I am an A Level Media student doing a Critical Research study and would appreciate if you could answer the following questions for me.
Please remember all answers will be confidential and any used for research purpose.
Do you believe the U.K is facing a terrorist threat?
Why do think the U.K is facing this treat? (If answered YES previously)? Who are the terrorists?
What is the worst terrorist attack the U.K has had?
media and terrorism
Published by rahana on 21 May, 2007 - 11:06
Me first, me first.
The UK is facing a terrorist threat. 7/7 proves that point.
The UK is facing a threat as a result of blowback from an unethical foreign policy. However, I would qualify this by saying that the initial blowback comes from al Qaeda and co. who propogate terrorist actions against the UK. But, as 7/7 shows, the people who carry out the attacks are young British-born Muslims. The central reason for al Qaeda targetting the UK is blowback against an unethical foreign policy, but what the 7/7 bombers did is a result of social deprivation, identity crises, and brainswashing.
The terrorists in the UK are those people who carry out terrorist attacks on UK soil. A person is not a terrorist until he or she actively plans and/or carries out a terrorist attack.
The worst attack, I assume, is 7/7. I don't think the IRA managed anything worse.
PS I've been reading up on academic discource about coverage of Muslims in the British press. I would appreciate it if you could give me more details about what is you're researching.
PPS is this a last minute thing? Cos the exam season has started and you probably should have had your research more or less sorted by now.
PPPS (?) Have you asked these qs on the MPACUK forum? forum.mpacuk.org
[list=1]This may not be useful to you. I am a Jewish regular on the forums and my answer follows.
[*]The UK faces a terrorist threat as a symbol of late Christian liberalism, a prominent former coloniser and meddler and a military ally of the USA and Israel.
[*]The argument that this is the chickens coming home to roost might have some validity but essentially the terrorists are motivated by Sayyid Qutb's ideology of Islam as an expansionist and ultimately benevolent force against a corrupt west. In particular throughout the '80s and '90s that ideology was exported wholesale by Saudi Arabia massively investing in Wahhabi agitprop in the west. The threat has very little to do with the UK being in any way insensitive at a domestic level - in fact Islamism inherently opposes liberal sensitivities and permissions when applied to any other group. However the anti-capitalists and other disgruntled elements of the hard left have been a fertile source of complementary hostile ideologies.
[*]The biggest terrorist attack on the UK could refer to the IRA's attack on Manchester, which I think was the biggest terrorist bomb. The IRA issued warnings in that instance and there was no loss of life. In terms of loss of life the biggest attack was probably Lockerbie and after that 7/7. IRA bombs for years were a terrible danger but far more localised than the present threat both in geographical and ideological terms.[/list:o]
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
I disagree with you lot. In my opinion Britain is facing terrorists threat only from Zionists. Jewish terrorists do these things and blame it on Muslims. Our beautiful religion of Islam forbids terrorism and therefore no Muslim can carry out acts of terrorism. Some Jews hate Muslims and would do anything to bring shame upon their religion; they own the media and so spread propanda quite freely; you can all witness that tv channels and newpapers daily pour out their hatred of Islamic religion, our women, hijab, our way of worship, they scorn our Prophet (pbuh) in cartoons, and all sort of other things which delibrerately done to hurt feelings of Muslims.
We all know the Zionists carried out 7/7 and 9/11. They did it to give Muslims and Islam a very bad name.
Muslims are growing in the Western countries. Jews realised that unless something was done, then sooner or later they would get power and firce Europe and America to ditch Israel. If Us did that, then it was feared that Arabs would simply invade Israel and take over Palestine which was lost to Israeli army since 1948. Therefore, these acts of terror are secretly done by Israeli government inorder to scare the western government from listening to voice of oppressed Muslims.
Now people are beginnning to wake up, even in America. Just watch some of the documentaries like Loose Change and and few others; all made by non-muslims. These documentaries show that the 9/11 attacks were not the result of terrorism by Muslims.
What was the biggest terrorist attack?
Worst act of terrorism was 9/11.
In UK, 7/7 was worst when Zionists killed 52 people, including Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus and others too.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
It's time you and me had a chat. But not on this thread. I don't want to detract from the topics raised by Rahana.
Meet me on this thread:
Rahana- as you can see, some people are living in a fantasy land as to who was responsible for the July 7 Bombing.
I'm not sure how much of a terrorist threat there genuinly is and how much of it is exaggerated by the media and government to cause fear in the general population (I think the government do this in order to pass certain laws that reduce our freedoms, and the media do this to sell newspapers).
The main difference between the current situation and the IRA that I remember from the 80s and 90s is that their main objective was to cause distruption while the current terrorists want loss-of-life. This is why there were bomb-threats constantly on public transport which involved the Underground to be shutdown and this held everybody up. Whereas now, the bombs that are used are designed to cause the most amount of physical harm as possible.
People need to remember they are much more likely to get hit by a car than to get caught in an explosion.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
im gona print this off tomorow and evaluate it, any more replies plz!!??
Look at this report in US newspaper.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
Well then, clearly you're right.
[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]
Jewish owned media somehow missed reporting this item.
We wonder why.
When one innocent Jewish lady is killed 3 days ago - Allah bless her - CNN never missed to inform the whole world.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
How do you know Associated Press isn't owned by Jews?
yes the uk is facing terrorist threats because Tony Blair is too far up Bush's
backside that he cant see daylight. Al Qaeda is the main culprit and as a
result of thier influences on young British Muslims, other groups have formed
who believe that they are fighting a jihad when in fact we all know its a
personal war between Osama Bin Laden and Bush after the saudi king asked
America to guard the holy city.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy