Al Jazeera is backed by US and Israel

Brother Beast asked me a question in another threat.
I will reply here coz there some Bush lover will not let him be condmned as Satan.

[b]Al Jazeera is backed by US and Israel[/b]

"ßeast" wrote:
[BTW You still haven't told us how Satan and it's minions run Aljazeera.

What proof do you need?

If you believe what Bush says or what CNN says then go ahead.
They are not reliable after they lied about Iraq and so many other things.

If you accept what Al jazeera itself is claiming then no proof will be enough for you.

[b]I believe Ayatollah who says Al Jazeera serves Zionists interests. [/b]

Sometimes the channels pretends to be anti-Israel, but thats only to fool the Muslims so that they keep watching it and not turn it off altogether.

Al Jazeera is as critical of Israel and America as is CNN. I think BBC condemns and show more atrocites committed by Israel and US than does Al Jazeera.

BBC and CNN never condemned Iran or Hezbollah, but Al Jazeera's teams seems to bash Iran many times. Why? This is what Israel wants to do as well.

Al Jazeera is banned from press conferences of Iranian leaders. It was banned from Iraq also. BBC and CNN are not banned from these areas.

You have to stop relying on liars.

[b]One US Professor said few weeks ago that only two nations are presently opposing US and Israel: Syria and Iran. [/b]

No one else is standing up to the Devil.

[b]If Iran says Al Jazeera serves Satan, we have to stop and think.[/b]

"malik" wrote:
Brother Beast asked me a question in another threat.
I will reply here coz there some Bush lover will not let him be condmned as Satan.

[b]Al Jazeera is backed by US and Israel[/b]

"ßeast" wrote:
[BTW You still haven't told us how Satan and it's minions run Aljazeera.

What proof do you need?

If you believe what Bush says or what CNN says then go ahead.
They are not reliable after they lied about Iraq and so many other things.

If you accept what Al jazeera itself is claiming then no proof will be enough for you.

[b]I believe Ayatollah who says Al Jazeera serves Zionists interests. [/b]

Sometimes the channels pretends to be anti-Israel, but thats only to fool the Muslims so that they keep watching it and not turn it off altogether.

Al Jazeera is as critical of Israel and America as is CNN. I think BBC condemns and show more atrocites committed by Israel and US than does Al Jazeera.

BBC and CNN never condemned Iran or Hezbollah, but Al Jazeera's teams seems to bash Iran many times. Why? This is what Israel wants to do as well.

Al Jazeera is banned from press conferences of Iranian leaders. It was banned from Iraq also. BBC and CNN are not banned from these areas.

You have to stop relying on liars.

[b]One US Professor said few weeks ago that only two nations are presently opposing US and Israel: Syria and Iran. [/b]

No one else is standing up to the Devil.

[b]If Iran says Al Jazeera serves Satan, we have to stop and think.[/b]

1, If Aljazeera is backed by the US and Israel, why would it's offices in Kabul and Baghdad get bombed?

2, Why would George Bush talk about bombing it's HQ in Qatar?

3, Why is an Aljazeera reporter being held captive in Guantanamo?

4, Do you have any real proof apart from "Iran says so"?

5, Should media outlets refrain from criticising Iran?

6, Is Aljazeera's only crime that it dared to be critical of Iran?

7, How does the BBC "condemn" Israel?

8, What is Aljazeera's wider agenda other than being pro-Israel/pro-US?

"malik" wrote:
[b]If Iran says Al Jazeera serves Satan, we have to stop and think.[/b]


There is nothing extraordinarily spiritual about Iran NOR is it a leader for the Muslims.

Iraq, Palestine and Arabia are spiritual focal points for Muslims.

He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition, burns a picture to obtain the ashes!

"malik" wrote:
US backed Fatah is on the run.
Their top commanders have fled to Egypt.

Satan has left them in the lurch.


Fatah police officers flee to Egypt, Independent Online
Ninety-nine Palestinian police officers loyal to the Fatah movement fled to Egypt
Ninety-nine Fatah policemen flee to Egypt
Fatah cops flee to Egypt. Sunday Times

[b]100 senior Fatah officials flee Gaza Strip for Egypt[/b]

This is from a different thread. It does get boring!!

Don't you think the Ayatollah goes on a bit about how everyone ELSE is corrupt and against Shias? Paranoia!!

He who sacrifices his conscience to ambition, burns a picture to obtain the ashes!

"mmm" wrote:
Don't you think the Ayatollah goes on a bit about how everyone ELSE is corrupt and against Shias? Paranoia!!

US does the same, US thinks that all Muslims are against it and want to attack its homeland. Paranoia is on all sides. We dont hate Americans. Iran has never done wrong to US. Ayatollahs actually promote love and peace towards American people. I read once that only a few really hard core terrorists, 400 or so according to the Ayatollah, have this hatred for America. Most Muslims, like even the Europeans, just dislike American policies. We dont hate everything American.

American leaders want us to bow to them when they should know that we bow only to God.

Alright, I just wish Americans give stop their hatred of Muslims and lets be friends.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

"malik" wrote:
"mmm" wrote:
Don't you think the Ayatollah goes on a bit about how everyone ELSE is corrupt and against Shias? Paranoia!!

US does the same, US thinks that all Muslims are against it and want to attack its homeland. Paranoia is on all sides. We dont hate Americans. Iran has never done wrong to US. Ayatollahs actually promote love and peace towards American people. I read once that only a few really hard core terrorists, 400 or so according to the Ayatollah, have this hatred for America. Most Muslims, like even the Europeans, just dislike American policies. We dont hate everything American.

American leaders want us to bow to them when they should know that we bow only to God.

Alright, I just wish Americans give stop their hatred of Muslims and lets be friends.

That's great Malik, at least you're not stereotyping for once. I think that the BBC and Al Jazeera have a go at Israel and Iran. Sometimes the Ayatollah is more moderate than the president.

Chin up, mate! Life's too short.