Do you ever feel like doing something totally.... how can i put this... un-Islamic?
Not that im about to do anything....
But just generally saying we must all have .... weaknesses (for lack of a better word) that tempt us. Things we struggle with... Just interested in where your weaknesses lie.
I cant stop watching stupid TV programs.... like lost... or heroes... or Two and a Half Men.... silly sitcoms. Damn you TV... Damn you to the firey depths of hell from which yee came from!!!!
I struggle to get up for fajr... unfortunately ive slipped back into the habbit of reading only like 3/4 prayers a day. Especially considering how hard i found fasting this year.
I also find it difficult to avoid listening to music... i dont listen to really bad music that tell me to do all sorts... but just general feel good music. As a sort of pick me up.
Since none of us are perfect in character...yet. Im sure we all have shortcomings.
So what are yours?
Popadoms. Can't get enough!
He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition, burns a picture to obtain the ashes!
it's a sin to reveal a sin. i advise u to edit ur post inshaa'Allah.
Yes, it's like you make a promise not to do it but sometimes end up doing it, then you repent and make the promise again. Sometimes you fall into the same trap over and over again but you still got to keep trying. When I am so tempted to do something un-Islamic and don't do it, boy do I feel good.
I used to be like that before, now I hardly watch tv, when I do it's mostly cartoons :oops:. However, I still miss prison break :(.
I am still fasting and for me it's so easy now, esp. now that the days are getting shorter, I want to fast the whole year but I know it's not good for me considering how skinny I am. If you are finding praying hard then try and fast and see how that goes, coz I'm finding it easy. It's also helps if you have pious people around you. Last year when I was at uni the room where we pray Jummah in was taken by some kafir scum, so we went outside and prayed on the grass, thanks to some brave pious brothers who persuaded everyone.
I also listen to music, I've tried many times to give up but I just can't do it. It gives me a chance to day dream, usually to think that I'm a superhero, keeping society a good place :oops:.
Noor, we know that it's a sin to reveal your sins but as we don't know who seraph is, does it really matter?
Its a sin to reveal other peoples sins.... not your own.
Back in BLACK
admin, ed, sirus and a few others no who he is.
you sure about that?
if you cover a sin of another brothers, on yomal qiyamah Allah (swt) will cover one of your sins
True say seraphim.. i was just gonna put that in with this hadith..
"If anyone removes (one of the) anxieties of this world from a believer, Allah will remove (one of the) anxieties from him on the Day of Resurrection; if one smoothes the way for one who is destitute, Allah will smooth the way for him in this world and the next; and if anyone conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults in this world and the next. Allah helps a man as long as he helps his brother. If anyone pursues a path in search of knowledge Allah will thereby make easy for him a path to paradise."
Psychologically if you are answering to this thread its a good thing because it makes you more concious of your faults and you can also be more aware and try to minimise them in the future Insha Allah.
ok mines my anger!!! Im alot better at actually getting control of it now but i find it the biggest challenge.
i hear that Noor sis but i believe that this is if you are boasting about your sins which is not exactly what we are doing...
lets not make our own tafseer of the hadeeth bro, leave that to the scholars
and, where did it saying anything about boasting? i presented to u the hadeeth, and what i've veen taught, whether if u take it in or not it is up to you wa Allahu alam.
Brother Serpahim hasnt revealed any of his sins, hes jus discussing what problems he faces
and you can kinda if its for a good reason - hes looking for support and ideas, so he needs to tell the doc (altho i aint sure who it is here!) the symptoms
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
oh and im totally with ya on what you said MuslimBro....except that i aint missing prison break! its too good to avoid lol
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I sort of concur.
Real men find that makes the Fajr prayer even sweeter.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
noor, i don't think he was giving his own tafseer of the hadith, I've heard the same explanation about revealing your sins [b]with the intention of boasting about them[/b] numerous times before from proper scholars. It is not bad to reveal your sins if it is your intention to either: seek help/remedy from commiting the sin again or to teach someone a lesson that will help them (e.g. 'I used to commit such-and-such a sin and then i did so-and-so action which help me stop commitin the sin again).
If you boast about your sins (e.g. 'I was SO drunk last night and got off with a buff girl!') then of course thats a completely different matter.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
ok. missing a salah is a sin, yes or no? so if someone says they are only praying 3/4 salahs its clear they are not praying all 5. yes or no? therefore i come to conclusion they are missing a fardh salah which = sin = punishment from Allah (swt).
yeah but was he boasting about it?
anyway surely the equation is:
missing fardh salah / sin + repentance to Allah (swt) = forgiveness on day of judgement
Don't just do something! Stand there.
and aint the scholars i go to 'propa'. did seraphim say anywhere in his post he is seeking for advise/help?
anyway can u please post up a fatwa about it being ok to reveal your sins as long as u aint boasting cz this is the first i've heard about it, wa Allahu alam.
Calm down Noor :?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
i'm all calm, allahamdulilah
theres no need for demanding fatwa's, saying who and whats a sin etc!!
no need to be so rigid
we all have missed prayers, and brother serpahim was discussiing it with the aim of seeking help, and maybe someone could inspire him. this thread was intended for that i believe, and it gives the chance for people like MuslimBro to help as i believe his post did, reccommending ways to get round it i.e fasting
or he could have never mentioned it, and continued to miss his prayers, watch excessive television etc.
if were all here to help each other then we can be of benefit, if not we are wasting out time
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
sorry for inquiring.
i won’t say anything next time.
please forgive me if i've offended anyone.
Hmmm firstly if i call you a sis does that mean im trying to tell you something in a nice way without getting your back up (which obviously happened) or does that mean im a brother.. when i recall telling you before that im a sister but lets not go into that right now....
secondly i dont make my own tafseer of hadiths.
(i presented to u the hadeeth, and what i've been taught... whether u take it or not its up to you) ditto.. when i say i believe it doesnt mean im guessing it means im normally digging into the back of my brain to find an answer from my knowledge on Islam... if i had no idea i simply wouldnt reply.. not that i have to justify myself to anyone.. next time i suggest asking a straightforward question instead of assuming which then leads to accusing..
Honestly... what are you guys like.
I was simply expressing the point that I have flaws... weaknesses. That im trying to get rid off.
And it would be silly of me to assume im the only one who has such flaws. So i was wondering who else has similar problems. They're not exactly sins (with the exception of missing prayers) but more character flaws.
And you guys go into overdrive about fatwa's etc. Why do people always over-complicate Islam?
Oh i dunno.
Back in BLACK
how is that over complicating anything? we are taught not to blindy follow. never mind, i'll ask a proper scholar myself about this matter.
@ gulz: u've lost me. are u a brother or a sister? i thort u said u were married to sum girl in leeds? :S
There is no point in aimlessly revealing sins - unless some benefit will be derived from doing so. (i.e. sincere intention to improve and reform. Otherwise you are simply engaging in vain and usless talk.
Humans, unlike angels, have been created to err. Remember our great grand-father Adam as. Our duty is to strive to prefection (ihsan) and engage in muhassaba (self-critisism). Allah swt is the Most Perfect.
I make too many mistakes, so i ask that you make du'a for me: May Allah forgive me (and you), for my wrongdoings and shortcomings big and small, and make way for me to ameliorate my actions and guide me in his Light. Ameen.
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
Related Question:
[b]Revealing sins to prospective spouse[/b]
Answered by Ustadha Zaynab Ansari, SunniPath Academy Teacher
[i]I have read some Q&A on this topic, however I wanted to ask specifically about discussing sins with a prospective spouse, as I feel this might be different as they need to know about you. 1) Does one need to reveal their sins to a prospective spouse? What if these sins are in the past, and one has moved forward? 2) What if the sins are in the present, but one has a sincere intention to stop and become a better person? 3) What if they are related to not being married, for example masturbation or not lowering the gaze or pornography, etc. This could be a reason to get married, but does the other person need to know? 4) What if they are not related to getting married, e.g. having difficulty praying Fajr on time or something similar? Would a prospective spouse need to know about this? [/i]
In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
Dear Brother,
I pray this message reaches you in firm iman, good health, and joyful spirits.
[b]The general principle is that we don't discuss our sinful actions with others[/b], even prospective spouses.
[b]The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "All my Community are well, except the revealers." When asked who the 'revealers' were, he replied, "Those who sinned and slept in the covering of Allah, but then tore it off and revealed their sins."[/b]
When Allah conceals a sin, it is a mercy for us. The wisdom of not discussing sins is profound. When we talk freely and openly about our past sins, it normalizes them, which is something that we definitely want to avoid.
[b]Now in some situations, particularly when we're trying to convey a lesson to those who could benefit from our experience, then it's permissible to refer to the past in a general way. However, you have to assess the mindset of your audience and the potential benefit or harm of sharing this type of information.[/b]
When you're talking to a prospective spouse, obviously a lot of sensitivity is required. Once again, the general principle is that you don't reveal the details of past sins. However, I would add a consideration here, and that is...if you believe that your behavior may have exposed you to any infectious diseases, then you owe it to yourself and your prospective spouse to get tested and to be honest about the results of those tests.
Other than health considerations, however, it is best to not dwell on the past and to, instead, focus on a brighter future, insha'Allah.
Now if the sins are ongoing, such as masturbation and looking at pornography, then it is up to you to put a stop to these behaviors. This is not something you need to discuss with a prospective spouse. However, if you feel that these issues might carry on into the marriage, then I do suggest you seek counseling to deal with these problems and learn ways of changing these habits. You have to put yourself in the mindset that your eyes and limbs have rights. Their primary right is to not be utilized for anything unlawful. You also want to consider the harmful effects of pornography on yourself and your view of women. One of the best preparations for marriage is to lower your gaze from nudity and indecency and look forward to the pleasure of being with a righteous woman. Likewise with the masturbation issue, it's important to understand this is a harmful, unlawful practice. Sexual desire is meant to be experienced and shared with one's spouse. So try to curb these behaviors by fasting, lowering your gaze, and looking forward to a healthy and loving marriage.
Finally, the issue of waking up for fajr is certainly important. And it is not necessarily unrelated to marriage. I think it would be fine to mention to the sister that you would like her assistance in being punctual for prayers. Being married is all about helping your spouse to be a better Muslim. Allah Ta'ala says, "O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who flinch not (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do (precisely) what they are commanded." (Al-Tahrim, 6)
I pray this has been helpful.
And Allah knows best.
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
awww poor lil Seraphim i understand what your going through dude. I started to notice that im starting to slip back to my old rountine of listening to music and the other day i was sat there watchin eastenders and i can remember thinkin this is so borin but i still sat there watchin it (not sure why though). I think it a way of taking your mind off things and getting away from it all, sort of like another world, your world. This is what happens when you do the LPC, you slowly start to lose it but you must overcome it Seraphim, fight back and take control lol.
make good use of your reading week i know im gonna.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
whatever noor.
When the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was in battles and the time of prayer approached, one group used to pray and the other group used to fight, and when the group who were praying finished they went back to fighting and the group who were fighting went back to pray. Reading this made me realise how important prayer is; the Prophet and the companions were in a life and death situation and they still prayed, this truly gave me that extra push.
Care to help your lil brother
no i dont have sky media had a fight with sky and i lose out
but i never watched it there
jus download it bro
only a few hours til episode 5 is available...
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Listening to music is not prohibited in Islam.
It is food for the soul. And soul was created by God.