i am talkin bout the silly saudi govt who think ppl commit shirk when they dont know the meanin.......
Neway got class gota dash
Who knows the meanin of shirk, the pathetic saudi govt!? puuuuulease.....yeh judda budda your right i am confused :roll:
i briefly explained what it was b4 yet u vehemently denied it was shirk when it was :!:
even when brelawi committed shirk TWICE u guys still never did owt
phycic Judda come to reply to Angels reply b4 she replies :o
[i]brelawi was a member in the old old forum who idolised muhammad, he created a thread called "praying to the prophet" urging ppl to worship muhammad coz muhammed is close to god.
"owt" mean "nothing" but it is prenounced as "oat".
i am disgusted that the mods allow shirk on the forum.
On brelawis thread Ed told brewali to provide a quote :? now a quote for committing shirk is worrying :? , esp when cuming from an intellegent guy like saj. :? [/i]
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
What the hell you on bout? brelwi commited shirk, what brelwi? Whats "owt"?!
When did brelwi say that, can u put his posts on this thread?
If one worships the Holy Prophet
then it is shirk but there are many things which aint shirk which ppl just shout about to kick up a fuss for no reason!
Admin/Ed if i am off topic can u split this thread. sorry.
Judda to say the prophets(pbuh) name without wishing peace upon him is disrespectful
i would not accept that from any non-muslim and dont accept it from you
dont do it again , bro
You know what i mean when i whine about ppl idolising muhammad? :roll:
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
the Ummah is in its current state due to two of things:
Lack of Knowledge, and Lack of Unity. i think i voted the first though because if someone is knowledgeable, they already understand the importance of unity.
ironically enough the 'lack of unity' has already managed to manifest itself on this thread. :roll:
what so hard about writing PBUH
do you have no respect?