We moved forums after he had gone. When he returns he will have to rejoin.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Hey welcome bak davey...how was washington DC? u bak for good?
Thanks! Back for good!
The Capitol was much as it always is. Smoggy, austere, and generally unpleasant. Backstabbing and bureaucracy float through the air like a sickening mist.
I did a lot of boring policy work, class was pretty much a review of my policy courses from last year, but there was some interesting stuff I got to do later on.
Hey welcome bak davey...how was washington DC? u bak for good?
Thanks! Back for good!
The Capitol was much as it always is. Smoggy, austere, and generally unpleasant. Backstabbing and bureaucracy float through the air like a sickening mist.
I did a lot of boring policy work, class was pretty much a review of my policy courses from last year, but there was some interesting stuff I got to do later on.
How has your summer been going?
It has been good, scotland at times gets blessed with good weather, as for summer been busy with events takin place. chek out the Al-Hidayah thread....and studin for re-sits (dont ask!!) and also got myself a new job in a call centre at least i am not those annoyin ppl that cold call instead i am sitin in a call centre getin abuse frm customers but overall its an ok job!
As you can see this forum has been flooded with new ppl and re-started yet again becuz clever admin forgot to back-up! Also second issue is out and is even better.....thats it pretty much..
lol obviously he is a lunatic... I just caught some of his previous posts.
There was a morning reception for all those flying out a last week and a couple of the people I met were really pressuring me to try these "lochs and bagels" I noticed the word Loch and (because I am so smart) figured it was scottish since it's the "word" yall use for "Lake" but on second thought it could be jewish...
Totally disgusting incidentally.
Thought i would carry on with this in here, incase i get pulled up for waffling (see i am getin the hang of these english words!) bagels are nice but if its food u get on an aeroplane then it speaks for it self.
Hey welcome bak davey...how was washington DC? u bak for good?
Thanks! Back for good!
The Capitol was much as it always is. Smoggy, austere, and generally unpleasant. Backstabbing and bureaucracy float through the air like a sickening mist.
I did a lot of boring policy work, class was pretty much a review of my policy courses from last year, but there was some interesting stuff I got to do later on.
How has your summer been going?
It has been good, scotland at times gets blessed with good weather, as for summer been busy with events takin place. chek out the Al-Hidayah thread....and studin for re-sits (dont ask!!) and also got myself a new job in a call centre at least i am not those annoyin ppl that cold call instead i am sitin in a call centre getin abuse frm customers but overall its an ok job!
As you can see this forum has been flooded with new ppl and re-started yet again becuz clever admin forgot to back-up! Also second issue is out and is even better.....thats it pretty much..
lol so you are the people one calls when they order something off the television?!
That must be a trip - what do you do when a little kid calls?
I mean it's not like you can say "I'm sorry we cannot sell you anything because you are underage" - it might just be a softspoken man.
And studying for tests in the summer? That's a bit [i]too [/i]industrious
lol so you are the people one calls when they order something off the television?!
That must be a trip - what do you do when a little kid calls?
I mean it's not like you can say "I'm sorry we cannot sell you anything because you are underage" - it might just be a softspoken man.
And studying for tests in the summer? That's a bit [i]too [/i]industrious
Off to the Al Hidayah Thread to catch up!
Nooooooo i dont sell anythin now, are u jet lagged? lol cuz i said i am much happier with my new job as i am NOT selling, instead i am doin customer services for Llyods so i have to take all the complaints from them and listen to it without givin abuse bak, not fair...
I will let you catch up on the forum, again nice to have u bak...will catch up later....bye
Henceforth I am renaming Tamworth "Irfghanton" to prevent confusing.
Submitted by Seraphim on 16 August, 2005 - 16:41 #21
"Dave" wrote:
"irfghan" wrote:
"Dave" wrote:
Gotcha - hey isn't Tamworth where Bakri is from?
Bakri was from Totenham apparently.
Tamworth is in the Midlands.
Henceforth I am renaming Tamworth "Irfghanton" to prevent confusing.
How can re-naming an a place to something completely different be non-confusing?
And one more thing... hav you ever noticed that Donald Duck doesnt wear any pants ... yet when he comes out of the shower he's got a towel around his waist? whats that all about?
he is on hols.
We moved forums after he had gone. When he returns he will have to rejoin.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Do you know when he is coming back?
I am diying to tell him something…
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
probably around september time.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
waht do you wan to tell him can we know
Not telling you, it’s private! :twisted: :idea:
PS I’m not gay! :x
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
I will be back in school then and won’t have any time to go on the revival!
Gimmee his e-mail address….
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
... A bit of a moot point since I am finally finished with work and get to go on vacation.
In the North.
Why did I do this to myself...
Anyway - I am afraid I don't recognize your screen name, who are you?
Hey welcome bak davey...how was washington DC? u bak for good?
Thanks! Back for good!
The Capitol was much as it always is. Smoggy, austere, and generally unpleasant. Backstabbing and bureaucracy float through the air like a sickening mist.
I did a lot of boring policy work, class was pretty much a review of my policy courses from last year, but there was some interesting stuff I got to do later on.
How has your summer been going?
It has been good, scotland at times gets blessed with good weather, as for summer been busy with events takin place. chek out the Al-Hidayah thread....and studin for re-sits (dont ask!!) and also got myself a new job in a call centre at least i am not those annoyin ppl that cold call instead i am sitin in a call centre getin abuse frm customers
but overall its an ok job!
As you can see this forum has been flooded with new ppl and re-started yet again becuz clever admin forgot to back-up! Also second issue is out and is even better.....thats it pretty much..
Thought i would carry on with this in here, incase i get pulled up for waffling (see i am getin the hang of these english words!) bagels are nice but if its food u get on an aeroplane then it speaks for it self.
lol so you are the people one calls when they order something off the television?!
That must be a trip - what do you do when a little kid calls?
I mean it's not like you can say "I'm sorry we cannot sell you anything because you are underage" - it might just be a softspoken man.
And studying for tests in the summer? That's a bit [i]too [/i]industrious
Off to the Al Hidayah Thread to catch up!
Nooooooo i dont sell anythin now, are u jet lagged? lol cuz i said i am much happier with my new job as i am NOT selling, instead i am doin customer services for Llyods so i have to take all the complaints from them and listen to it without givin abuse bak, not fair...
I will let you catch up on the forum, again nice to have u bak...will catch up later....bye
Great to see you back Dave!
But just to make sure that it is you and not Judda trying an act, where in the US are you from?
On second thoughts after reading your other posts, it is you.
The Brave and Honorable State of South Carolina, from the great city of Charleston!
How ya doin Irfan!? - I like the addition of the "gh" but I have no idea why - looks better for some reason!
Do any additional traveling lately?
Incidentally... What is a blog?
Welcome back Dave.
The additional 'gh' gives me some more anonimity.
Only been as far as Tamworth lately.
Gotcha - hey isn't Tamworth where Bakri is from?
Bakri was from Totenham apparently.
Tamworth is in the Midlands.
Henceforth I am renaming Tamworth "Irfghanton" to prevent confusing.
How can re-naming an a place to something completely different be non-confusing?
And one more thing... hav you ever noticed that Donald Duck doesnt wear any pants ... yet when he comes out of the shower he's got a towel around his waist? whats that all about?
Back in BLACK
wow I wrote confusing when I meant to write confusion
How unfortunate.
Because I am terrible with names and would constantly be calling his city totenham, and I wont forget Ifghanton.
I think that makes him Lord Mayor.
So would his adjective be "majesty" or "grace"
Neither, i think it would make him The Honourable Lord Mayor ....
PS: Good to hav u back Dave.
Back in BLACK
Just to clarrify, I am not from Tamworth.
Can end this silly talk about me being its mayor?
Thanks Seraph!
Let's throw in a "Right" just for fun!
"The Right Honourable Lord Mayon Irfghan of Irfghanton"
We know, you're from Irfghanton, m'lord!
your right it is silly, i think you have the potential to become a mayor but dont think its gona happen, well not anytime soon
Don't take much to open a few supermarkets and hand out prizes at dull local sports events. What you trying to say?
Dont get so paranoid, i was only messin!