What type of muslim are you?

Just a question that popped into my head: what type of muslim are you? I dont mean are you hanafi or maliki, salafi or brelwi, zaydi or ithna ashari?

I mean are you moderate, hardline, liberal, extremist, jihadi, apologetic?

Moderate: think u can now take ur beards and scarves off cos ur in danger danger danger!

hardline: reject any movement from the old school. will not tolerate small changes in rulings or interpretations.

liberal: use their own sick minds to make up their own interpretations of islam. think its all about ur heart, doesnt matter if u tarted up or look like a pimp - cos apparently ur hearts clean?

extremist: think muslims are all sick and deviated except for their own lil group. think we need to go out and purify the world. see thed devils hand in every1 elses business but their own. criticise every1 including muslims of the islamic golden age as deviants.

jihadi: just itchin for a fight - home or away

apologetic: like some things of islam but find some true facts hard to stomach so try to explain them away- eg slavery, polygamy, executions etc.

which group do u bunch of clowns fall into?

"Medievalist" wrote:
Just a question that popped into my head: what type of muslim are you? I dont mean are you hanafi or maliki, salafi or brelwi, zaydi or ithna ashari?

I mean are you moderate, hardline, liberal, extremist, jihadi, apologetic?

Moderate: think u can now take ur beards and scarves off cos ur in danger danger danger!

hardline: reject any movement from the old school. will not tolerate small changes in rulings or interpretations.

liberal: use their own sick minds to make up their own interpretations of islam. think its all about ur heart, doesnt matter if u tarted up or look like a pimp - cos apparently ur hearts clean?

extremist: think muslims are all sick and deviated except for their own lil group. think we need to go out and purify the world. see thed devils hand in every1 elses business but their own. criticise every1 including muslims of the islamic golden age as deviants.

jihadi: just itchin for a fight - home or away

apologetic: like some things of islam but find some true facts hard to stomach so try to explain them away- eg slavery, polygamy, executions etc.

which group do u bunch of clowns fall into?


Why do we have to have categories. This kind of stereotyping is what we expect from the media. A Muslim should be none of the above. We're Muslims. Full stop. We dont need a label.
All your categories are negative anyway so i dont think anyones gonna say: 'yeah i fit that category' because you have taken the mick out of them already!

Since you started the topic- what category are you?



Speaking of flavors of muslims what is a Brewali? And what is the deal with "grave worshipping" ?

Those seem to be common catfights on the forum and I never really picked up what it all was about.

"Dave" wrote:
Speaking of flavors of muslims what is a Brewali? And what is the deal with "grave worshipping" ?

Those seem to be common catfights on the forum and I never really picked up what it all was about.

Apparently brelw's are those who are extreme ppl who you see worshipin graves, but to tell you the truth to this day i dont knw what a brelwi is exacly..but i think almas is brelwi maybe she can shed some light on these misconceptions.

"angel" wrote:
"Dave" wrote:
Speaking of flavors of muslims what is a Brewali? And what is the deal with "grave worshipping" ?

Those seem to be common catfights on the forum and I never really picked up what it all was about.

Apparently brelw's are those who are extreme ppl who you see worshipin graves, but to tell you the truth to this day i dont knw what a brelwi is exacly..but i think almas is brelwi maybe she can shed some light on this misconceptions.

By grave worshipping do you actually mean praying to graves?

"Dave" wrote:

By grave worshipping do you actually mean praying to graves?

Thats what some ppl think which is why they call them grave worshippers but i think its a bit exagerated

okay firstly, i'd say i'm a muslim fudamentalist (NB fundamentalist does not equal militant/extremist/"die westeners! die!" etc)

However it does equal one who believes in and holds on to the fundamentals of islam as reveiled in the Holy Quran and revealed/explained in the Hadis of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and further demonstrated by the great personalities of the Muslim Saints (RTA)

Okay and regarding the grave worshipping business, muslims don't worship the dead, but I think what you mean is better explained in these books by Qibla Hazoor:



I don't really understand the topic enough to comment properly on it but I think this is an apt quote from the first link:

"Imam Ibn Taymiyyah’s view is the view held by all Muslims: "Allah is One; He has no associate; He alone is to be worshipped. We should pray only to Him and seek only His help. Anyone who regards non-God as the source of help is automatically expelled from the fold of Islam, as it is a negation of divine unity. Allah alone has the power to reward our good deeds and condone our sins. Besides Him, no one on his own can either enable someone to do good or avoid evil. To seek help from the prophets or saints is justified only on the basis of its borrowed status, as it has no independent existence. Its ultimate source is Allah alone.” This is the correct Islamic belief and any deviation from it amounts to entertaining false beliefs."

If any fatwa bandits would like to tell me this is shirk then don't, please read the books instead(the links) because I don't have an indepth understanding of the topic plus from experience Prof. Saab has a cool way of presenting his work so that your questions get answered at the same time!

okay encyclopedia over and out.

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

Mornin Dawud!

That kinda sounds like the Catholic justification for praying to saints asking them to intervene with God on our behalf.

That about right?

Intermediation is a diff. aspect, i think ppl actually believe they literally worship graves? If its only cuz they go to visit the graves of saints then i could be consider to be "grave worshipper" :? but those books you mentioned of shaykh ul islam are excellant

Do muslims recognize any of the Christian Saints as Muslim Saints too?

On a totally off track matter.

"angel" wrote:
Intermediation is a diff. aspect, i think ppl actually believe they literally worship graves? If its only cuz they go to visit the graves of saints then i could be consider to be "grave worshipper" :? but those books you mentioned of shaykh ul islam are excellant

I don't think anyone actually worships graves. 'Worshipping graves' is just an accusation used to belittle 'Brelwis'.

"Dave" wrote:
Do muslims recognize any of the Christian Saints as Muslim Saints too?

On a totally off track matter.

I think generally Muslims from different parts of the world have their 'own' saints. There may be some cross-overs with other faiths occasionaly.


In all my time on this forum, I would say that most of the muslims on this forum are apologetic muslims and that include me as well, before anyone take offence. We always try to explain islam in the concept of the Western environment we live in, which in the process dilute Islam and make it weaker.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


"yuit" wrote:
In all my time on this forum, I would say that most of the muslims on this forum are apologetic muslims and that include me as well, before anyone take offence. We always try to explain islam in the concept of the Western environment we live in, which in the process dilute Islam and make it weaker.

Very true.

Something I am waking up to.

"Ukhti_TM" wrote:

sufism isnt to do with grave worshipping i agree with angel just because you stand next to a grave of a Saint doesnt mean your suddenly worhipping them we know this is an act of shirk

this'grave worshipping' is just a false statement from salafs/wahabs


erm excuse me ....
is it really ,wher'd u get that from

"kuri/19" wrote:
"Ukhti_TM" wrote:

sufism isnt to do with grave worshipping i agree with angel just because you stand next to a grave of a Saint doesnt mean your suddenly worhipping them we know this is an act of shirk

this'grave worshipping' is just a false statement from salafs/wahabs


erm excuse me ....
is it really ,wher'd u get that from

Maybe if he added Deobandis to Salafis/Wahabis you'd be happier.

I am a moderate. Islam calls for moderation.

However your definition of moderations very far off base.

yuit; we are too apologetic. I try to stay away from that side, but do explain when I believe its needed.

re grave worshipping etc, its just used as an insult bandies about by certain groups because shirk (worshipping more than the one true god) is the worst thing imaginable to a muslim.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"irfghan" wrote:
"kuri/19" wrote:
"Ukhti_TM" wrote:

sufism isnt to do with grave worshipping i agree with angel just because you stand next to a grave of a Saint doesnt mean your suddenly worhipping them we know this is an act of shirk

this'grave worshipping' is just a false statement from salafs/wahabs


erm excuse me ....
is it really ,wher'd u get that from

Maybe if he added Deobandis to Salafis/Wahabis you'd be happier.

yea of course man....i dnt get why wahabs are so much of a problem

"kuri/19" wrote:

yea of course man....i dnt get why wahabs are so much of a problem

Maybe it's because they make everyone else the problem. And refer to everyone else as 'not proper Muslims'. And stuff.


"Admin" wrote:
I am a moderate. Islam calls for moderation.

Actually scrap that. I see things with few shades of gray. none of those apply to me.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"irfghan" wrote:
"kuri/19" wrote:

yea of course man....i dnt get why wahabs are so much of a problem

Maybe it's because they make everyone else the problem. And refer to everyone else as 'not proper Muslims'. And stuff.


and i agree with most things they say

"Ukhti_TM" wrote:

because wahabis/salafs think they are right and everyone else is wrong! secodnly the early salafs were the right salafs now we can see some weird ones vice versa for sufism some people see sufis doing all sorts but they dont bother looking in detail of what sufism is really about


are u saying this coz u yourself a sufi?

even if they are wrong.......i dont know what i am a salafi or a sunni but i agree mostly with what the salafis have to say coz they think the proper way IMO.they dislike all these new inovations that some muslims totally agree upon

"kuri/19" wrote:
even if they are wrong.......i dont know what i am a salafi or a sunni but i agree mostly with what the salafis have to say coz they think the proper way IMO.they dislike all these new inovations that some muslims totally agree upon

The problem with that stance is that EVERYTHING is allowed, unless it is banned. That is the first rule of Usoolul Hadith. People always seem to forget this.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

some1 asked what i am?

I reply I am Medievalist.

This means I fully support the Islamic system of punishment, the islamic concept of chivalry, of treating women with honour. Of being educated and producing scholars, poets, philosphers, warriors.

It means supporting ideas like social welfare that existed in medieval islam. It means having huge libraries of learning in cities such as baghdad, seville. It means providing latest technology like street lighting and sewage system in andalucia. It means tolerating other religions like jews and christians in muslim lands - again referring to andalucia. It means I think women should be veiled, that men should be bearded. That men should be bread winners, should learn archery, swimming and horse riding.

Men should be chivalrous and masculine and manly.
Women should be feminine, they should learn cooking, cleaning, sewing, baking and other things in line with their nature.

It means rooting out corruption from all quarters, muslim and non-muslim. It means to liberate the oppressed, to hrelp the weak and feed the starving. It means to have obedience to the leader, no matter how corrupt he is. It means to treat humans with respect and honour.

It means that if crusaders come and dishonour women, or pollute mosques or torture the women and children and eldery, that in response we treat them with respect. It means we dont dishonour their women, we dont attack their churches or synangogues or temples, we dont debase or torture them because that makes us like them. We treat them with honour and respect and if they have to be killed it should be a clean painless death.

At the same time I agree with corporal punishment, I agree with kids getting beaten for reason and within reason. I agree with handchopping and executions with due law process. It means I reject honour killing but agree with lashings.

Get the picture?

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Medievalist" wrote:
Women should be feminine, they should learn cooking, cleaning, sewing, baking and other things in line with their nature.

That is NOT a womans job. Not in the time of the Prophet (saw). If a woman does them, its her virtue. But not her duty.

In a marriage if the wife does not want to do these things, she does not have to. Either the husband will have to pitch in, or hire a servant. Islamic law.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
