I found out today that Jews also believe in Martydom exactly like we do.
One Jewish cleric said Kaafirs are dead and do not go to Heaven. He has upset a lot of families who sent their sons in the army to be killed at the hands of Hezbollah during July 2006.
A lot of men in the Israeli military are Kaafirs.
God's Holy Book the Quran also says only the Martyrs live forever, everybody else is dies for good.
[b]Rabbi: Non-believing soldiers die [/b]By ARON HELLER
AP Mon Aug 27, 11:43 PM ETAn influential and outspoken Israeli rabbi has said Israeli soldiers died in battle because they were not ritually observant Jews, sparking outrage in Israel.
Ovadia Yosef, a highly respected religious scholar among Jews of Middle Eastern descent and the spiritual leader of the ultra-Orthodox Shas political movement, made the remarks on Saturday night during his weekly televised sermon.
"Is it any wonder if, heaven forbid, soldiers are killed in a war?" he said, "when they don't observe the Sabbath, they don't observe the Torah, they don't pray every day, they don't put on phylacteries every day. Is it any wonder that they're killed? It's no wonder."
His remarks were quickly denounced by bereaved parents of fallen Israeli soldiers, both observant and secular, and by lawmakers across the political spectrum.
"I think all the citizens of the country understand that these words are outrageous," said Zevulun Orlev, a lawmaker from an Orthodox Jewish hardline National Religious Party. "Any attempt to harm the bereaved families and the soldiers of Israel is unacceptable and unforgivable."
Ran Cohen, a lawmaker from the dovish Meretz party called Yosef's speech "foolish words" by a "primitive man."
Eli Yishai, a Cabinet minister and head of the Shas party, said Yosef was "misunderstood" and had no intention of offending Israeli soldiers or their families. He said the rabbi would soon issue a clarification.
Yosef, 86, is no stranger to controversy and is renowned for his tirades against Israeli politicians.
In 2000, he called the Dovish politician Yossi Sarid "Satan," adding, "may his memory be wiped out. He must be uprooted from the seed of Israel."
He called for then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to be struck down by illness after Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and removal of its settlers in 2005. Sharon suffered a debilitating stroke in January 2006 and has been in a coma ever since.
Yosef also called Hurricane Katrina "God's retribution" against President Bush for supporting Israel's withdrawal of settlers from Gaza.
I dont know much about this martyrdom business but i did read somewhere that martyrs are automatically granted a place in heaven. But there is one thing that is bugging me. In the holy Quran it states that suicide is a sin so therefore if a martyr blows himself/herself up then surely is that not classed as suicide? My understanding of a martyr is dieing in battle. But if that is the case then why didnt Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. not participate in martyrdom when the non Muslims worshiped idols in the holy city of either Mecca or Medina (cant remember which one) and also when the non Muslims killed the Prophets cousin or friend thinking it was the prophet?
Could anyway please clarify.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
suicide is a sin. if you commit suicide in this life, then u will be committing for eternity in the akhira
and not all 'martyrs' will enter paradise. it is only if someone is martyred FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH (swt) AND WHEN THEY ARE SINCERE.
There is a Sahih hadith where the Prophet
said that someone who would be in hell is the martyr who died so that he would be remembered by his people and be respected in his death. (His martyrdom was not for the sake of Allah (swt) and so it was not accepted).
I think that people who blow themselves up to try to get to Heaven are seeking an easy way to Paradise, but you can't trick Allah (swt) and if they were really brave they would try to live in this world, and combat their inner-most desires, which is the Greater Jihad.
Hope this helps...
Don't just do something! Stand there.
the first suicide bombers in the mid east were jews.
Please note that malik's choice of article doesn't support the summary in his subject line. I condemn Ovadia Yosef's remarks, as do others cited in the article. For clarification, Jews do believe in martyrdom, which generally means dying through persecution or refusal to commit a great sin, or else being killed in battle. Suicide bombers or advocates who die incidentally could not be classed as martyrs per the way mujahideen routinely use the term. All other aspects of malik's reasoning are off the mark, such as his notion of "kafirs" within Judaism.
Please could you provide the source for that assertion?
totally agree. Killing yourself is the cowards way out.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy