Wife 'beheads husband' in Karachi
Police in the Pakistani city of Karachi say a woman beheaded her husband and chopped up his body after he announced plans to take a fourth wife.
Officers said Majeeda Khatoon killed her husband while he was asleep and cut him up, helped by two male relatives.
The dismembered parts were then dumped in a drain in the Gulshan-e-Hadeed area on the city's outskirts.
Police said the woman, arrested last week, had confessed to the crime. Islam permits men to take up to four wives.
Stupid woman.
She could tolerate 3 but not 4.
Comeon the guy was an a$$ im sure he deserves to [b][color=red]BURN IN HELL!!![/color][/b]
[b][color=darkred]BURN BABY BURN![/color][/b]
But then again she 's murdered him...while he was sleeping... most likely in his pyjama's... MURDERER!!!! So i guess she'll [b]BURN IN HELL [/b]as well.
Speaking of BURNING IN HELL.. i always wanted to know.
[b]Q. [/b]Suicide earns a person a one way ticket to HELL. what about attempted suicide? As in they tried... but failed coz they soo depressed they couldnt even do that propperly. Whats the punishment for that?
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Pakistan is a backwards country. I would have beheaded the shithead as soon as he mentioned getting a second wife. But a man wouldnt consider getting another wife if he was happy with his first wife.
On the same topic how many women here would marry four men if they were allowed?
Well if they repent there is no punishment but if they keep on trying to commit suicide they are most likely to die and if they do then that means as you said, one way ticket to hell.
Ramz re. your question, there is a topic already on this and everyone has given their views, on this note Admin cant we get a better search thingy, coz the one we currently have is rubbish!
more like stupid man-he couldnt take a hint
i bet the wife said sumin like "take another wife and I swear I'll kill u"
always listen to women
but the murderer deserves to be punished anyway
even though he drove her to it :roll:
In some places, agreed. Its a sad state.
maybe if he had suggested it first and got some feedback, he wopul still be alive. However cutting into pieces for suggesting a second wife is twisted.
Good point.
To Seraph, I don't get why he should burn in hell, however if his wife actually told him she didn't want him to re-marry, then fine but otherwise I don't understand why you would say that. Then I don't inderstand the need for a 2nd, 3rd or 4th wife unless there are special circumstances which the BBC site didn't divulge.
All in all one guy dead, and his own relatives helped kill him. Not nice. :?
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
I forgot to add in my last post, lets not be quick to put people in hell. What the guy did was wrong but who are we to say he should go to hell coz he wanted to marry a forth wife, as for the wife who murdered him again we cant say she is gona go to hell. This reminds me of the story where there was a man who had murdered 99 people and was about to kill his 100th target but before he did kill, he repented and was forgiven. Allah's mercy and forgiveness is infinite so we should pray that Allah (swt) forgives them both for their acts.
We're used to hearing stories from desi land about women being mistreated so this makes a change. Maybe this will send a message out to the men that women are no longer going to take any shit.
Ramz I’, sorry to say but your language is disgraceful, have more adab, I sense allot of pain in your words talk to bahi Shazan about it
You murdering little twit. If you really mean that, then you will burn in Hell.
It seems you have a problem with God who allows 4 wives.
Ramz has a valid point, you don't need to call her names. Women are badly treated in some cultures as a matter of course.
[size=9]Whatever you do, know that I will always love you. Or else.[/size]
I don't have a problem with God.
I have a problem with men who mistreat women.
Fair enough, but killing someone for [b]mentioning[/b] a secoind wife?
[color=violet]If The wife is totally 'No means No, I don't want you taking a second wife.' and then the guy still goes for another wife,[/color] then yeah she would legitimatley have issues with him.
[color=violet]But if the guy is for the first time saying: "So anyway, what do you think about a me marrying a second wife-"
*Husband chokes and claws uselessly at the meat cleaver embedded in his chest.*[/color]
Then I think Omrow legitimately has issues with the thread starter. As well as our deceased, very much managomos, Husband stand in.
All in all, I think we can all agree, women should not be mistreated, married couples should work hard for each other and never try an be tactful with a woman holding a knife.
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
Assalamu Alaikum,
Also our prophet
had more than one wife and no one would ever suggested he took more than one coz he was "unhappy" with his previous wife. It's not always the case that men are unhappy with their wives that they remarry. One obvious reason is infertility, another reason is well he doesn't need a reason he simply wants a second wife and he can afford to maintain her financially and emotionally so he can take another coz God has permitted it.
But he should consult his first wife. If she is not happy with it, it would be really unwise to go head with it.
Q: couldn't this sister have divorced him, if she was so miserable with his consecutive marriages, rather than killing him? Or was divorce out of the question because of the stigma indopaks attach to "divorced women" in society?
If she didn't divorce coz of the stigma, isn't society to blame for her actions? There's only so much a woman can take. Asking any woman to accept polygamy is taxing to say the least. A small handful are strong enough to accept it, but that doesn't mean they're completely hunky dory about it.
But most women are not "ok" with it. Simply because times have changed, we are being bought up in a different fashion. The concept of polygamy has become something alien to us. Monogamy has been made attractive to us, we have accepted it as the norm. This is no fault of our own. We're products of the societies we live in. In the west this is the norm, so naturally polygamy sounds crazy to most of us. Western values have spread across the world, so this sort of murderous behaviour may become more widespread. Brothers make sure your wive's are away from all sharp implements if you ever utter the word polygamy :shock:
she rather have the stigma of being a "murderer" than a "divorcee"
such is the sad state of Pakiland
:? disgusting.
i am shocked by some of the replies on this thread as well.
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[b][color=darkred]BURN BABY BURN[/color][/b]
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