Let me get straight to the point. I pray my namaz, but I am defo not regular. And this is making me really depressed. How can I pray more regularly? HELP! I find it hard to pray the fajr! I hate to admit it, but I am a lazy bugger who find it hard to wake up in the mornings!! But when I do pray it, I feel so much better, and always have a great start to the day!
Do you all pray on a regular basis?
any thing I can pray that will help me?
Getting up for Fajar is the most hardest thing to do!!!! I have to agree with you there!
But have you looked at how amazing Islam is.....We have been given 5 daily salah's to perform. They all consist of quite long Rakah's but amazingly the fajar salah is the one with the least Rakahs...Therefore it's so shocking that a majority of muslims find it hard to wake from their sleep and carry out this small morning salah!!!
I guess our biggest Jihad in this moment in time is actually trying to read all five salah's!!!
Inshallah I pray that we all here carry on striving to fulfil our five daily prayers. Inshallah sister I pray that you become a regular prayer. The thing that best helps me is to get someone to wake me up... Before I sleep I always tell someone in my family to wake me up...and if I still don't they have full permission to pour cold water over my face

"Happy are those who find fault with themselves instead of finding fault with others"
Hope the following answer below helps. It is from The Revival Magazine, Issue 2, Q & A By Shaykh Salim Ghisa:
Early nights Sis!
No matter what, make yourself get up. I'm up for work around then anyway so it's alright, but the summer months are quite difficult, but once you get into it, you won't be able to miss it Sis. After a while it'll become natural. Just missing it a couple of days will set you back, so keep at it. Sis if I can do it, you definitely can! I know it sounds silly, but on the few occasions I have missed fajr by switching my alarm off and falling asleep again, I've spent the whole day feeling guilty and just waiting for something bad to happen. Reading your salah with someone else might make it easier - I can't think of anything more beautiful than a husband and wife reading their salah together (if the bro isn't reading in jamaat at the mosque).
someone sent me a really good article recently, with tips re: getting up for fajr. may seem long but its well worth the read...
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