Discourses are delivered by Hazrat Ahmad Dabbagh every Monday and Thursday at Muhammadiyah House of Wisdom, a centre for learning purification of the heart, mind and soul and perfection of character in order to achieve the pleasure of Allah by following the Messenger of Allah, Syidina Muhammad ( Peace and Blessings be upon Him ).
Topics include: the Doctrine and Belief of Ahlussunnah wal Jamm’ah, the Greatness and existence of Allah the Exalted, the Supreme Status of the Prophet Muhammad ( Peace and Blessings be upon Him), Fiqh (Hanafi), the Authority and Significance of following the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad ( Peace and Blessings be upon Him), the Reality of Servitude (Abdiyyah) and How to Attain it, the need, poverty and powerlessness of creation to Allah, the Lord of Majesty and Remembrance of Allah, the Sublime (Dhikr), Definition and Remedy for the Ailments of Heart and Soul and Diseases of the Inner self. The reality of world and worldly life and its temporal nature and the importance of preparing for the life hereafter in the grave Barzakh, Day of Judgement, Hell and Paradise.
These discourses serve the purpose of creating the want and thirst in a person. If anyone intends to transform their lives by attaining the virtuous attributes and qualities and wants to shun and leave the evil and sinful habits and traits in practical terms. Then they are advised to follow the comprehensive Self-Purification course and Self-Enlightenment training program, which is taught at the centre mentioned below free of charge, merely for the pleasure of Allah, the Sublime.