Any thoughts on why our age group is so much more likely to "experiment" with drugs, or be pulled into the drug world?
Much like any crime (which ultimately is always self destructive) the usual suggestions include education and economic pressure.
However I do not necessarily accept those as governing variables, especially since our age group is the most actively engaged in the education process both by law and for biological purposes (our minds are most active at this age).
Furthermore education specifically related to the negative aspects of drug abuse has not only failed in the US but led to more drug abuse - the D.A.R.E. program fiasco.,8599,99564,00.html
As for economics it seems to me that drug abuse is a common strand through all economic classes.
Personally I think that a large part of drug abuse has to do with the prevalence of Tobacco and Alcohol amongst young people - two drugs considered socially acceptable, but ultimately might very well be gateway drugs
Where are you guys on this one?
I think its all bout peer pressure, if you hang bout with the wrong crowd your likely to do what they do i.e. take drugs. I have heard about this 17 yr old who deals drugs, they are so young and are already destroying their future. People give up a lot in life when in the drug field more than they realise and at times it is too late. I think that article on revival on this issue was excellant, really made you think about some people's views and level of thinkin.
i don't think it is entirely coz of peer pressure....
there is too many hours in da day and it gets boring innit…
u try it once and u get hooked....
in school this bloke came into our Integrated studies class who was a drug addict for 15 years and he told us about his experience, no body realised taking drugs could create so much problems innit…
Teachers just say stuff like “its bad 4 u, don’t try it” and they some how think that is enough to put a person off…
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
But why would somebody try it out of boredom knowing all the adverse effects?
I know that antifreeze is both poisonous and delicious (that's why animals should be kept away) but I don't try to taste it when i'm bored just to see what it tastes like...
everyone knows that teenagers like to get their kicks outta doing whats forbidden and bad for them
thats part of the fun
3 of my m8s tried drugs coz they were bored...
they were not aware of the side effects, they didn't think side effects were that bad until they went through it them selves...
all 3 r on ASBO so that kinda explains y they were so daft....
they look so bloody ill all the bloody time maaaaaaaan....
i wont do anything worse then drink cheap cider
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
people who take drugs are low life bums
they aint gonna get no where in life and are laughed at by all
(heard that song "cos I got high" by Afroman?)
no one wants to know them-other than other low life bums
I pity them losers
soo true..
p.s. lol i have heard that song that guys is well funny, hes a joke!
neway break over beta go :evil:
thats such a funny song
and done in a funny manner-but the lyrics are SO tru
druggies do mess up their lives and get nothing done
That the wrong way too look at it IMO, some of these people are as much of a victim as anything, so labelling them as junkies isn't right IMO. This programme always stuck in my head, it was filmed over 2 years ago and it was about 2 herion addicts, one 14 and one 16, click on the link and watch the video, it break my heart to see this happen too people especially this young.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
the only drug dealers/addicts are know are those who were in my year in school
IMO they're just scums
neglecting people with problems is not the answer.
you gotta realise, there are diffrent types of addicts, some of them through no fault of thier own, and to pigeon-hole them all as 'scum' would be unfair.
like sayin all muslims are extremists........ :roll:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
ONLY the ones I know are scums
I dont claim to know EVERY addict/dealer in Uk :roll: :roll:
I do![Lol](
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
but the question is are you one?
depends on who wants to know! :shock:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Dealing drugs and taking drugs is just as bad imo.
I think Judda is right its mostly coz they're bored and want to do something thats a little stupid/reckless and forbidden just to get some kicks.
In most cases people are aware of the side affects, but that never stops them. Its the same with any addiction; first your just curious and bored so you try it, the first hit was good so you continue, before you know it your hooked and as we all know giving up an addiction is no easy task.
Back in BLACK
ok everyone on this forum answer this honestly if it aint to personal, have you tried drugs if so why?
i havent and would never, some drugs take your life cuz your body cant hack it and i wouldnt dream of riskin it!
Nope, never tried it. But hav been offered it.
Back in BLACK
I haven't tried drugs.
Or maybe I have but I can't remember. :shock:
shame not everyone is as wise as that!
i have tried smokin and thats as far as i would go..did anyone hear bout that gal who took an some sort of drug on her 16th b'day and her system took badly to it and her brain swelled up and she died. ( i would think that would put ppl of it)
i dont think anything would happen to most people upon a 1st try......but wit that said ive never tried it nor do i intend on. not that its hard to get access to..........ive simply got a brain that works!
prevention is better than cure
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
dad used to smoke-i have tried a fag once
it was disgusting-made me stink and cough
never been offered anything else-ever