I'll start my list off...
English Song-Damian Marley, Welcome to Jamrock-A reggae song talking bout the usual crap, smoking weed etc, Got a decent background tune though.
Bhangra Songs-Dharti Hildi, Dil Nai Lagda by Aman Hayer. Ranjhar by Attullah Khan
Nasheed-She made a mark on me by 786Boyz. I like their whole album.
First time I heard this was live. I admit I was a bit startled at the beginning, but as the nasheed progresses you understand what it's about. Good nasheed.
I like dil Nai Lagda by Aman Hayer. Ranjhar by Attullah Khan too
I also like Aja Sohniya by Shazia Manzoor and that song booyeh Baria...there's lots of songs I like
bhangra and nasheeds....mmmmh hhhhhhh
is that have your cake and eat it?
i like many nasheeds by zain bhika, dawud wharnsby,
love native deen
i enjoy alot of urdu naats, listen to awais qadri nowadays....
i used to love micheal jackson songs when i was younger:-)
a tune that sticks in my head is: 'self preservation society'.... from the Italian Job!
thats weird
I had u down as a bhangra lover
why is that wierd...
when i was at school micheal jackson was the biggest star around ..and u have to admit his songs like Bad, Thriller were very good...
bhangra makes me laugh
[url=http://www.virtualafghans.com/music/Islam/14.asx]Tajdar-E-Haram[/url], Sabri Brothers (27 mins).
That guy has taken na'ats to another level. He recently came to the UK on a 4 day tour and his popularity was evident by the amount of people who had come to see him.
Inshallah he'll come to Bradford one day as well so I can one of the legends as far as reading na'ats is concerned.
i used 2 be the biggest jayz/2pac/Game fan.........but now ive deleted evry trace of music off my pc! keepin it real with the naat's and nasheeds. fav's inlcude all Sami Yusuf, Shaam (especially 'falak kai nazaro') and 786's 'Tajdare-Haram'
mohammed owais raza qadri is off the hook, i got to see and hear him when he was in manchester.....rocked the joint!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
yea i really like all the naats sung by Muhammad Owais Raza Qadri....Subhan'Allah such a beautiful voice
also like listening to Sami Yusuf, 786, Shaam (there were soooooo amazing at Al-Hidayah!!!), Yusuf Islam n Native Deen (their album 'deen you know' is awesome...u guys gota listen 2 it!!)
Shaam were amazing, my brother has seen them 3 times within about 6 months now! lucky guy.
but that lil kid who read Al Mualim..........woah, i recorded him on cam! mashallah he was superb. i hope he gets better inshallah, lukd a bit bamaar i think
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
oh yea Masha'Allah he sang beautifully....he started crying when he met Qiblah awww so sweet....he made evry1 else cry aswell...well me for 1 :oops: but yea Subhan'Allah its soo nice seein lil kids singing in praise of our Beloved Nabi (peace be upon Him and His family)
''Katib e Quran hai Muawiya Muawiya''
is my current favourite.
Become obedient to the Chief, Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam, so ALL chiefs become obedient to you.
my favourite is i am pretty random when it comes to lisnin to naats/nasheeds etc but i am currently in love with "ye joh halka halka saroor hai" in the voice of nusrath fateh ali khan, he got some voice thats a qawali its lovely..also i love the 99 names of the Holy Prophet
by inayet petkar, read in a very soothing and touchin voice...
songs..hmmm depends on the lyrics...