Israel Humiliated by Lebanon

Ya Ali Madad

Price of failure. Exactly as Hassan Nasrallah predicted.

Ya Ali Ya Ali Ya Ali -

Allah has disgraced Israeli military American army ias next in line of God's wrath.

2 May 2007

[b]Olmert and Peretz will not survive[/b]
The fighting between Hizballah and Israel might have finished nine months ago but fresh Israeli casualties now seem inevitable following yesterday's damning report by the Winograd commission.

[b]War in Lebanon was 'severe failure' for Israel[/b]

The report accuses Ehud Olmert [centre] of displaying a "lack of judgment, responsibility and caution"

Ehud Olmert, the Israeli prime minister, defied calls for his resignation last night after a government report accused him of committing a series of errors in his handling of the war in Lebanon last summer.

[b]'Slow down' begs Olmert as resignation looms[/b]

The commentators' betrayal

Same journalists who enthusiastically backed war now slam government,,2070074,00.html,,2070089,00.html

Lebanon is getting ready for another spectacular
celebration this summer just to rub salt in the wounds of Israel.

Ya Ali Madad

This is rather bizarre... Lebanon suffered hundreds of casualties thanks to the selfishness of the shia fascists, Israel pommelled the country so viciously that the international community had to force them to stop and the shias are deluding themselves into calling this a victory.

For whom? How? Because they provoked Israel and survived because the international community forced Israel to not obliterate them?

Those with a bit of brain can realise when they have lost.
They admit it openly. Sore losers are not expected to admit defeat.

Olmert still has delusions that Israel won Lebanon, as Bush has delusions that US is winning in Iraq.

I think Senator Reid has more sense of what a "lost war" is than does a Satan's President when he declares "Mission Accomplished".

Iraq also suffered thousands of casualties yet people with sense reliase that American military has lost in Iraq. Some Americans have too much arrogance. They just can't admit faliure like Israel is admitting it right now in her war against Lebanon.

When God is against you, then you can never win in Lebanon, Vietnam, nor in Iraq.

Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".

Can we all keep this in one topic?


"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

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