Muslim 'Writers Club' Launched

Well everyone can copy and paste 50 page long articles from around the net...but how good are we at composing our own articles?

This board has specifically been started to encourage writers to showcase their original writings.


Articles submitted here must be your own work.

You are allowed to use references and quotes from other articles as long as you give citations.

Articles must be related to Islam!

You can use pictures relevant to your topic to beautify your topics - Pictures may be used from other sites - there is no restriction on that since we understand not everyone has graphic designing skills.

How to submit my article?

1. Create a new poll instead of a topic.

2. In the poll put the question: How do you rate this article?

Options should be:

Excellent *****
Good ****
OK ***
Bad **
Terrible *

Then Entitle the poll with your article title

and Post your article as you normally would Smile

:in: based on votes each week we will pick and feature your article on the Top of the page where members and guest will read your article upon first glance upon the forum and also on the portal page.

This will be a great service :in: as it will help members to write articles and then have people vote for it, on how good it is, so that next time when they submit their articles they can improve on their writing skills in terms of grammer, spellings etc.

But please keep in mind no copy and pasting from other sites blindly!

Please refrain from leaving comments like 'Excellent' or 'Thanks' as these comment do not give the real view of waht you think of a persons effort in writing an article. If members do want to leave a comment please specify why you have voted for Excellent, Good etc and also stating how it can be improved. This 'Workshop' was launched to help our muslim brothers

[url=]Islam: Global Message Forum[/url]

Are you spamming?

And where are people supposed to submit their pieces of art?

The spamming is half hearted! Get some passion into yourself!

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.