The prophet S.A.W. used 3 typed of medicines: divine, natural and a mixture of both.
Since I’ve been away I have been doing LOADS of studying. I’m sure you all remember my really long and boring “dam” thread, well since rummaging through my collection of ahadith I came across about 20 ahadith advocating it. (BTW guys the actual practice is called rukya).
I also read numerous ahadith which advocated the use of “cupping”.
The prophet S.A.W. said “cupping is your best remedy”
Does any body the [u]scientifically proven[/u] benefits of cupping?
Dates were the staple of the prophet’s diet.
Also camel milk is supposed to be dead good for you, it’s a shame they don’t sell it in England.
Guys I would like your opinion of [url=]this[/url] site.
And as for the long list of the prophets health habits recorded… add your own
I suppose you been reading the book by Imam Ibn Jauziyah (ra)? It's an excellant read...most people just go to docs, but the things listed in this book "Healing with the medicine of the Prophet (saw)" is medicine which is made through natural things.
no, what does it say?
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Basically what you posted amongst other medicines recomended by the Holy Prophet
for different things
actully i have got that book shoved under my pile of rubbish.
Have you read page 55? :shock:
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…