Saddam Hanged!!!

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[color=indigo][b]I don't have a clue.. o yeah, his neck was bleeding aswell. Anyhow, we all return to Allah at some point and his time was yesterday, it may be us tomorrow. [/b][/color]

[color=magenta]Ahhh, so true when it's our time its our time and we cant do anything then, lesson for all of us, this life is temporary [/color]

[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]

[color=indigo][b]Yup. I can't even begin to imagine what he was going through, knowing he's gona meet with his creator.. if that was me i would be craping it.[/b][/color]

"Exquisite" wrote:
[color=magenta]apparently his executors were taunting him? [/color]

I thought the people who taunted him were in the audience :? [url][/url]

It was sad to watch the video, even though Saddam did bad things and was sentenced to death, he shouldn't have been taunted moments before his death.

[color=magenta]OMG i feel like crying i just watched the video Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad Sad [/color]

[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]

[color=brown]one of his executers whispered in his ear "hope u go to heaven" and it is soooo sad. they would never execute any of the americans if they did bad deeds but they have to execute saddam i think thats a bit racist Cray 2 Cray 2 Cray 2 Cray 2 [/color]also some ppl are making fun out of it

the only the only nisha not Nasha

what happened shouldnt have happened , it spoilt eid day but since it were to happen its good it was done on one of these blessed days even though too some it was the wrong day.


he was a guy who's killed thousands of muslims
why do we care he's been executed...
ok it was eid..apart from that...?
why are ppl sad...

my only concern is that now hes become a martyr, he's got ppl's sympathy when really he should have gone to jail for the rest of his life....
now he's just gonna suffer in the hereafter forever- if Allah (swt) wills of course.


[color=indigo][b]Ed, not everyone is like you yano.. [/b][/color]


I dont think it was a good idea to give him the death penalty as Ed said its basicly made him into a martyr and having it on Eid day was kinda fubar. Life imprisonment would have been better.

Other than that he did kill many people in far worse ways then he was killed. I have no sympathy for the man as in the end you reep what you sow. The punishment he gained in this life was nothing compared to what God would have given him.

As for the Americans... well they have their own agenda namely oil ... so i can expect little from them. Broadcasting it was wrong... i dunno which idiot came up with that idea... he should have his a.$.$ removed for that.

Back in BLACK

how does it make him a martyr???????????????????????

live and let live!!!!!!!

Islamically I have been informed you cannot execute on Eid day. No idea how true that is, but on principle I am against it.

Secondly he was executed on trumped up charges.

Yes, there were other real crimes, but they were still being tried.

He was found guilty of the deaths of 150 people who were executed after being found complicit in an attempt to kill him. Ofcourse he was complicit, but then again treason is punishable by death, so it is not on the same scale as the other attrocities he should have been tried for before being strung up.

I for one was interested in his defence that the chemical wepons were not used by the Iraqi's, but the Iranians. May have been a bold faced lie, but it deserved to be pondered over. Mayb it was speeded up to avoid such a thing?

and it HAS made him a martyr. Before hsi death I very rarely heard him being mentione these days. And even then even less so in a good light. Now it is different.

He is already being reborn as a martyr who stood up against the imperialist will of the US. His own actions are already being forgotten.

And remember, no matter how bad he was, he was still a muslim. After someone has died we are not supposed to speak bad about them. (the principle is from an hadith)

Do I feel sympathetic? no. Reap what you sow type of thing, but this just felt wrong to me. Dunno why. I did not expect any reaction, if not a little relief.

Next question is why was he executed? for his crimes or for other (possibly political) reasons?

That is a question I have no answer for.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

thank u admin!
i've learnt a lot from you guys!

live and let live!!!!!!!

anyone wanna see the video?


The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


They didn'y even have the decency to let him finish his kalimah.

However, Saddam was lucky to get the death he got. Past leaders of Iraq have been killed in the most horrific of ways.

oh man i never thought my heart would warm towards saddam so much. i used to dislike him before.. everyone makes mistakes bt the doors of repentence is open till ur last breath. I pray he repented and Allah forgives him and excepts him as a shaheed.. btw watch the islam channel news aired on the 31st on its website.

Gossip is the most destructive thing in the universe...

i wanaaa seee the vid do they actually show executin him r jus the moments b4?

To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.

There is a clip from a cameraphone doing the rounds.

There is also an official clip which ends just before the taunts and hanging.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I am for the moment avoiding all coverage.
I've seen a still of him with the rope round his neck and that was enough for me. I'm kind of curious, but no, I don't think I'll be able to sleep.

im so shocked at the large number of muslims who are feeling sorry for his fate

[color=indigo][b]My granma and aunty are worse.. they were both sitting down and discussing about his death. They propa felt sorry for him.. I aint sad because he's dead cz were all going to return to Allah someday but it was the way it was done and when it was done.[/b][/color]

i dont understand why

i have some "sad" members in my family too

do they not know of the atrocities hes done?

[color=indigo][b]Yeah everyone knwz what he did.. but when someone sees another Muslim die.. its sad regardless of everything.. you just automatically sympathise for them.. i hate them man for what he did but i just feel sorry for him, his face looked so innocent...[/b][/color]

"Beast" wrote:

However, Saddam was lucky to get the death he got. .

lucky for him they didnt kill him in the ruthless-disgusting way he used to kill those who peed him off

[color=indigo][b]Thats true.. anyhow, it was meant to be. We should always pray that we die in ibaadah and a good death.[/b][/color]

Inna lillaahi wa inna ilayhi rajiun

Normally my reaction would be good riddance but after coming to know the Ahadith on the man that murdered 100 people yet intended to repent but died before and was still granted heaven,I have no words other than Allah (swt) only knows Saddam Hussain's fate and He alone is the best of Judge

Salaam. i just seen the whole video on google, real sad, but who are we to judge hey Allah is all forgiving and merciful, he read the Shahada, which we all pray to be the last words on our lips before we die. I dont knw but some ppl say that he didnt cover his face becoz he must have seen the angels or smething not sure.


People love to make up this cr*p.

Afterall noone else wuld know his reasons unless he spat them out.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

thing is Lilsis

he killed many people, which is wrong no doubt

but in politics, which leader hasnt? everyone in politics is dirty

difference is, unlike bush blair putin etc, he doesnt cover it up so well

but why go after him? plenty of leaders kill....dont them countries need to be liberated? no, because their is no oil interest. plus, it wont cause unrest amongst the muslims.

saddam was an evil leader whilst in charge of Iraq, but he was an ally of the US at one time, CLEARLY the bigger bully........he was killed because he stuck two fingers up to them.

he refused to sell his soul and country to the american govt - and any leader can do that, deserves some respect and sympathy

look at musharraf - he's snoookered, if he doesnt lick american backside, pakistan get blown to smithereens and the people will suffer, cant blame him .... im sure he watched the saddam execution thinking its a good thing he took sides with the US

my point is, its all political, there are no good people really...but standing up to the big bullies is what saddam did, and he never feared death at their hands - the true sentence comes from Allah swt - which we dont know, could be good or bad. Allah knows best.

Iraq is in a worse state than before, more have died because of the invasion, billions of quid wasted, puppets in charge of the country - yes it is saddening.

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.

