[b][size=18]Calls for reviews of cousin marriages[/size][/b]10/ 2/2008
A CABINET minister today backed calls for a review of the high numbers of birth defects among children from marriages between first cousins in Britain's Asian communities.
Chief Whip Geoff Hoon said there was a "particular problem" that needed expert analysis after a fellow minister warned the issue was not being addressed.
Phil Woolas said that while health workers were well aware of the heightened risk of genetic problems, cultural sensitivities made the issue difficult to raise.
The environment minister, who represents ethnically-diverse Oldham East and Saddleworth, said: "Part of the risk, I am told by the health service, is first-cousin marriages.
"If you are supportive of the Asian community then you have a duty to raise this issue.
"Awareness does need to be raised but we are very aware of the sensitivities," he added, pointing out that many of the people involved were the products of such marriages.
The comments come at a sensitive time for community relations following the Archbishop of Canterbury's controversial comments about accommodating aspects of sharia law in Britain.
But Mr Woolas insisted that the marriages - which are legal in the UK - were a cultural, not a religious, issue based in the traditions of rural parts of Pakistan.
Defending his colleague, Mr Hoon told Sky News' Sunday Live: "He was commenting on a particular problem about cousins marrying first cousins.
"It is important that we look at that in terms of scientific expertise and the extent to which it is actually causing problems," he told Sky News' Sunday Live.
"But it obviously is a very sensitive matter and no one, no one, would suggest this is a problem for the wider Muslim community.
"I am confident that what he has said will have been said with sensitivity and with proper regard to his Muslim constituents and Muslims right across the United Kingdom."
The call for action was supported by Labour MP Ann Cryer who first raised the issue more than two years ago after research showed British Pakistanis were 13 times more likely to have children with recessive disorders than the general population.
Research for BBC2's Newsnight in November 2005 showed British Pakistanis accounted for 3.4% of all births but have 30% of all British children with recessive disorders.
Main arguement seems to be genetic defects.
Personally i just think its ikky.
Aah Mr Phil Woolas. MP for Oldham East is he? This is one of his better requests.
If there is a problem, it should be studied, findings made public.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Or we could just treat the problem first and if things get better then we'll know I was right. Doing studies just takes longer.
Back in BLACK
I thought marrying first cousins was illegal in Britain. Is this people who got married abroad then came here?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
since when?
I just thought it was.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
it hasnt
Back in BLACK
OK, it seems you guys are right:
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Phil Woolas...this idiot is always coming up with some stupid idea or another to beat up Asians...just ignore him.
Can't brush his views under the carpet just because the guy is an idiot... I have read somewhere that Pakistani kids are something like 13 times more likely to have birth defects than the UK average.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
fair point mate
I thought in Islam your not allowed to marry your first cousin :?
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Ali (ra) is the nephew of the Prophet (saw), yet he married Fatima (ra).
They were first cousins (I think I'm right, but feel free to correct me anyone).
Don't just do something! Stand there.
:? :?
I'm surprised you lot don't know ppl who are married to first cousins, ie their uncle or aunties kids...? that is so common especially amongst Pakistani Muslims.
Re. disabilities - my parents are first cousins and erm I turned out ok

Ok, bad example
I'm sure it only gets dangerous when cousins marry each other and then their kids marry their cousins and this continues down the line within the same 2 families. For example I know this one family where 3 of the kids have married their one uncles kids, so all three marriages are between 2 families. Now if them 3 couples kids married [i]their[/i] cousins then I think there might be some risk but I think maybe it would have to be even deeper than that.
Interesting topic though.
Same here and alhamdulilah im freakin beautiful!
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Actually Muhammad (pbuh) and Ali were cousins. His name was Ali bin ABI TALIB, the Prophet's uncle. As far as I know you can marry your cousins as long as you agree with the marriage, but that doesn't mean it's compulsory.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Its more hassle than its worth imo.
Back in BLACK
in todays day and age, i agree
was different in the past
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
any ppl here married to their cousin?
anyone highlight any advantages and disadvantages on marrying your cousin?
any reliable stats on child born deformed in cousin marriages?
would all u single ppl here even consider marrying your cousin if asked by your parents/ or if he or she was compatible to you?
or is marrying a cousin a bit too close for comfort for some people?
I'm sure my parents wouldn't ask me to marry my cousin. Even even if it did happen, I would only do so as a last resort lol.
no way. allhamdulillah i only have 4 male cousins and out of the 4 only one of them is around the same age but mum knows that there is no chance of anything happening. us girls have made it crystal clear to mum about our views on cousin marriages. its more hassle than its worth, way too much baggage.
I wouldn't marry my cousin! They're all nice girls and all that but...... they're my COUSINS!!!
They're like brothers and sisters to me!
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
i married my cousins and its 4 and a half years now and alhamdulillah all is good.... and my son Raihaan is mashallah healthy, active and a pain in the u know what lol
so cousin marriages can work, depends on the two ppl
most times its not cos of the couple but outside influence is the problem eg parents/in laws etc
I didn't know you had more than one wife.
MashAllah! Ed's a playa!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
LMAO @ that last part!! Ya'qub bro you crack me up.
Essentially what im saying is theres nothing wrong with marrying into your cousins but there really isnt any significant benefit to it.
You'd get support from both sides even if you weren't already related. I know alot of people do it JUST to keep what little family wealth they have within the family.
Like they can possibly take it with them when they die. :roll:
When I try and bring it up in conversation with some elders they just tell me to "Shut up"... they know im right really.
Back in BLACK
I think it depends on how well/close you know your first cuz. If you have grown up with them ie played tig and hop sctoch in the backyard and went to the same school then the idea of marrying that cuz might make most ppl feel uncomfortable coz you consider them to be your bro/sis nothing more. Where there is a greater distance and you rarely see your cuz then the idea of marrying them doesnt seem that bad to some ppl.
As for marrying my first cuz that aint gonna be a problem for me coz my dad is the oldest and my mum is an only child. All my dad bros married late therefore all my cousins are babies.
As for kids turning out funny if first cousins marry, thats a load of crap. My parents were distant relatives and 3 of us turned out orite and the other 3 turned out funny.
I think the main advantage to marrying your cuz is that your know the family background, which i think is really important. But the bad thing about marrying into the family is that if the marriage dont work out families break up over it. Theres alot of bitterness.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
ssshhh... dont tell my wife...i meant my first wife lol
hmmm you make an interesting point there...i reckon the idea of marrying your cousin isn't as bad as people portray it...
newspapers paint it up to be an incestous (dont know if i spelt that right) crime that Muslim parents force their kids into commiting...yes that might be true sometimes..
but people don't see the advantages in marrying your cousin rather than marrying a complete stranger..:
you come from the same background and thus are likely to have the same values and ideas..
you can get to know a cousin alot better alot quicker than getting to know a stranger from scratch...just do some digging...(if he's got an illegitamate child somewhere...you'l soon find out!) better than marrying a stranger and finding out ten years into the marriage he's got babiez with some other woman!
and as Naz pointed out, not all your kids will turn out funny...!
so you see...perhaps marrying your cousin isn't so eurghhh!
THERES nothing eurgggghhh about it at all...just misconceptions/ media spin/ scientific info mis-applied/
its a normal everyday thing.... and from a muslim view- its permissible/halal...so why the hoo haa
it shud only b ean issue if the cousins couples kids marry cousins and their kids marry cousin and it keeps on continuing.....
otherwise its kushdi
u never seen only fools and horses? :shock:
it means 'ok', 'fine', 'halal' etc
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Not always. My sister’s mates sister was asked by her parents to marry her first cuz. She is a uni graduate, works for the family business, proper nice girl but her cousin (the one her parents wanted her to marry) is a player, been around the block several times and then back around again for some more, has fathered 3 kids by 3 different women whom are located across various regions of the Northwest. The biggest tramp you will ever come across. She wouldn’t say anything when her parents asked her coz she didn’t want to say no coz she got too much respect for them. Thank Allah(swt) her siblings stepped in and fought on her behalf. Her parents wanted her to marry inside the family coz they want to keep the money in the family. She been Pakistan and back and no one is asking for her rhista coz she is now 28 and apparently that’s past the sell by date. :roll:
Why would you marry a complete stranger? The alternative to an arranged marriage is a love marriage so technically speaking your not marrying a stranger, your gonna know that person. The only drawback is that its harder (but not impossible) to do a background check (to find out whether they are telling the truth) on them esp in they aint local.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy