Hello, sort anoob here

hello ladies and gents!
I've been kind of lurking around.
I love this site! thanks for having me Smile

"Nanbe1st" wrote:
hello ladies and gents!
I've been kind of lurking around.
I love this site! thanks for having me Smile

An American! Hi there... there are 3 of us now...

Nice to see you! If you don't mind me asking how long have you been lurking around and what took you so long to join?!

Give us some info - where in the US are you from? What is your background, what brought you here?


Welcome to Britain cowboy.


You know there is a 'Hello New members' thread!! :roll:

but anyways welcome to the forum newbie, however you have not become a member just yet until you answer the following question only then will you become a jedi!! :twisted:


1) How old are you?
2)Where abouts you live in America?
3) What you do? (College/Uni/Work)
4) How did you get to know about the Revival?
5)Whats your favourate Chocolate? Blum 3

Who is the cat of the Forum? MEZ!
Your damn right!

"Mez" wrote:
You know there is a 'Hello New members' thread!! :roll:

but anyways welcome to the forum newbie, however you have not become a member just yet until you answer the following question only then will you become a jedi!! :twisted:


1) How old are you?
2)Where abouts you live in America?
3) What you do? (College/Uni/Work)
4) How did you get to know about the Revival?
5)Whats your favourate Chocolate? Blum 3

Mez is so welcoming!!

live and let live!!!!!!!

Topic locked