Halal workplaces


Ive been thinking whilst at work last night......where do you draw the borders on what is a halaal environment or haraam environment to work in?

I work (casually - when i want) for a security company and it varies from location to location. job is basically crowd management, security etc......when im at the manchester city ground its alryt, they cant bring drinks to the seats and its jus usual footballl fans behaviour - nothing i mind. it contracts with other places, so i hav been working at oldham town centre for the xmas lights switch on....i might do the firework display in blackburn. i stay away from outdoor gigs...i.e creamfields or from doors at student union nights.

however the home venue for the company is the MEN arena......so that means im doin security and public safety at the events there. Last night Take That were on there 4th out of 11 sold out concerts.

people are drinking, a lot dress with no shame, music is blasting and 15,000 people get intoxicated when their fav artists sing for hours

i know i the music doesnt get to me as i dont hav any interest in it. yesterday two people asked me to hold their drinks to which i politely said no. People dress like that at uni and in public these days......i feel i got control of myself in that respect

i dont know...is this an unsuitable place to work? yesterday i felt a good sense of satisfaction because i was very helpful to the disabled people and the elderly who cant walk all those steps to their seat...oh and people who are scared of heights

I get paid to look after the public and make sure everything is goin alryt, in that sense im alryt with the job. but your surrounded by people drinking and going wild to music.

but i just work at the venue, CBEEBIES will be coming soon, and last year (?) there was the Call to Humanity event with yvonne and dr zakir etc at the arena.....so i can be security at any event..........but up until xmas and after its pretty much packed with concerts

Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Tahir ul Qadri (r) described Taqwa in one of their lectures as:

Taqwa is that Allah never finds you where he dislikes you to be and never sees you absent from where he likes you to be.

it is up to you to judge what will be pleasing to Allah and what will not

'To cure sometimes, to relieve often, to comfort always'

Alexis Carrel (French Surgeon)

I dont think there is a such a thing as a halal workplace, well not in this country anyway.

I think it just depends on how much self control you have when your in a haraam environment. If you think your gonna go astray as a result of being in that haraam environment constantly then you should remove yourself from such a place.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

On the other hand there is no such thing as a haraam workplace either.

You could be doing da'wah work inside a brothel...

The whole argument is false. You have to question the actions as halaal and haraam acts can be committed anywhere anytime.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I agree on the point of haraam activities they can take anywhere even in the most Islamic compliant places.... It all depends on how much self control you have (women definitely without a doubt have more self control then men). Your Iman is likely to be weakened if you enter places such as brothels/pubs/clubs etc even if your intention is to do good you might end of doing something haraam.

Why would you put yourself in such a position and risk all the good you have achieved?

Thanks to modern technology one does not need to physically be present in a brothel to carry out dawah work. Your just going to have to think of something else admin coz that reason (I was carrying out dawah work) aint gonna cut it if someone sees you coming out of a brothel lol.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

Halaal and haraam mainly depends on ones own level of participation - i.e. if an office romance is going on in a school and your involved than even working in a school becomes a 'haraam workplace' for you.

However, places where people get drunk or places where lewd activities take place are clearly haraam places to work.

"Naz" wrote:
I dont think there is a such a thing as a halal workplace, well not in this country anyway.

I think it just depends on how much self control you have when your in a haraam environment. If you think your gonna go astray as a result of being in that haraam environment constantly then you should remove yourself from such a place.

that makes more sense to me........because in office environments or call centre environments stuff goes on that isnt exactly halal either

my control at work has been ok alhamdulillah, living in this country...nothing surprises me anymore!

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


I jus saw this, thought it might be relevent...


Are Muslims allowed to go to the pub even if they do not drink, especially if it is work related?


By Shaykh Salim Ghiza

No. [b]In Islam places which are allocated for the use of Haram activities are forbidden to enter even if it is not for consuming the Haram[/b]. The reason for this is that these are places which gain the wrath and the curse of Allah and also as a Muslim one must ensure that their outwardly actions do not lead others to doubt them, therefore going in to Pubs, Clubs, Casinos, dance bars etc could make a person who sees this individual think that they are going in for the wrong reasons.

Allah's Messenger (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) cursed ten people in connection with alcohol:

"...the one who distils it, the one for whom it has been distilled, the one who drinks it, the one who transports it, the one to whom it has been brought, the one who serves it, the one who sells it, the one who utilizes money from it, the one who buys it and the one who buys it for someone else." (Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah transmitted it).

Link = http://www.therevival.co.uk/static/magazine/september2007/qa_going_to_pu...

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.
They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

The first paragraph has very little relevance to the hadith quoted after it.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"razor" wrote:
could make a person who sees this individual think that they are going in for the wrong reasons.

what if you dont care what ppl think of you? Or in Islam are you suppose to?

What about places like pizza hut, they sell alcohol but i only go in there for pizza.

What about Muslim owned restaurants that sell alcohol? Most of them on wimmy do but i only go in there for a curry. Someone was telling me once that your not suppose to go into restaurants that serve alcohol because you are encouraging it but my reply to that was well not really you are only paying for the food you eat. If you drank the alcohol well then that would be a different story all together.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

we're not allowed to go in places where alcohol is being served. pizza hut serves it after 6 me thinks. anyhoo, its like seying, oh im going to the pub but im not having any alcholol but a glass of orange juice so that makes it ok. i dont think so.

and the owners of them resturants, their money is haram.

"Noor" wrote:
we're not allowed to go in places where alcohol is being served.

You sure?

Because that does limit the places you can go. Supermarkets, work places (A lot use alcohol as prizes...) outdoors... a lot of thing suddenly go out of bounds.

("You should avoid going to places like pubs" is different from "You cannot go to places that serve alcohol")

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Ive been in pizza hut a couple of times before 6 and they still served my mate. Plus most pizza hut restaurants have glass windows (well the ones i go to have) so everyone can see that i aint drinking. How ppl can drink that stuff s beyond me, it absolutely reeks of crap.

No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy

in Singapore, where the Muslims are a minority, you need an official certificate from government inspectors saying your restaurant is halal. you can't just put a sign up in the window like Britain. And you can't get a halal certificate there if your restaurant sells alcohol.

Don't just do something! Stand there.

alcohol type of environment i meant.

I came across this article today.

A career choice: An Islamic Perspective[/size]

[b]Guidelines for students and parents on selecting a career path:[/b]

The transition from high school to college is arguably one of the most exciting times in the life of a student. A time of new beginnings, of intense emotions and perennial memories. It is also a time that demands big changes, careful planning, and important and often difficult decisions. Prime among these decisions is choosing a career path. Though many high school seniors believe they know what studies they want to pursue, surveys indicate that a college student will change major an average of three times. In this article we succinctly describe some guidelines that can be helpful in the process of making career decisions.
1. Know yourself.[/b]
Take the time to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, to identify the subjects and activities you enjoy and the ones you dislike, to determine your goals and expectations. Think about the kind of work you would like to perform, the working conditions and earning level you seek, and the implications on your overall lifestyle. Discuss these issues, as well as your plans and concerns, with your parents, teachers, counselors and friends. Then, using resources like those discussed below, find out which career paths would most likely draw on your strengths, be of your liking, and meet your expectations.

[b]2. Talk to the experts.[/b]
Career counselors, available in many high schools and most colleges, are professionals trained to guide you in the process of making career decisions. They will administer specialized questionnaires and tests to help you identify and evaluate your interests, your strengths and weaknesses, and your goals.

A valuable source of information about a specific career are people working in that field. Try to meet and talk to some of them. Inquire about the nature of their work, the working conditions, the training required, the job market outlook, and what they like and dislike about their work. Then compare their answers with your expectations.

[b]3. Know the job market.[/b]
The availability of good job opportunities has traditionally been, and will continue to be, one of the very important elements in career decision making. The more dynamic and global character of today's economy makes it somewhat harder to accurately anticipate long-term changes in the job market. Nevertheless, there are valuable studies on employment trends that can be an important resource in assessing future demand for specific careers.

[b]4. Consult various information sources.[/b]
In addition to educational institutions and government agencies, other sources of career information and reference material include public libraries, professional societies, companies and business firms. Much of this information, and more, is also available at your fingertips through the Internet. It is always a good practice to consult more than one source before reaching an opinion.

[b]5. Let the student decide.[/b]
All too often well intentioned parents try to choose a career and a college for their son or daughter without much regard for the students' preferences and skills. This approach can put significant strain on family relationships and can be for the student a source of frustration for years to come. People that enjoy and use their strengths in what they do usually have more successful and fulfilling careers.

[b]6. Keep an Islamic perspective.[/b]
Last, but certainly not least, keep always an Islamic perspective on things. More important than the successes and failures we encounter in life is the way in which we react to them. We should be thankful to Allah and humble in our achievements, and we should be thankful and patient in our defeats. Face every challenge and perform every task to the best of your abilities, and at the same time pray for Allah's help, guidance and forgiveness. Indeed, the amount of taqwa we accumulate in our hearts is a more trustworthy measure of our success in life.

[b]Goals and Objectives of your career OR business:[/b]
After qualifying in one's career, trade etc. one should; firstly be dedicated to utilising one's expertise in the service of Islam. One can easily apply one's knowledge attained in one's field of expertise to serve; empower and advise fellow Muslims and Islam in general. This will turn your profession, career as a service to the Ummah at large and a service to Islam.This dedication to help build the economic strength of Muslims through networking and promoting cooperation, and by encouraging and helping Muslims to prosper will be highly meritorious. Not only, can one apply one's expertise to the community; but one can work to help advancement of Muslims in corporate and professional careers.
Some ways to achieve that would be:[/b]
[list]Promote and help cooperation among Muslims and Muslim businesses.
Promote and help the establishment of new Muslim businesses.
Help in finding and developing business opportunities for Muslims.
Help advancement of Muslim employees in their careers.
Provide services that effectively utilize the pooled resources of Muslims.
Promote and help establishment of Islamic financial institutions.
Promote and help in trade and other business cooperation with Islamic countries.
In the field of careers, research and education:
Those who achieve heights in these areas should help others who would like to pursue likewise.

To become a financially independent model community that is the best example for other communities.
Follow the Sunnah of our beloved Rasulullah(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) especially at our work places and be a model to all those around us.
To enjoin and invite towards good and forbid evil using one's profession.
To try to apply one's career to the upliftment of the social, political, economical or financial arenas within the shariah.
To help solve many of the moral, social, and economic problems that are plaguing the Ummah within the capacity of one's expertise.

The goal of the tradesman,professional,or businessman is to earn the PLEASURE of Allah Subana Wata'ala by utilising one's career; profession; trade or business to serve Islam and fellow Muslims in one's own capacity.

Edited and compiled by Everymuslim.com with main source from soundvision.com

' Nay, verily! With me is my Lord, He will guide me ' {2662}