Muslim parents Appeal Over Baby Named Jihad

Appeal Over Baby Named Jihad

The German interior ministry is appealing against a decision by the Berlin authorities to allow an Islamist to name his son Jihad, the Arabic word used for holy war.

Reda Seyam fought for 18 months for permission to give his sixth child the name after the registry in the Berlin district of Charlottenburg initially rejected his application, saying the name was inappropriate because of its association with terrorism, and "may endanger the child".

This week a court overturned the ruling, on the grounds that Jihad was "a recognised male forename in the Arab world and loved by Muslims".

Mr Seyam, 47, a self-declared Islamist, was shown on television this week presenting his son. Grinning into the camera, Jihad on his knee, he said: "You had barely come into the world and you were in court. Your fight has already begun."

In the same programme he defended the terror attacks on the United States on September 11 2001, and on Bali in 2002.

Germany has strict rules governing the naming of children. Parents have to choose from a list of court-approved names, to prevent a child from becoming a victim of ridicule or confusion. The names Hitler and Stalin are banned, and in 2002 a Turkish couple living in Germany were denied permission to name their child Osama bin Laden.

Berlin's interior minister, Erhart Körting, said a court that allowed "a father who has welcomed al-Qaida attacks to name his child in this way has underestimated in an appallingly naive manner the meaning of this name".



So it seems to name your child after cartoon characters, George Bush or Tony Blair is ok. But to name them based on Islamic terms like " Jihad" or even Usamah Bin Laden is not allowed. Even names like Adolph Hitlet and Stalin are also banned.

Hard to believe that all this is happening in Europe in 2007 which is supposed to be a place of freedom and the right to act and do as u please, but obviously not for certain sections of its citizens.

We have had western politicians dictating to Muslim women what they can and cannot wear and now we have them telling us what we can and cannot call our children. Names like Hitler and Stalin have been banned, yet western politicians are behaving exactly like those two despots did.

I disagree with glorifying 9/11 and Bali attacks, but surely people are entitled to free thought and opinions based on their ideological inclinations?

Or is this the beginning of thought control in Europe?

Quite funny that Europeans ask Muslims to have a reformation which they went through in the middle ages when they divided church from state because it was dictating to people what they could and could not think about and yet they are doing the same thing , this time in the name of Secularism.

whilst parents have a right to name their child what they wish, shouldn't parents also use their wisdom when choosing names. Many kids have to live with the taunts and abuse coz their parents named them after ridiculous things. For example an indian name like Dixit may sound fine amongst the asian community but you should be aware that your child could be called not so pleasant names in a western school coz the name sounds like something else in English.

So whilst there's nothing wrong with the term jihad throughout the world it has been given bad connotations thanks to certain governments and media, and of course loud mouthed muslims. On this basis would it be wise to call your child "jihad". It's like you're hoping the inevitable won't happen how silly can you be? Isn't it in the interests of your child to choose an alternative name there are thousands of beautiful muslim names, why be so adamant about using this one?

To be honest i've always like the name usamah but what with the hatred ppl have for him i wouldn't name my son after him because i don't want him being abused when it could possibly be avoided. Kids are open to all sorts of bullying throughout their lives why add to it with names?

I agree with you Yash.

A guy from my Uni was called Jihadi...obviously, he was born before this whole war on terror thing started.

He's always had trouble when he left this he decided to change his name.

jihad means stuggle or striving in the way of allah or islam it does not mean taking up arms so why should they be upset if they werent [b]edit[/b] they would have known that

[b]EDIT: Mind your language ------------Mod[/b]

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"F4NZO" wrote:
jihad means stuggle or striving in the way of allah or islam it does not mean taking up arms so why should they be upset if they werent [b]edit[/b] they would have known that
language! :roll: and it means both.


we know what it means but not all muslims do let alone non muslims. Non muslims associate the name with terrorists, 9/11, Bali bombings etc etc. Having said that the parents should ultimately decide.

I know if i were a child named jihad in this climate i would wish to change it especially if i experienced a lot of discrimination for it.

Why a parent would even want to name their kid this is beyond me.

live and let live!!!!!!!

its gr8 name in the eyes of arabic speaking person because it mean sutggle in the way of allah and islam is that so bad its just that the german culture has developed to stop any violent names which they fink jihad is i dont think the parents are to blame but they do need 2 have a loong think

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

A very interesting reply from a non-Muslim on another forum in relation to this thread

"Just thought id add that my Grandfather's brother is Orthodox Christian and he is named Jihad. its not just loved by Muslims, its an arabic name and that article is ludacris....

Not just Jihad, my Christian family have many war names including "Difah" which means Defence and "Kifah" same meaning... and my name is "Nedal" meaning struggle for freedom....

I wonder if this would be an issue if it was a Chritian naming thier son Jihad... hmmmm dont think so! "

[url][/url], the place to be

35mm Black and White

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]

"Mr Honey's Day Out" wrote:
35mm Black and White

Woah what just happened?

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes


And don't forget the dishwasher tablets.

[size=10]The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.[/size]
[size=9]Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)[/size]

Let em... you can name your kids "39" for all I care. It's their kid! Just so long as they aren't acting violently it's no big deal.

Interestingly enough "Jihad" is a not uncommon name in the middle east, I've met Syrian Christians named "Jihad" before. Also interestingly enough they don't pronounce it "Gee-hawd" it's a little more like "J' Haad."

lol are you on about the radical imams say geeeeeeehaawd instead of a kuik jihad yup every ones modern nowadays even the radical imams tryin to appeal to the young with amercian style voices lol makes me laugh if your a bit lost by this post dotn worry im a bit mad

Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...

"F4NZO" wrote:
lol are you on about the radical imams say geeeeeeehaawd instead of a kuik jihad yup every ones modern nowadays even the radical imams tryin to appeal to the young with amercian style voices lol makes me laugh if your a bit lost by this post dotn worry im a bit mad

lol that's kind of funny I always thought Americans said it like that because it sounded like a more sophistocated foreign pronunciation (ie British).

British emulating Americans emulating British.

It really bothers me when folks over here say certain Islam related words with deliberately bizarre pronunciations to sound smarter. "Moooseleeem" in stead of "muslim" and generally elongating vowels that aren't supposed to be. And given the school I am going to there is a lot of that... the reputation here is completely undeserved, It's rather frightening being surrounded by so many ignorant liberal self proclaimed geniuses

I remember a few years ago some guy named his daughters Carol Poporsky Smith and Erica Cantona Smith.

Now THAT should be illegal

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