Say “Kasm”


Many people, especially those in the Asian community throw around this phrase “Kasm” (I swear) so easily…

When I work with young Asian kids, I usually hear “Kasm Miss, I didn’t do it, it was him”.

In my primary school, which was predominately full of Asian, to confirm whether or not I was telling the truth I was told to “Say Kasm”…

When I was younger and wanted to know whether my brother or sister was telling the truth when narrating some unbelievable story I’d tell them to say “promise”…for example “say promise you’re telling the truth”…..and if they did, then I knew that they weren’t fibbing.

Its bad enough people being careless with the phrase “I swear” or “Kasm” buts its worse when people carelessly throw around the phrase “I swear by God” or “Allah di Kasm”…

To take an oath by the name of God is a huge thing….in my opinion it’s wrong to take an oath by God over small, petty things.

And too many people, especially young kids do not even realise the enormity of breaking their promise or taking a false oath.

Making a false oath in the name of Allah (swt) is a huge sin…and to the expiation of breaking an oath is feeding of ten poor people, or clothing them or to give a slave his freedom, or fast for three days….and these are not easy things to do.

The bible states that one should be “mindful of Lord's name”..

The name of Allah (swt) should be honoured and protected.. so we should think twice before swearing by Gods name over minor issues..

Sometimes, people lack credibility so by making them swear by Gods name is the only way to get the truth out of them…however, at the same time if one can easily swear by the name of God…there is a danger of the words becoming meaningless to him/her….

Another problem with oaths is that people make oaths over things they cant keep…many people in fits of anger vow never to do a certain thing again, but then when their anger has cooled down they regret their words.

And what about this whole touching the Qur’an thing? Some people make oaths by touching the Qur’an….is such an oath valid? And is the expiation of this false oath the same as above?

And is it me or are some people so melodramatic that they can’t rest without swearing oaths over minor things or doing the whole touching the quran thing just to prove a point…?


In a court of law don't they use the holy book of a person's religion to take an oath before they start speaking in the front of the court?

I've seen quite a few people saying 'say Allah' and other person says 'Allah' just like that even when they are lying and I think people think it's a joke and I doubt that they even know the consequences of lying when taking an oath in the name of God.

"Muslim Bro" wrote:
In a court of law don't they use the holy book of a person's religion to take an oath before they start speaking in the front of the court?

I've seen quite a few people saying 'say Allah' and other person says 'Allah' just like that even when they are lying and I think people think it's a joke and I doubt that they even know the consequences of lying when taking an oath in the name of God.

No suprise there. I think all of mankinds laws are derived in some way or another from many of Gods laws in various scriptures be it the Quran or the Bible.
Asking them to take an Oath in the name of God is the closest legal thing they can do to get them to tell the truth without shooting them up with Sodium Pentothal.

Back in the day swearing an Oath was a big deal, becoz an Oath could not be broken especially an Oath to God, but now that we live in a world where the existance of god is questioned by the many, its not surprising that many people lie.

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Said it. Blum 3

In general I am against 'kasm' or promises or any firm commitments where there are possibilities of not following through.

And saying kasm means either your lies are caught out, or you take a step down a slippery slope. Thus avoid saying kasm at all. Keep a general policy of reaction. \Just like the standard reply from corporations is no reply, your standard response should not be 'kasm'.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

i wonder what they mean when they say:

'I swear down'

im not sure if this is just a northern thing but ive heard it a couple of time supposedly means the same thing. I wonder if they're swearing on the devil??

Back in BLACK

It is a northern thing but it is recent slang. I think adding "down" is just a way of being emphatic and doesn't invoke the devil or anything.

[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]

"100man" wrote:
It is a northern thing but it is recent slang. I think adding "down" is just a way of being emphatic and doesn't invoke the devil or anything.

lol 100man... that was a joke :roll:

Obviously no one in the right frame of mind swears an oath to the devil to speak the truth Lol

You spoilt it.... not cool.

Back in BLACK

Don't worry, it wasn't a funny joke.


[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]

only cultural backwards ppl stick in "kasm" at the end of every sentence

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
only cultural backwards ppl stick in "kasm" at the end of every sentence

thats a bit of a generalisation. most kids nowadays cannot be called 'culturally backwards' because if anything they're trying to pull away from their parents' culture, yet they use this word so often, as MuslimSis pointed out. i think they dont even realise what it really means, just like half the other swear words they use. :?


"Seraphim" wrote:
i wonder what they mean when they say:

'I swear down'

im not sure if this is just a northern thing but ive heard it a couple of time supposedly means the same thing. I wonder if they're swearing on the devil??

I didnt knw it ws a northern thng my friend uses i alot, words such as Kasm, Allah n wallahi are always used i admit used to use it alot but iv stopped ppl use for the most minor of thngs, n i also remember when ppl used to backchat n told somebody's secret to someone else th would be like say Allah u wont say u heard nothing from me,once on my mates who is quite gullible was told a blatant lie n strait way the sentence say Allah comes out, so crazy for me before it was so habitual but thankfully iv stopped i hate when they use in every single sentence[/color]

[b][color=DeepPink]O you who believe, If you help (in the cause of) Allah, He will help you, and make your foothold firm[/color][color=DeepSkyBlue] {Surah Muhammad7}[/color][/b]

sayin kasm is stupid, but not too bad

its when people say Allah di Kasam or Quran Di Kasam...and its kids as well, stupid ones using it at stupid times :?

question - why do kids nowadays have a fone in their pocket or around their neck and insist on playing obscene rap music so loud so that eveyone can hear?

is that supposed to be kool now? even when i listened to the rubbish, i always thawt that was a gay thing to do

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Sirus" wrote:
question - why do kids nowadays have a fone in their pocket or around their neck and insist on playing obscene rap music so loud so that eveyone can hear?

is that supposed to be kool now? even when i listened to the rubbish, i always thawt that was a gay thing to do

Yes it's all in the name of showing off.

You won't see a guy with a brick around his neck (they've got the latest fones). Also you won't see them playing Britney Spears or something (2pac most likely), I think they wanna fit in with their mates and not feel left out.

"Muslim Bro" wrote:
"Sirus" wrote:
question - why do kids nowadays have a fone in their pocket or around their neck and insist on playing obscene rap music so loud so that eveyone can hear?

is that supposed to be kool now? even when i listened to the rubbish, i always thawt that was a gay thing to do

Yes it's all in the name of showing off.

You won't see a guy with a brick around his neck (they've got the latest fones). Also you won't see them playing Britney Spears or something (2pac most likely), I think they wanna fit in with their mates and not feel left out.

IMO a brick around the neck is asking for it to be stolen.

Playing stupid rap songs loud on a bus (which occationally seemed to happen) is Gayer than George Michael Sucking the Cream Filling out of a Donut at an 'NSync Concert.

And what the hell do kids need a mobile for?? Who the hell are they gonna call?? They prob use it for prank calls to Toys'R'Us...

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