Just wondered if anyone had any info on Muhammad's (pbuh) marriage to Aisha, I think she was his last wife.
I have read a lot of negative things, all of which have not had any real proof and I found the things said hard to believe.
Can anyone plz give info or quote from a web page about how old Aisha was when she got married and maybe put it into the context of Saudi Arabia at the time and their policies on marriage?
Majority of research by scholars concludes that Aisha was 9 years if age when she married Prophet Mohammed.
Majority of research before 2003 concluded that Saddam definately had weapons of mass destruction.
[b]Truth is not established by a democratic process.[/b]
Thanks for that. Does anyone know why that marriage happened with her at such a young age? I mean 9 years old seems young. And wasnt the prophet pbuh about 50 at the time?
Seems somewhat of a mismatch??
I see that someone here believes that a show of hands is a good method of getting to the facts.
Please see:
[url='isha's Age[/url]
[url=]A'isha's age in context of Arab society[/url]
You may want to also look at the age of consent worldwide, as this age range has been similar in all cultures historically, which I feel is often omitted when age of A'isha ra is brought up. In the UK, for example, the age of consent was [u]10 years old[/u] at the time of Queen Victoria (remember this is [u]only late 19th Century![/u]).
In the late 19th Century in the US, the age of consent varied from [u]7 to 12 years old[/u]. Even now, for example, the age of consent for a girl in Kansas (US) is [u]12 years[/u].
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
Exellent reply by Amal:
Christians marrying 7 years olds in 2008 AD are having problems with muslims marrying 10 year olds in 620 AD.
Hypocracy defies belief.
Thanks brother [b]Amal[/b]
I will read the links in a bit. Thanks for your info.
Amal is a sister.
I just rechecked the age of consent for the Kansas state, and found thats its now changed to 14 years. Nevertheless, i found out, interestingly enough, that the age of consent today for a girl in the Netherlands is 12 years, in Spain, 13 years, and in Malta 12 years old..
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
I remember reading something about this.
Even though they were married, they didnt live togeather until she was much older. Although i forget the reasoning behind it... ill see if i can find that book.
Back in BLACK
very interesting. I now know my holiday destinations for this year, thanks.
(joking, btw)
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Their marriage by concensus has always been regarded as being consummated when umm' ul mo'mineen was 9 years of age.
However age is just a number and time is relative, by the age of 9 as God(Exalted is He) willed umm' ul mo'mineen had fully matured physically and mentally, this fact always seems be very understated.
Just as it is medically inconceivable today that a person could live up to 1000 years, yet we know that previous messengers were granted such long lives.
It is understandable why the disbelivers try to disparage and defame, they have no faith, however those that believe in God(Exalted is He) should come back to their senses.
Unfortunately these arguments don't seem to work on non-Muslims.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
I don’t think anyone can say for certain how old the prophets wife was when she married. They certainly didn’t have birth certificates back in those days.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
True, there isn't any real hadith or anything like that or any statement from any people regarding the age factor.
Sorry 4 calling Amal a man!
Im sure he gets it all the time lol.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
By the way whats the age of consent (for a girl) in England, 16?
oh im going to go and hang myself now.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Please do
Narrations say that the Sayyidah Aisha (ra) was 9 or 11 at the age of marriage...however this was the age at which the nikkah took place...according to ahadith she did not live with the Prophet
until the age of 12/13...i will dig out my notes and give you the exact references inshallah.
'To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always'
Alexis Carrel (French Surgeon)
Narrations are mistaken. She was 19.
says who :?:
I thought it was generally agreed Aisha ra was 13/14 when the marriage was consumed? First time I heard 19. Any references?
' Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me ' {2662}
Some Islamic scholars have said after much research that Aisha was 19.
However, majority of clerics still cling on to the 9 theory.
I have read somewhere (it may have even been Omrow who gave the link!) a discussion (possibly by a scholar - it was a long time a go.) on this.
It compared Ummul Mu'mineen Hadhrat Aisha (ra)'s age in the same manner as lailatul qadr being on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th or 9th day in Ramadan.
It is an arab colloquialism, where since the first part of the number is known (for lailatul qadr, twenty), only the second is mentioned.
That same article also suggested that it was a century later when the young age of Ummul Mu'mineen Aisha (ra) was given prominence.
I have no link to that article, nor did I researched its authencity, so it does contain doubt.
However we simply do not know how old she was. There are reports going as young as 6 to as old as in her late twenties.
Either way, what must be stressed that a marriage can only be consummated AFTER puberty.
If a marriage took place before this point, the woman has every right to reject it and not consummate the marriage.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.