One question..........................ok two
1. are you guys going to d sales?
2. what bargain tips you guys got?
Published by peacegirl on 8 December, 2006 - 22:25
One question..........................ok two
1. are you guys going to d sales?
2. what bargain tips you guys got?
I'm very poor these days..thats why I'm saving the little money that I have to spend in the New Year sales....unluckily for me, Uni starts for me on 2nd I have to cram in my shopping before than.
I have no bargain tips...however, I do keep my eye on Jane Norman dresses and bags from Accessories, which on a normal day I cant afford, in the sales I try to buy as many as I can afford.
I avoid crowded, chaotic places such as Central London...and Next.
i que outside trafford centre on boxing day!!!! go to next......monsoon, and selfridges!! oh and gap!! But I especially like monsoon!
live and let live!!!!!!!
[b][color=indigo]I hate shopping so this doesn't this affect me and even if i did go, i wouldn't buy anything cz theres nothing i need, well apart from a jacket. I just ragg my jilbabs all year round and the same shoes and the same bag!
But i've only got £50 in my bank.. :?
I wonder were i spent all my money...[/color][/b]
[color=magenta]Lolz, funny topic brings back a lot of memories
I love the sales, they are the best, in our family its a family event, we have a routine mum, dad and either one my older bros and one of the younger siblings go with them to wonderful oxford street early in the morning and buy as much as they need, they return home to do Zuhr prayer and then its for round two where me and my older sis and mum and dad go to scrummage for what's left.
Mum loves NEXT, i dont think il be going this year, cuz iv bought things around the year so wont need anything maybe a nice hooded zip up top to match wiv my jilbab and maybe another pair of trainers but other than that i dont need to go. But being bengali height isnt to our advantage we often follow tall big peple around as they clear the path for us, and we just follow those people[/color]
[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]
Money saving tip number 1: Stay asleep.
I spend allot more when awake. And that goes up exponentially if I decide to leave the house.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
The bestEST tip EVER!!
but if I know a sale is on...........never mind stay asleep.....I have problems GOING to sleep!!
live and let live!!!!!!!
i hate shopping when theres a mad rush!!! id rather sit at home.
ive avoiding going into city centr or meadowhall for the last few weekssssssssssss n plan not to go til its calmed down..
n IF i do go shoppin in jan sales its only to stock up on cheap birthday presnts.. use em all year round
To be beautiful is to expect nothing in return.
i know me too i can't go sleep , too excited all teh bargins to findd love shopping as it is so wen it comes to sales i go wild !
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
Noori you sound soo like me you're freaking me out lool.
I always find xmas sales stuff , meaning clothes, are rubbish, unless you're shopping for big electrical buys or furniture tis a waste of time. I can't think of a more boring, stressful way to spend my time and waste my money. Clothes shops ram pacekd with ppl, overflowing with clothes half of which are on the floor coz ppl have gone insane. Ppl get sucked into all the hype thinking they're getting a good deal and something they actually need. But after purchasing it they barely use it, or try and get a refund.
[b][color=indigo]You said it sis. The shopping centers are ram packed, you can just about breathe! I find it sad when people que up at 5 in the morning just for the sales!! How sad is that?! As yash said ppl are just so hyped up about the sales and they just run and pick up anything and everything without realising what they actually bought! The sales are only good for house stuff or electronical stuff which you no your going to buy and where from. Theres not much for me to buy apart from some flats and a coat! Shopping overall is boring, tiring, gives you a headache, waste of money and all you ever seem to do is go round is circles!!![/color][/b]
I stand in them ques!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I always pick up great things and use EVERY LAST THING!! I mostly buy my kids clothes, even though I buy out of sale time too!!
But then again..........I love shopping full stop. sales are an excuse to buy MORE!!!!!
live and let live!!!!!!!
couldn't agree with u more only thing different is that instead of buying kids clothes i'll be buyng my own
i might just make a trip up to trafford centre hope it worth teh journey
are the sales good up at trafford ?
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
[b][color=indigo]How many clothes and stuff do you need to buy?! Shopping is a waste of money, you don't really need 20 bags or 20 shoes now do you?! I think people should be careful when out shopping, we waste so much money without actually realising it.
The thing that stops me from going wild on shopping is when i think about those who are suffering out in the world who have no food, no clothes or any shelter. In a talk which i went to, the brother narrated a Hadith which mentioned that the final Prophet PBUH only had 2 pairs of clothes. SubhanAllah. Our money can be spent sumwhere else which will be of sum benefit to others and to us in the ahirah.
I aint saying its haraam to buy clothes etc but it will be more wiser of us to spend it in the way of Allah.[/color][/b]
My friend and I always go to trafford centre. First we go into next, then when we have put our bags in the cars we go in to visit monsoon, then selfridges and gap!! And I also get stuff for me too!!!
live and let live!!!!!!!
I pay charity first. Every year we set up a big tent in pakistan in our town. And arrange for the poor people to have their catyrcts removed. and I think we do about 200 people a year. mashallah.
live and let live!!!!!!!
[b][color=indigo]My sister will go to the sales and come back with loadz and loadz of stuff and she won't even wear half of the stuff and it'll be too late to return them. What a waste of money.[/color][/b]
may Allah swt and his beloved prophet saw reward u for ur generous efforts.
wen i'm a bit older gt some money of my own , not my mum or dads i would like to do something of teh same kind.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
i just said I use everything. Everything. And if i find that I have something similar then next time I'm in tow I get a refund. It's that simple. I ain't wasting. i don't buy on credit cards. all debit card.
live and let live!!!!!!!
[b][color=indigo]Sis i aint directing at anyone! Just saying in general.[/color][/b]
:oops: oh ok :oops:
live and let live!!!!!!!
[b][color=indigo]My mistake. Not to worry![/color][/b]
u made some valid point their noori, i for one do actually go wild in teh sales need to calm down and take a more relaxe approach this year.
thnx noori for makingf me realise this.
A rose protects its beauty with thorns..a woman protects hers with a veil
[b][color=indigo]Just hand over all your dosh to moi then in that way you'll be sure that you wont be wasting money!
right i'm all set for tommorrow!! INSHALLAH.
live and let live!!!!!!!
Ok... Sales starting tomorrow.
But staying at home or sleeping isn't working for me :?
I have already spent almost £850 :oops:
Gotta do my eid shopping yet.
Got a new extention wire. last one blew up.
Getting a new base unit. The current one is about to blow up (to be fair it has already once... but I can keep these things running on a few strings and a prayer. Like ). It keeps restarting. It has just taken me over an hour to just get onto the internet! No idea how many more minutes this will last.
Getting a new monitor, a widescreen 20" one as it is the cheapest monitor I could find doing 16.7million colours. Current one is too old to blow up. and too small to do any damage if it did.
Bought a new washing machine. The last one blew up (more or less).
(anyone see a common thread there?)
Now onto clothes/food/luxury items.
Any good PC game is have missed over the last 6 years? (I have had my PC since February 2001... got it to upgrade and then didn't...)
Thank God for finance! Buy now Pay later. (I have paid about £300 before considering it, but it is the only thing that is keeping me fed atm...)
I almost regret the three days I had of unpaid sick at the start of the month. Well, almost, but not quite. Gonna be ultra poor in September.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
live and let live!!!!!!!
[color=indigo][b]Already £850 and the sales haven't even started!!!!!
Good job i'm staying at home then![/b][/color]
Me and my sisters are going on Wednesday. Don't particularly need anything, but wouldn't mind a new coat, more dresses for work and a few handbags! I never really come back with any bargains though. All the stuff I like is the stuff which isn't reduced. I've seen a really nice coat in a magazine from Mango - it's quite expensive (considering I've already got a really nice coat in the same colour), and I bet it won't be reduced much. Still going to try it on though.
I am posting this message from my fone. guess wot happenned? I blame peacegirl! luckily it was a few hours after i had ordered a new one. no pc for up to a week though.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I got an Xbox 360 (premium) and a few games for £300, I have spent too much time on it and haven't even started doing any uni work yet.
Anyone got the Nintendo Wii?