Fire at mosque 'may have been revenge attack'[/b]
Police have said that a fire which destroyed the roof of a mosque may have been in revenge for the alleged terrorist plot to blow up planes leaving UK airports.
Fire crews were called to the al-Birr Masjid Mosque in Sarum Hill, Basingstoke, Hants, early on Saturday morning.
The blaze took 16 firefighters almost two hours to put out, according to Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service. Nobody was injured.
Assistant Chief Constable Steve Watts, of Hampshire Police, said the fire was being treated as arson and a full investigation was under way.
He said: "In this current climate, we cannot rule out the possibility that this incident is related to the recent security threat.
"Therefore we are treating it extremely seriously and dealing with it appropriately."
Superintendent Chris Brown added that the force was talking to local community leaders in a bid to prevent problems escalating in the area.
"We are liaising closely with the local Muslim community in Basingstoke to reassure them that our protective services are in place and of our determination to prevent recurrences."
[url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml;jsessionid=0WOMK4CZMN42DQFIQM... Telegraph[/url]
no need for such a dramatic headline :roll:
What did we expect? Flowers being strewn infront of the masaajid and garlands for the ulama? lol.
This type of attack is standard :evil:
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
oh shut up man. there is a time and place for ur crap sarcasm....
its not standard. some extremists and islamaphobes try to blame all muslims for acts of terrorisms carried out by some muslims, even if this one yet has no proof or evidence thus far that these men are in fact guilty.
Majority of Britons would find these kind of backlashes disgusting.
well what i expected was hard core evidence first then some kind of rection... by some crackpots.
Crackpots generally don't wait for more information... they just sorta... do
Are the police on this stuff yet??
dave, to answer your question, the article starts:
So yup they have been notified
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I hope the “vengeful Muslim” youth behave themselves and do not seekto hand out their own justice, Allah see’s all and knows all
Make du'a isnt it, the youth seem to be very wild in this society
Some want to legalise and seek justification in what they have already been doing (aka being a menace in society) crazy
Oh dear, such venom in your words ED , I knew someone similar to you on another forum, and after he insults he then calls for unity , Ramadan cant come soon enough. Ya Allah
your very selective shazan.... always miss meds comments when he insults... i have deleted my comments.
unity is to work together for the common causes not to love everyone...
stuff like that happened after 7/7 too.
Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
Asalaam alaikum
I'm not selective, I just don’t have a copy of MED’ “forum record”
, every sinner has a future, every friend of Allah has a past.
And I strong disagree with your notation of working together withou love.............
look's like the backlash has started in this thread :roll:
akhee, and you're a mod on this forum? I don’t understand why you find him so repulsive- if that is the correct term and I hope it isn't! Take Freshi for example, Mr. H. Khan and Med both brothers managed to settle their differences , it would be wise if you both did the same
I love you akhee
bro... me and meds hatred goes back a long way...
you will never see a bad side of med...you just cant... whether its the TJ link or whether its because of his urdu poetry or because of his long cut and paste lectures... i dunno....
i cant stand a person who thinks he's better that others, who thinks only his belief is correct and the majority of the rest are either bidati, kafir, mushrik, munafiq or murtad... and that is what he has been saying since he came on the forum.... but you and naj ignore that...
i cant stand is jahil views on women, mosques, parda, marriage, ladin and so on.... but thats OK as this is a forum... but to accuse ppl of what he does is a crime. his lack of respect for any non tablighi scholar or a scholar who differs on his aqeeeda is another crime.
yes we are muslims, belong to the same ummah... but its best we dont comment on each others views anymore.... because my respect for him went a long time ago...
i dont have a problem with anyone else really... just him.
forgive and forget
Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
JazakAllah ED for clarifying your position, brother you are old and wise enough to know much better. Nas,Naj, Shazan and everyone else is sick to death of this infighing, if you judge MED comments to be uncalled for, foul, personal attacks then you have the right to edit and delete it. Exercise the forum rules according to the text, but don’t allow it to escalate- this is why we have many conflicts
And he like everyone else has a right to his opinion, if you dont agree then express it or have adab to walk away- likwise same applies to Med.
I wasn’t around in the past but, know one here would like their past wrongs to be constantly brought up and used against them out of sher spitefulness.
Allah Hafiz
See if you can delete Med/Eds argument from "u really need to control your rage Ed." on down.
Stop drawing attention to it.
[color=blue]This thread has now been cleaned up.
Ed and Meds arguement has been deleted.
It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.