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Should she be sacked?
Results: Votes Per cent
Yes 64,776 84%
No 12,259 16%
Does wearing the veil affect her ability to teach?
Results: Votes Per cent
Yes 62,030 81%
No 15,005 19%
Total votes: 154,070
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- The Moderate Mod[/b]
First of all why call her a "stupid cow", you absolutely disgust me. You talk about freedom all the time, that word has become so cheap i'm left wondering if freedom really exists. If we live in a society where we have freedom of thght and action why is it such a big deal what someone wears. If it's ok to wear a bikini it's ok to cover your face too. IF the gov decides to ban it we'll abide by the law until then what right have YOU or ANYONE got to tell me or any other woman or man how to dress? What right have you got to call her a stupid cow just coz she doesn't fit in with your ideas of dress/hijab? It's her perogative not yours so kindly hold your insults. You have a right to be against the niqab but calling her a cow is way out of line, maybe you lost your dictionary?
Whether it effects her ability to teach i honestly don't know coz i've never had the opportunity to be taught by a niqabi. But i personally think children especially very young kids thrive if they can see the expressions on an individuals face, so as far as primary/junior schools go it's better if the face is visible. But for secondary or university level i really can't see a problem,and yes i can see!
As for hearing unless you have a hearing impediment it's not hard to hear us speak at all. The veil is covering our faces brother, it's not stuffed in our mouths. So don't insult my intelligence or hers! To think a piece of cloth can cause all this bother and hatred!
I don't know who publicised this case so i'm not gona prejudge her. Inevitably the press attention has ironically given her unwanted attention but i doubt she called for it, the way the media works..well they're like a pack of wolves.
Whether women dress in niqabs, hijabs or other clothing the male species will always think of the opposite gender in a sexual way at some point or other. But no one can honestly argue that a woman in a halter neck top and short skirt will get less sexual attention than a woman in a niqab or hijab or other loose/long clothing? Those that cover more will undoubtedly receive less of this attention. They;re more likely to get spat at or verbally insulted for covering up than be wolf whistled at. The pathetic argument you and a lot of other men are using is wasted on me, i see it as a weak attempt to get muslim women to reveal their bodies. In a society where women are treated like sexual commodities to be traded for mens satisfaction it's inconceivable that women would wish to cover. Those that cover will surely be looked upon as "weird" and be taunted to remove their clothing and conform. that isn't proof what is? Well sorry brother i'm not conforming. Our prophet
said ppl will follow non believers even into a lizards hole that's how much they'd be willing to conform to please them. Well i have a brain of my own and i'm not living to please people. So i guess it depends who./what you're existing for.
Men have sexual thghts as do women, they're not perverts for having these thghts it's natural. However from a theological point of view the niqab isn't designed to deter perverts, that's such a basic view of the niqab. There's the prophetic tradition that many women follow, other sisters feel a sense of protection from sexual harrassment. We live in a society where ppl are judged by their appearances, and there is a pressure for women particularly to always look good for the opposite gender. Many women wear the niqab to opt out of this rat race. Sure they maintain their looks but not for the pleasure of every tom, dick and harry. It's reserved for those that actually give a damn about them.
Well it's a good thing some sort of curiosity still exists these days many not all women leave nothing to the imagination. Everything is on display like a cake shop. This may be ok for you but if women choose to opt out why are you so irate?? You can't seem to tolerate women who choose to cover up. The niqab is not illegal until it is sisters can wear what they darn well choose, you have no right to dictate what we should wear.
Your arguments were so feeble you resorted to an abusive rant, you don't deserve an ounce of respect, or further attention.
[b]EDIT: Judda's post was deleted for being wacko ------------- Modnster[/b]
Modnster, Yash i think you may have misinterpreted me
i FULLY support a womans right to where the niqab, i am an avid beleiver in freedom for niqabis and nudists alike.
but it was genuinly hard to hear the girl talk when she was on TV. And i know from experince that fabric in front of a womans face DOES effect u from hearing her voice, and as a classromm assistent this is totally innapropriate. Perhaps she genuinely did not have a loud voice, but the niqab was not helping,
As for niqab / headscarf being a barrier for zina - i can assure you that that is not the case. Remember lilsis's "having a bad hijab day" thread? i mean c'mon since when did the niqab and headscarfe become a barrier to zina? there's nearly as much zina as there is in muslim countries then there is in the west. And when you together its not like ur clothes are going to be on :roll:
the fact that she sued the skool for £1000 is plain annoying, and i find it odd how she can get away with that, but nick griffin can get away with all the racist stuff he's done, i know thats off-topic but i find it dead odd.
i'm also against her lying about the quran and saying that it was in there, i know salafis are steriotyped as going too far with the deen, but no intellectually honest salafi would say it is in the quran or the AUTHENTIC ahadith. She is no better then a terrorsist who claims that violence is in the Quran when it aint.
its a misconception that women are treated as "sexual objects" in the west, its like claiming that in muslim countries women are "oppressed"/ "degraded" etc.
Ask any guy, red-hot model Jorden AKA Katie Price may be a fantasy but how many guys would genuinly like to marry a woman like that? most men prefer elegent, smart girls with a bubbly personality and a good sense of humour.
I've always found Islam difficult. But this niqab argument is not a religios one, because it is not obligatory. In a skool setting she has no right to where it, i seriously doubt the male teacher would have the hots for her.
[color=red]"The best of people are those who live longest and excel in their deeds, whereas the worst of people are those who live longest and corrupt their deeds." [Tirmidhî, Sahîh] [/color]