‘Europe gives money but only cares about one thing: keeping refugees out’

Syrian refugees and migrants pass through Slovenia, 23 October 2015

Syrian refugees and migrants pass through Slovenia, 23 October 2015
Syrian refugees and migrants pass through Slovenia, 23 October 2015

Millions of Syrians stuck in Turkey feel the €3bn offered by Europe as part of an ‘action plan’ will be of little benefit to them

...None of the Syrian refugees and the volunteers around the table believes that they will benefit from the joint action plan that EU member states and Turkey will discuss on Monday. They know that the plan primarily aims to curb the refugee flow to Europe. Under it, the EU has pledged €3bn and political concessions to Turkey in exchange for increased border patrols and a crackdown on people smugglers.

“That money is not for us,” says Suhaila, 25, from Aleppo, the mother of two children. “All they care about is how to keep us out of Europe.”...


Read More @ The Guardian

Millions of Syrians stuck in Turkey feel the €3bn offered by Europe as part of an ‘action plan’ will be of little benefit to them

Some people would say that paying the Turks 3bn is the same as paying DaneGeld. All it does is just delay the inevitable? One of the other perks offered to the Turks is visa free access to the Schenigan area [Britain and Ireland will still have visa restrictions]

One of the proposals is to send back Migrants who are economic migrants to Turkey, along with Genuine Syrian Asylum seeker? and then the EU receives a genuine Syrian Asylum seeker from a Turkish camp. [they say this is to deter people trafficing?] this sounds like a stupid idea.

1]Does the repatriated Syrian apply to come to the EU from Turkey? and 2] Tukey is deemed not to be safe haven for refugees? according to the UN? Yet the EU is offering visa free transit to the EU for Turkish Nationals [for a small fee you can obtain Turkish Nationality]

What we have now are the politics of a mad-house [or frightened politicians] coming into play.

The EU citizens are split on what to do. The New EU Countries have said [NO definitely No Muslims to come their way] they might consider Christians? Then again Countries like Bulgaria remember the Ottoman rulers, being second class people till the Turks were pushed out after the First World War.

The older, or original EU Countries citizens are devided. Some Christians are saying it is our duty to take these Migrants. yet some Christians are saying look how some of these Muslim migrants treat non Muslim migrants, if they become a localised majority in an area they want Shariah and force non-Muslims to move out.

There are lots of EU citizens who practice no religion what so ever, like their lives just the way they are and definitely do not want any more migrants. Then their are EU employers who see migrants as both cheap labour and a way to reduce labour costs within the EU.

Then there are extremists who are saying, "all these men of military age, we see two problems.       1] what if they turn on the host countries? 2] Why don't they remain in their own countries and fight [against who, and how, i don't now]

Lastly we have frightened politicians, frightened people, greedy speculators who see the influx as cheap labour. Also they will benefit by providing services for migrants.

Then there is an unanswered question. Most EU Countries [including our own] are running annual budget deficits. What happens if Governments raise taxes and reduce benefits for all EU citizens to pay for the migrants?  


Have not the European states achieved a large portion of their wealth through exploitation and abuse of the natural resources of former colonies in Asia,Africa and the Arab Gulf? Moreover, with their own 'economically-viable' populations in steady decline, would not inculcating refugees into their state be the least they could do by way of compensation and to maintain their economic productivity?


Moreover, with their own 'economically-viable' populations in steady decline, would not inculcating refugees into their state be the least they could do by way of compensation and to maintain their economic productivity?

Yes the population in western coutries are growing older, if that is what you mean by "economically viable"

Also as much of western industry as been outsourced [Turkey with western car plant Ford, Hyundai etc] call centres  to India. China becoming the manufacturing giant, not to mention new technology that need less low skilled people.

The answer is not to absorb low skilled? economic migrants, who then can't find work and need to be housed fed and watered [by who] we have enough low skilled people already within the west.

As for exploiting the colonies, this excuse is becoming repetitive, most colonies became independant some 50 or more years ago, They should have grown up and have had a viable state by now Malaysia gained independance about the same time as Nigeria, but there is a great difference between the two countries.

I could go on but i would only become repetitive


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