Perfect place to find out meanings of terms and words etc...
Just ask away. Anyone who can answer should do so, and I will add the words into this post.
So words:
Salaam = Peace
Asalaamu Alaikum = Peace be upon you
Walaykum Salam = peace be upon you too.
Inshallah = God Willing
Mashallah = What god wills (spoken normally in a positive sense, at times of awe.)
subhanallah = glory be to ALLAH
alhamdulillah = all praise to ALLAH
Allahu Akbar = God is Great
Rasul Allah = Messenger of Allah
Nabi Allah = Prophet of Allah
Ameen = Please accept
JazakAllah (khair) = May Allah reward you (well/good)
Alayhis salam = peace be upon him
RadiAllahu anhu/anha (ra for short in many places) = May Allah be pleased with him/her
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala (swt for short in alot of places)= Glorified be He, the Most High
Astaghfirullah = i ask forgiveness of Allah
SalAllahu alayhi wasalam = May Allah bless him and grant him peace
alayhi salatu wasalam = Peace and blessings be upon him
EDIT - been updated with new additions.
it so nice of you
it is at least very useful to me :oops:
hehe ~~~
and if i come across some words that i cannot understand
i will post them and please expain them to me ok?
~~thank you
Asalaamu Alaikum![Wink](
If I were a tear in your eyes,
I would fall down on your lips,
but if you were a tear in my eyes,
I would never cry,
cos I am afraid to lose you...
subhanallah - glory be to ALLAH
alhamdulillah - all praise to ALLAH
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
warahmatullahi = and Mercy (of Allah)
wabarakathu = and blessings (of Allah)
Ameen = Please accept
JazakAllahu khair = May Allah reward you well/good
Alayhis salam = peace be upon him
RadiAllahu anhu/anha = May Allah be pleased with him/her
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala = Glorified be He, the Most High
Astaghfirullah = i ask forgiveness of Allah
SalAllahu alayhi wasalam = May Allah bless him and grant him peace
(or some people say)
alayhi salatu wasalam = Peace and blessings be upon him
Allahu Akbar = God is Great
Rasul Allah = Messenger of Allah
Nabi Allah = Prophet of Allah
SadaqAllahu adheem = Allah says the truth
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
Sahaabah Karaam - Noble Companions
alayhim ridhwaan - upon them be pleasure (of ALLAH)
Sahabi - Companion
Sahabiyah - Companioness
Sahaabiyaat - Female Companions
Ummul Mu'mineen - Mother of the Believers
Ummuhaatul Mu'mineen - Mothers of the Believers
Sayyidina - Our Master
Hadrat - Respected/His Eminence/ term of respect
rahimahullah - Mercy of ALLAH upon him
hafizahullah - Protection of ALLAH upon him.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar