No offense but I don't get this level of anger toward Tony Blair. He seems like just a weak consciencious guy that doesn't know how to tell President Bush "no," and doesn't seem to have a clue about what is going on at the ground level in his country.
Submitted by Seraphim on 3 February, 2007 - 23:06 #4
"Ø" wrote:
No offense but I don't get this level of anger toward Tony Blair. He seems like just a weak consciencious guy that doesn't know how to tell President Bush "no," and doesn't seem to have a clue about what is going on at the ground level in his country.
I think thats partially why people are soo pissed off at him.
No offense but I don't get this level of anger toward Tony Blair. He seems like just a weak consciencious guy that doesn't know how to tell President Bush "no," and doesn't seem to have a clue about what is going on at the ground level in his country.
I think thats partially why people are soo pissed off at him.
Yea, I get that... but unless you are saying people are so ticked off they are getting out of control I don't see what he has done that merits criminal investigation or comparisons to Saddam Hussein.
He's kind of a Neville Chamberlain. Soft-spoken, naive, conscientious - a real sweet guy. Which is precisely the problem, he'd be better of as a professor at a prestigious school somewhere teaching about how everything can be perfect in some theoretical political model he's dreamed up.
But as a leader? Actually running a country, implimenting real policies in the real world, deciding who wins and who loses all while charting the best possible course for his Nation? He's completely ill equipped to the task! I mean first off he's liberal, okay, that's problem one. That basically means every decision he makes he "sees everybodies perspective" and is trying to please all parties. Now there's a guy you want at the helm while your country is at war.
Next, I can't tell what the source of his inertia is but he is clearly unable to commit to a proper course of action when it is required. I mean seriously unless you've faxed him a week in advanced don't count on him in a disaster.
And finally, the confidence gap is unnerving. Can anybody seriously get on board with weakly offered plans that the leader himself doesn't seem to get behind? Almost all his initiatives are half implimented (if at all), he's constantly defending them against every insignificant challenge, he looks like a Chump:
Pay NewLabour £100,00, get an OBE. pay £200,000 get an MBE.
Pay Labour a bit more, become a Lord. (numbers aer for illustration and pulled out of thin air)
Been illegal since the 1920's, but his own personal staff have been arrested over doing the thing, and he has been questioned twice now. First serving PM to be questioned.
and then there is the iassue of governments going to companies that bankrolled the party. even if their solutions are inferior. Personal endorsements for non british companies after they have donated to the labour party over endorsing british companies.
Then there are the private public partnerships. A private company can fund 10% of a school (other 90% coming from the government), and in return they get ownership of the land (where they can sell it, redevelop iot, use it for the school or anything else. Almost total freedom.) and the curriculum. Yes, a private company can control what is taught in a public school!
One reason people aer pissed is that when he came in, it was thought he was different. He was supposed to break from the old mould.
But he was more of the same, but got caught lying numerous times. Decided 9/11 was a good day to bury bad news. Same with 7/7. A government with little policy and a lot of spin.
He is not naive. He pretends to be one thing but is another.
He sets targets for public sector, then obfuscates to hit them.
People are starting to see through the lies.
Notice how I did not mention Iraq? It is not just being under the thumb of Bush. Afterall most british leaders have been under the thumb of theor American counterparts, but it is more. Sheer incompetence.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I loved it.
and inshallah'd it time over. is external)
< You turn to Him with divine obedience
He turns to you with Divine Love >
so Tony is the first British PM ever to be questioned by the Police...
times up uh?
No offense but I don't get this level of anger toward Tony Blair. He seems like just a weak consciencious guy that doesn't know how to tell President Bush "no," and doesn't seem to have a clue about what is going on at the ground level in his country.
I think thats partially why people are soo pissed off at him.
Back in BLACK
Yea, I get that... but unless you are saying people are so ticked off they are getting out of control I don't see what he has done that merits criminal investigation or comparisons to Saddam Hussein.
He's kind of a Neville Chamberlain. Soft-spoken, naive, conscientious - a real sweet guy. Which is precisely the problem, he'd be better of as a professor at a prestigious school somewhere teaching about how everything can be perfect in some theoretical political model he's dreamed up.
But as a leader? Actually running a country, implimenting real policies in the real world, deciding who wins and who loses all while charting the best possible course for his Nation? He's completely ill equipped to the task! I mean first off he's liberal, okay, that's problem one. That basically means every decision he makes he "sees everybodies perspective" and is trying to please all parties. Now there's a guy you want at the helm while your country is at war.
Next, I can't tell what the source of his inertia is but he is clearly unable to commit to a proper course of action when it is required. I mean seriously unless you've faxed him a week in advanced don't count on him in a disaster.
And finally, the confidence gap is unnerving. Can anybody seriously get on board with weakly offered plans that the leader himself doesn't seem to get behind? Almost all his initiatives are half implimented (if at all), he's constantly defending them against every insignificant challenge, he looks like a Chump:
[img][/img](link is external)
and almost everything he says is presented in this aristocratic, bookish whine.
He's a geek.
The criminal investigation is over fraud.
Cash for honours.
Pay NewLabour £100,00, get an OBE. pay £200,000 get an MBE.
Pay Labour a bit more, become a Lord. (numbers aer for illustration and pulled out of thin air)
Been illegal since the 1920's, but his own personal staff have been arrested over doing the thing, and he has been questioned twice now. First serving PM to be questioned.
and then there is the iassue of governments going to companies that bankrolled the party. even if their solutions are inferior. Personal endorsements for non british companies after they have donated to the labour party over endorsing british companies.
Then there are the private public partnerships. A private company can fund 10% of a school (other 90% coming from the government), and in return they get ownership of the land (where they can sell it, redevelop iot, use it for the school or anything else. Almost total freedom.) and the curriculum. Yes, a private company can control what is taught in a public school!
One reason people aer pissed is that when he came in, it was thought he was different. He was supposed to break from the old mould.
But he was more of the same, but got caught lying numerous times. Decided 9/11 was a good day to bury bad news. Same with 7/7. A government with little policy and a lot of spin.
He is not naive. He pretends to be one thing but is another.
He sets targets for public sector, then obfuscates to hit them.
People are starting to see through the lies.
Notice how I did not mention Iraq? It is not just being under the thumb of Bush. Afterall most british leaders have been under the thumb of theor American counterparts, but it is more. Sheer incompetence.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.